The vehicle table contains bindings specific to vehicles which are available in addition to their common tables.

bool vehicle.controlHeld(String loungeName, String controlName)

Returns true if the specified control is currently being held by an occupant of the specified lounge position and false otherwise.

Vec2F vehicle.aimPosition(String loungeName)

Returns the world aim position for the specified lounge position.

EntityId vehicle.entityLoungingIn(String loungeName)

Returns the entity id of the entity currently occupying the specified lounge position, or nil if the lounge position is unoccupied.

void vehicle.setLoungeEnabled(String loungeName, bool enabled)

Enables or disables the specified lounge position.

void vehicle.setLoungeOrientation(String loungeName, String orientation)

Sets the lounge orientation for the specified lounge position. Valid orientations are "sit", "stand" or "lay".

void vehicle.setLoungeEmote(String loungeName, [String emote])

Sets the emote to be performed by entities occupying the specified lounge position, or clears it if no emote is specified.

void vehicle.setLoungeDance(String loungeName, [String dance])

Sets the dance to be performed by entities occupying the specified lounge position, or clears it if no dance is specified.

void vehicle.setLoungeStatusEffects(String loungeName, JsonArray statusEffects)

Sets the list of status effects to be applied to entities occupying the specified lounge position. To clear the effects, set an empty list.

void vehicle.setPersistent(bool persistent)

Sets whether the vehicle is persistent, i.e. whether it will be stored when the world is unloaded and reloaded.

void vehicle.setInteractive(bool interactive)

Sets whether the vehicle is currently interactive.

void vehicle.setDamageTeam(DamageTeam team)

Sets the vehicle's current damage team type and number.

void vehicle.setMovingCollisionEnabled(String collisionName, bool enabled)

Enables or disables the specified collision region.

void vehicle.destroy()

Destroys the vehicle.