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tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\avianairship.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\commerce.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\cooking.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\doom.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\door.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\electronic.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\evil.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\executive.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\farming.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\floran.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\geometric.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitch.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitchvillage.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\human.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotl.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\light.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\mechanical.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\misc.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\novakid.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\opulent.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\outpost.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\serene.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\storage.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wave.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wired.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\apex.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\avian.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\floran.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\generic.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\glitch.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\hylotl.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\novakid.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\container.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\loungeable.json tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\teleporter.json treasure\biome.treasurepools treasure\common.treasurepools treasure\largedungeons.treasurepools DIFFS ----- client.config 63c63 < "warpCinematic" : "/cinematics/teleport.cinematic", --- > "warpCinematic" : "/cinematics/teleport/teleport_.cinematic", humanoid.config 45c45 < "mouthOffset" : [3, 3], --- > "mouthOffset" : [0, 3], animations\chatting\chatting.frames 4c4 < "size" : [50, 50], --- > "size" : [15, 15], animations\chatting\menu.frames 4c4 < "size" : [50, 50], --- > "size" : [15, 15], behaviors\monsters\boss\cultistboss\cultistboss.behavior 331c331 < "name": "orangebeamout" --- > "name": "beamout" 487c487 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } cinematics\story\esther\esther.cinematic 135c135 < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/spotlight.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/esther/esthershadow.png" 143c143 < "position" : [480, 240] --- > "position" : [485, 230] 263,267c263 < "textPercentage" : 1 < }, < { < "timecode" : 8, < "frame" : 60, --- > "frame" : 12, 280c276 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthersad.png:" 305c301 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 317c313 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthersad.png:" 342c338 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 358c354 < "text" : "My name is Esther Bright, retired Grand Protector.", --- > "text" : "My name is ^orange;Esther Bright^white;, retired Grand Protector.", 379c375 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 416c412 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 428c424 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/estherthoughtful.png:" 453c449 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 572c568 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 609c605 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 670c666 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/estherthoughtful.png:" 695c691 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 707c703 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthersad.png:" 732c728 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 744c740 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthersad.png:" 769c765 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 853c849 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 865c861 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthersad.png:" 890c886 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 949c945 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/estherthoughtful.png:" 974c970 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1047c1043 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1084c1080 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1189c1185 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1226c1222 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1263c1259 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, cinematics\story\finale\finale.cinematic 1393a1394,1438 > > > { > "startTime" : 14, > "endTime" : 23, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/black.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1, > "zoom" : 10, > "position" : [480, 350], > "frame" : 0 > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 14, > "endTime" : 23, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/opengate/opengatewarp.png:" > } > ], > "animationFrames" : 16, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0, > "alpha" : 1, > "zoom" : 1.3, > "position" : [460, 328], > "frame" : 0 > }, > { > "timecode" : 20, > "frame" : 300 > } > ] > }, > 3063a3109,3152 > > { > "startTime" : 120.5, > "endTime" : 129.5, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/black.png" > } > ], > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0.0, > "alpha" : 1, > "zoom" : 10, > "position" : [480, 350], > "frame" : 0 > } > ] > }, > > { > "startTime" : 120.5, > "endTime" : 129.5, > "drawables" : [ > { > "image" : "/cinematics/story/opengate/opengatewarp.png:" > } > ], > "animationFrames" : 16, > "keyframes" : [ > { > "timecode" : 0, > "alpha" : 1, > "zoom" : 1.3, > "position" : [460, 328], > "frame" : 0 > }, > { > "timecode" : 20, > "frame" : 300 > } > ] > }, > 3301c3390 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/estherthoughtful.png:" 3869c3958 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/credits/nurukoichidinner.