
The celestial table contains functions that relate to the client sky, flying the player ship, system positions for planets, system objects, and the celestial database. It is available in the following contexts:

bool celestial.skyFlying()

Returns whether the client sky is currently flying.

String celestial.skyFlyingType()

Returns the type of flying the client sky is currently performing.

String celestial.skyWarpPhase()

Returns the current warp phase of the client sky, if warping.

float celestial.skyWarpProgress()

Returns a value between 0 and 1 for how far through warping the sky is currently.

bool celestial.skyInHyperspace()

Returns whether the sky is currently under hyperspace flight.

void celestial.flyShip(Vec3I system, SystemLocation destination)

Flies the player ship to the specified SystemLocation in the specified system.

SystemLocation is either of the following types: Null, CelestialCoordinate, Object, Vec2F

The locations are specified as a pair of type and value

local system = celestial.currentSystem().location
local location = nil -- Null
location = {"coordinate", {location = system, planet = 1, satellite = 0}} -- CelestialCoordinate
location = {"object", "11112222333344445555666677778888"} -- Object (UUID)
location = {0.0, 0.0} -- Vec2F (position in space)
celestial.flyShip(system, location)

bool celestial.flying()

Returns whether the player ship is flying

Vec2F celestial.shipSystemPosition()

Returns the current position of the ship in the system.

SystemLocation celestial.shipDestination()

Returns the current destination of the player ship.

SystemLocation celestial.shipLocation()

Returns the current system location of the player ship.

CelestialCoordinate celestial.currentSystem()

Returns the CelestialCoordinate for system the ship is currently in.

float celestial.planetSize(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the diameter of the specified planet in system space.

Vec2F celestial.planetPosition(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the position of the specified planet in system space.

CelestialParameters celestial.planetParameters(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the celestial parameters for the specified planet.

VisitableParameters celestial.visitableParameters(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the visitable parameters for the specified visitable planet. For unvisitable planets, returns nil.

String celestial.planetName(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the name of the specified planet.

uint64_t celestial.planetSeed(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the seed for the specified planet.

float celestial.clusterSize(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns the diameter of the specified planet and its orbiting moons.

List<String> celestial.planetOres(CelestialCoordinate planet)

Returns a list of ores available on the specified planet.

Vec2F celestial.systemPosition(SystemLocation location)

Returns the position of the specified location in the current system.

Vec2F celestial.orbitPosition(Orbit orbit)

Returns the calculated position of the provided orbit.

local orbit = {
  target = planet, -- the orbit target
  direction = 1, -- orbit direction
  enterTime = 0, -- time the orbit was entered, universe epoch time
  enterPosition = {1, 0} -- the position that the orbit was entered at, relative to the target

List<Uuid> celestial.systemObjects()

Returns a list of the Uuids for objects in the current system.

String celestial.objectType(Uuid uuid)

Returns the type of the specified object.

Json celestial.objectParameters(Uuid uuid)

Returns the parameters for the specified object.

WorldId celestial.objectWarpActionWorld(Uuid uuid)

Returns the warp action world ID for the specified object.

Json celestial.objectOrbit(Uuid uuid)

Returns the orbit of the specified object, if any.

Maybe<Vec2F> celestial.objectPosition(Uuid uuid)

Returns the position of the specified object, if any.

Json celestial.objectTypeConfig(String typeName)

Returns the configuration of the specified object type.

Uuid celestial.systemSpawnObject(String typeName, [Vec2F position], [Uuid uuid], [Json parameters])

Spawns an object of typeName at position. Optionally with the specified UUID and parameters.

If no position is specified, one is automatically chosen in a spawnable range.

Objects are limited to be spawned outside a distance of /systemworld.config:clientSpawnObjectPadding from any planet surface (including moons), star surface, planetary orbit (including moons), or permanent objects orbits, and at most within clientSpawnObjectPadding from the outermost orbit.

List<Uuid> celestial.playerShips()

Returns a list of the player ships in the current system.

playerShipPosition celestial.playerShipPosition(Uuid uuid)

Returns the position of the specified player ship.

Maybe<bool> celestial.hasChildren(CelestialCoordinate coordinate)

Returns definitively whether the coordinate has orbiting children. nil return means the coordinate is not loaded.

List<CelestialCoordinate> celestial.children(CelestialCoordinate coordinate)

Returns the children for the specified celestial coordinate. For systems, return planets, for planets, return moons.

List<int> celestial.childOrbits(CelestialCoordinate coordinate)

Returns the child orbits for the specified celestial coordinate.

List<CelestialCoordinate> celestial.scanSystems(RectI region, [Set<String> includedTypes])

Returns a list of systems in the given region. If includedTypes is specified, this will return only systems whose typeName parameter is included in the set. This scans for systems asynchronously, meaning it may not return all systems if they have not been generated or sent to the client. Use scanRegionFullyLoaded to see if this is the case.

List<pair<Vec2I, Vec2I>> celestial.scanConstellationLines(RectI region)

Returns the constellation lines for the specified universe region.

bool celestial.scanRegionFullyLoaded(RectI region)

Returns whether the specified universe region has been fully loaded.

List<pair<String, float>> celestial.centralBodyImages(CelestialCoordinate system)

Returns the images with scales for the central body (star) for the specified system coordinate.

List<pair<String, float>> celestial.planetaryObjectImages(CelestialCoordinate coordinate)

Returns the smallImages with scales for the specified planet or moon.

List<pair<String, float>> celestial.worldImages(CelestialCoordinate coordinate)

Returns the generated world images with scales for the specified planet or moon.

List<pair<String, float>> celestial.starImages(CelestialCoordinate system, float twinkleTime)

Returns the star image for the specified system. Requires a twinkle time to provide the correct image frame.