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Posted on 18-11-11, 06:21 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #41 of 1164
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Posted by BearOso
Posted by Screwtape
I guess I'm more worried about the progressives shooting themselves in the foot than about people embracing our current conservative leader.

That's basically how Trump got elected. The democrats shot themselves in the foot by forcing an unlikable female candidate because they thought they had the election tied up. Then, democrats turned out in the lowest number in years because of that same assumption.

Yeah, the democratic party assumed the people that voted for Obama were party-loyal voters and would turn up in droves for ANYONE. When they were actually voting for Obama and not "the democrat candidate for president".

You mean he gives the dirtiest parts of society, what Hillary called "the deplorables," the courage and confirmation that it's OK to express hatred and bigotry towards others.

But most of the people who vote republican are in rural areas and have no idea who their candidates are or what they actually do. They just vote the same party because of inertia, and they never pay attention to the news to know what's going on in Washington, and assume the politicians are actually following through on the lies they told. The Republican party of today is not the party of yesterday, but these people don't know it.

Pot, meet kettle.

It isn't that the folks in rural areas are ignorant rednecks completely unaware of world events. That is kind of bigoted to just dismiss their opinions as the result of being ill-informed.

They very much know that the republican party of today is not the party it used to be. That's why the south started voting republican in the first place. When the democrats talk about the days when the south was a democrat stronghold, they forget that was a time when the democrats were the conservative party and the republicans were the liberal party. And when things started shifting, the southern democrats were left in the lurch. For a while they got on being basically their own party: they had the financial backing of the national democratic party, but were almost completely unaligned with the national party's platform.

The actual fact of the matter is that rural citizens have different needs and concerns than urban ones, and they are issues that the democrats are either not addressing or directly opposing. And THAT is why rural areas tend to vote republican, not because they have no idea what is going on in the world.

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Posted on 18-11-11, 12:46 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #42 of 1164
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Every new season of Sword Art that gets made is a new season of Accel World that doesn't.

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Posted on 18-11-11, 12:52 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
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Post: #43 of 1164
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Yeah, Windows has some silly in-built assumptions about flash devices(that aren't plugged into SATA or PCIE). It simply ASSUMES there is only one partition on there, because why would you EVER want to repartition one of those silly little things?
It causes trouble if you DO manage to get one partitioned and subsequently want it to not be. I believe the official support page for such an event just reads "Here be dragons".

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Posted on 18-11-11, 22:01 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #44 of 1164
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Posted by creaothceann
But Sword Art Online == Accel World.
If "Versus" gets animated, I'll concede the point.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 00:58 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 2)
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Post: #45 of 1164
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Posted by tomman
Even if you aren't a chemistry nerd (and if you're a dweller at the bBoards, chances are you aren't one), you will enjoy this series of blogposts from an actual chemist that earns a living making drugs (of the legal variety!):

Things I Won't Work With
Things I'm Glad I Don't Do

His posts are quite understandable, even for those that their only knowledge of chemistry are blowing up things at high school classrooms. Look for "Satan's kimchi", "cocaine-soaked cobras", "hexanitro" and "the scientists-to-limbs ratio" for some good (if dangerous!) fun.

I'm sad that his blog has shifted over time into more boring medical science stuff and less "Jesus what the fuck are these explosives scientists making?!"

The chlorine trifluoride and FOOF posts have resonated with large swaths of the population.

And for all your mad science needs, the comments linked a PDF of the rocket history book Ignition!:
Which is somewhat hilarious, and not as math-heavy as you would expect from a book about rocket fuels written by a rocket scientist.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 01:08 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #46 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by BearOso

That's what I meant by inertia. They're voting Republican because their needs were met by that party in the past. But that party is gradually weeding out anything that isn't big business. The party of Trump is not the party of McCain, which isn't the party of Reagan, and so on.
Their needs aren't met by the democrats either. Who are, well, ALSO focused mostly on big business.

The bones both parties throw to the little guys are different, and that's where the distinctions come up. If you live in the middle of nowhere, gun rights are more important than abortion rights, to pull out two of the more obvious differences.

And sometimes the big business interests matter. A big oil pipeline that is heavily opposed by environmentalists and urban citizens is viewed in terms of jobs created along the run for rural folks. Heck, it may result in a whole new town or two comin' up, and that means your local store just got two hours closer.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 03:38 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #47 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Okay, big oil pipeline was a bad example. I honestly don't know why I used it, given I already knew it was a bad example that wouldn't result in a new town or two.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 05:28 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #48 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Broseph
Speaking of Titans, I really need to start season 3.

Currently watching JoJo has made me realize: I think I'd rather binge-watch whole seasons in a dozens of sittings or so than watching a show every week, even though it's the " True, authentic way™ " to do it.
It really depends on the show. Some shows don't lend themselves to binge-watching(and may suffer a lot for it), other shows were rather clearly made with the intent that you could watch them all back to back.

Serial Experiments Lain, I couldn't binge-watch. I sort of felt like I needed to let it sit after an episode or two every time.
Macross 7 you just SHOULDN'T binge-watch, or you will start to hate everything about it, especially Planet Dance.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 08:18 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #49 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Fansubbing was different at the turn of the century than it is now. Same-day subs were non-existent, as people cared a lot more about getting it right than being first on the scene.
And people stopped distributing shows if they got licensed(I had to find "alternative sources" for Angelic Layer when ADV licensed it and they deleted all the episodes off the XDCC bot about when I hit the halfway point).

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Posted on 18-11-12, 08:20 in Board feature requests/suggestions
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Post: #50 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Can we get a way to edit our own custom titles?

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Posted on 18-11-12, 08:52 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #51 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Kawa
Posted by CaptainJistuce
And people stopped distributing shows if they got licensed
This still happens, at least for toku shows. I saw it happen when Zyuranger was licensed and GUIS removed the download links from all their Zyuranger posts.
Anime fandom believes that if a show is licensed you download the zero-day official subtitled streams and A. repost them as your own translation, B. make some stylistic edits and claim it is your own translation, or C. STICK IT TO THE MAN!
A and B should be accompanied by an explanation of how bad the official translation is, with no acknowledgement that you are using it(because that would undermine the entire argument).

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Posted on 18-11-12, 08:53 in Board feature requests/suggestions
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Post: #52 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted on 18-11-12, 09:23 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #53 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Kawa
Can I just say that's why we can't have nice things?

It seems fair. The anime fandom is full of shits.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 09:25 in Board feature requests/suggestions (revision 1)
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Post: #54 of 1164
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Oh. That long.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 09:34 in Board feature requests/suggestions
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Post: #55 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Kawa
*doubles the minimal word count and time between posts*


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Posted on 18-11-12, 09:35 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #56 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Kawa
Turns out it wasn't the anime itself that was a mistake.
Sometimes it was. Sometimes it SO was.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 10:30 in Ask me about SCI
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Post: #57 of 1164
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What does SCI stand for?

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Posted on 18-11-12, 10:31 in bboard archive
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Post: #58 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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I agree with that recommended action wholeheartedly. Once you are through picking kernels out of your dump, you damn well BETTER clean your hands.

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Posted on 18-11-12, 10:59 in Ask me about SCI
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Post: #59 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Who created SCI?

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Posted on 18-11-12, 11:13 in Ask me about SCI
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Post: #60 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Will SCI run on a 68k-based Mac?
How about an Atari ST?
A VideoToaster?

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