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/credits/sunset.png" 3929c4018 < "image" : "/cinematics/story/credits/fishing.png" --- > "image" : "/cinematics/story/credits/campingteam.png" cinematics\story\opengate\opengate.cinematic 1598c1598 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1635c1635 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 10, 1672c1672 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1709c1709 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1746c1746 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, 1758c1758 < "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/esthertalk.png:" --- > "image" : "/interface/chatbubbles/estherthoughtful.png:" 1783c1783 < "frame" : 8, --- > "frame" : 12, damage\poisonbullet.damage 10c10 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/impact_flesh.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/bullet_hit_organic.ogg" ], 67c67 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/impact_flesh.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/bullet_kill_organic.ogg" ], 240c240 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/impact_wooden1.ogg" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/bullet_hit_wood1.ogg", "/sfx/gun/bullet_hit_wood2.ogg", "/sfx/gun/bullet_hit_wood3.ogg" ], dungeons\avian\aviantemple\aviantemple.dungeon 608c608 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bigjar1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "smashDropPool" : "aviantempleChestTreasure", "breakDropPool" : "aviantempleChestTreasure" } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bigjar1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "smashDropPool" : "aviantempleTreasure", "breakDropPool" : "aviantempleTreasure" } } ] ] 614c614 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bigjar1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "smashDropPool" : "aviantempleChestTreasure", "breakDropPool" : "aviantempleChestTreasure" } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bigjar1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "smashDropPool" : "aviantempleTreasure", "breakDropPool" : "aviantempleTreasure" } } ] ] dungeons\glitch\evilfortress\evilfortressentrance1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\glitch\evilfortress\evilfortressentrance2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\geode\geodeprison7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\avianmissions\avianmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\arena\arena1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\arena\arena2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\arena\arena3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\collision.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\platform1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\trenches.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\outpost\outpost.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] interface\chat\chat.config 3,4c3,4 < "offset" : [24, 18], < "lineHeight" : 10, --- > "offset" : [24, 26], > "lineHeight" : 1.25, 8c8 < "chatSize" : 5, --- > "chatSize" : 6, 21c21 < "radioMessage" : "^shadow,cyan;" --- > "portrait" : "^shadow,cyan;" interface\fuel\fuel.config 21,22c21,22 < "title" : "Fuel Hatch", < "subtitle" : "Fill up before you fly", --- > "title" : "FTL Drive Fuel Hatch", > "subtitle" : "Erchius fuel repository", interface\scripted\mmupgrade\mmupgradegui.config 172c172 < "value" : "Select an upgrade to view it's cost and benefits. This will display a bunch of text about the upgrade that should wrap neatly onto three lines at most." --- > "value" : "You don't have a Matter Manipulator yet." interface\warping\arkteleporter.config 2,4c2,5 < "canBookmark" : false, < "includePartyMembers" : false, < "includePlayerBookmarks" : false, --- > "canBookmark" : true, > "bookmarkName" : "Outpost - Ark Ruins", > "includePartyMembers" : true, > "includePlayerBookmarks" : true, 7,9c8,10 < "name" : "Back to the Ark", < "planetName" : "Return to the Ark ruins", < "warpAction" : "InstanceWorld:outpost=arkteleporter", --- > "name" : "Beam to Ship", > "planetName" : "", > "warpAction" : "OwnShip", items\categories.config 65a66 > "refinery" : "Turn ores into pixels", items\active\grapplinghooks\grapplinghook\grapplinghook.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 2500, --- > "price" : 3000, items\active\shields\commonlargeshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 660, 29c29 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, items\active\shields\commonsmallshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 600, 26c26 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, items\active\shields\eyeshield.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 600, 33c33 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, items\active\shields\floranshield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 630, 34c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 50, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 25, items\active\shields\frostshield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 630, 37c37 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, items\active\shields\mushroomshield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 600, 34c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 65, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 30, items\active\shields\riotshield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 720, 37,38c37,38 < "baseShieldHealth" : 85, < "cooldownTime" : 1.0, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 45, > "cooldownTime" : 0.9, items\active\shields\seashellshield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 660, 37c37 < "baseShieldHealth" : 70, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 35, items\active\shields\startershield.