
The mcontroller table contains functions relating to the movement controller.

This section of mcontroller documentation refers to the MovementController lua bindings. Other documentation may refer to ActorMovementController lua bindings. MovementController is used in:

MovementParameters mcontroller.parameters()

Returns a table containing the movement parameters for the movement controller.

void mcontroller.applyParameters(Json parameters)

Applies the given parameters to the movement controller. The provided parameters are merged into the current movement parameters.

void mcontroller.resetParameters()

Resets movement parameters to their original state.

float mcontroller.mass()

Returns the configured mass of the movement controller.

Vec2F mcontroller.position()

Returns the current position of the movement controller.

float mcontroller.xPosition()

Returns the current horizontal position of the movement controller.

float mcontroller.yPosition()

Returns the current vertical position of the movement controller.

Vec2F mcontroller.velocity()

Returns the current velocity of the movement controller.

float mcontroller.xVelocity()

Returns the current horizontal speed of the movement controller.

float mcontroller.yVelocity()

Returns the current vertical speed of the movement controller.

float mcontroller.rotation()

Returns the current rotation of the movement controller in radians.

PolyF mcontroller.collisionPoly()

Returns the collision poly of the movement controller, in local coordinates.

PolyF mcontroller.collisionBody()

Returns the collision poly of the movement controller, in world coordinates.

RectF mcontroller.collisionBoundBox()

Returns a rect containing the entire collision poly of the movement controller, in world coordinates.

RectF mcontroller.localBoundBox()

Returns a rect containing the entire collision of the movement controller, in local coordinates.

bool mcontroller.isColliding()

Returns whether the movement controller is currently colliding with world geometry or a PhysicsMovingCollision.

bool mcontroller.isNullColliding()

Returns whether the movement controller is currently colliding with null world geometry. Null collision occurs in unloaded sectors.

bool mcontroller.isCollisionStuck()

Returns whether the movement controller is currently stuck colliding. Movement controllers can stick if the stickyCollision movement parameter is set.

float mcontroller.stickingDirection()

Returns the angle that the movement controller is currently stuck at, in radians.

float mcontroller.liquidPercentage()

Returns the percentage of the collision poly currently submerged in liquid;

LiquidId mcontroller.liquidId()

Returns the liquid ID of the liquid that the movement controller is currently submerged in. If this is several liquids this returns the most plentiful one.

bool mcontroller.onGround()

Returns whether the movement controller is currently on ground.

void mcontroller.setPosition(Vec2F position)

Sets the position of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.setXPosition(float x)

Sets the horizontal position of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.setYPosition(float y)

Sets the vertical position of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.translate(Vec2F direction)

Moves the movement controller by the vector provided.

void mcontroller.setVelocity(Vec2F velocity)

Sets the velocity of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.setXVelocity(Vec2F xVelocity)

Sets the horizontal velocity of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.setYVelocity(Vec2F yVelocity)

Sets the vertical velocity of the movement controller.

void mcontroller.addMomentum(Vec2F momentum)

Adds (momentum / mass) velocity to the movement controller.

void mcontroller.setRotation(float angle)

Sets the rotation of the movement controller. Angle is in radians.

void mcontroller.rotate(float angle)

Rotates the movement controller by an angle relative to its current angle. Angle is in radians.

void mcontroller.accelerate(Vec2F acceleration)

Accelerates the movement controller by the given acceleration for one tick.

void mcontroller.force(Vec2F force)

Accelerates the movement controller by (force / mass) for one tick.

void mcontroller.approachVelocity(Vec2F targetVelocity, float maxControlForce)

Approaches the targetVelocity using the force provided. If the current velocity is higher than the provided targetVelocity, the targetVelocity will still be approached, effectively slowing down the entity.

void mcontroller.approachVelocityAlongAngle(float angle, float targetVelocity, float maxControlForce, bool positiveOnly = false)

Approaches the targetVelocity but only along the provided angle, not affecting velocity in the perpendicular axis. If positiveOnly, then it will not slow down the movementController if it is already moving faster than targetVelocity.

void mcontroller.approachXVelocity(float targetVelocity, float maxControlForce)

Approaches an X velocity. Same as using approachVelocityAlongAngle with angle 0.

void mcontroller.approachYVelocity(float targetVelocity, float maxControlForce)

Approaches a Y velocity. Same as using approachVelocityAlongAngle with angle (Pi / 2).