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 70, --- > "price" : 570, 34c34 < "baseShieldHealth" : 40, --- > "baseShieldHealth" : 20, items\active\unsorted\bugnet\bugnet.activeitem 8c8,9 < "description" : "A bug catcher's net!", --- > "tooltipKind" : "tool", > "description" : "A net for catching bugs! Hunt insects down, capture them, and grow your collection!", 12c13 < --- > "inventoryIcon" : "bugneticon.png", 14d14 < "inventoryIcon" : "bugnet.png:idle", items\active\unsorted\filledcapturepod\filledcapturepod.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\unsorted\geode\geode.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 0, items\active\unsorted\oredetector\cavedetector.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1500, items\active\unsorted\oredetector\oredetector.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 2500, items\active\unsorted\parasol\parasol.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 500, 24,25c25,26 < "runSpeed" : 30, < "walkSpeed" : 30 --- > "runSpeed" : 14, > "walkSpeed" : 14 27c28 < "maxFallSpeed" : -17 --- > "maxFallSpeed" : -14 items\active\unsorted\penguincostume\penguincostume.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 10000, items\active\unsorted\railhook\railhook.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\unsorted\railplatform\compositerailplatform.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 475, items\active\unsorted\railplatform\rustyrailplatform.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 150, items\active\unsorted\rewardbag\rewardbag.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 0, items\active\unsorted\translocator\translocator.activeitem 24c24 < "level" : 6, --- > "level" : 1, items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\wateringcan.activeitem 3c3 < "maxStack" : 1, --- > "maxStack" : 175, items\active\unsorted\wateringcan\woodenwateringcan.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\active\weapons\arena\flamethrowerblade\flamethrowerblade.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\arena\hunterrifle\hunterrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 1500, 40,41c40,41 < "baseDps" : 6.5, < "energyUsage" : 19.5, --- > "baseDps" : 8, > "energyUsage" : 20, items\active\weapons\bow\frozenbow\frozenbow.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\bow\lightbow\lightbow.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\bow\pollenpump\pollenpump.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 1500, 50c50 < "power" : 4.5 --- > "power" : 6.5 items\active\weapons\fist\boxingglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 250, items\active\weapons\fist\brassknuckles.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 750, items\active\weapons\fist\clawglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\fist\gauntlet.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 750, items\active\weapons\fist\stunglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\fist\supernovaglove.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\fist\vinefist.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\fist\combofinishers\dashslash.combofinisher 54c54 < "damageSourceKind" : "fist", --- > "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\axe\axecleave.lua 9a10,11 > self.stances.windup.duration = self.fireTime > 17a20 > local bounceProgress = 0 19,20c22,28 < windupProgress = math.min(1, windupProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.duration)) < self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation, self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = self:windupAngle(windupProgress) --- > if windupProgress < 1 then > windupProgress = math.min(1, windupProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.duration)) > self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation, self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = self:windupAngle(windupProgress) > else > bounceProgress = math.min(1, bounceProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.bounceTime)) > self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation = self:bounceWeaponAngle(bounceProgress) > end 24c32 < if windupProgress >= (self.stances.windup.minWindup / self.stances.windup.duration) then --- > if windupProgress >= 1.0 then 66a75,77 > for i, v in ipairs(self.stances.windup.bounceWeaponAngle) do > v[2] = interp[v[2]] > end 72a84,87 > end > > function AxeCleave:bounceWeaponAngle(ratio) > return util.toRadians(interp.ranges(ratio, self.stances.windup.bounceWeaponAngle)) items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\axe\axecleave.weaponability 40c40,45 < "minWindup" : 0.7, --- > "bounceTime" : 0.12, > "bounceWeaponAngle" : [ > [0.75, "linear", 20, 60], > [0.875, "sin", 60, 55], > [1.0, "cos", 60, 55] > ], 43,46c48 < [0.7, "linear", -20, 0], < [0.85, "linear", 0, 60], < [0.925, "sin", 60, 55], < [1.0, "cos", 60, 55] --- > [1.0, "linear", -20, 20] items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\broadsword\flamethrowersword\flamethrowersword.weaponability 64c64 < "energyUsage" : 37.5, --- > "energyUsage" : 50, items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\hammersmash.lua 8a9,14 > function HammerSmash:init() > self.stances.windup.duration = self.fireTime > > MeleeSlash.init(self) > self:setupInterpolation() > end 13a20 > local bounceProgress = 0 15,16c22,28 < windupProgress = math.min(1, windupProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.duration)) < self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation, self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = self:windupAngle(windupProgress) --- > if windupProgress < 1 then > windupProgress = math.min(1, windupProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.duration)) > self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation, self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = self:windupAngle(windupProgress) > else > bounceProgress = math.min(1, bounceProgress + (self.dt / self.stances.windup.bounceTime)) > self.weapon.relativeWeaponRotation, self.weapon.relativeArmRotation = self:bounceWeaponAngle(bounceProgress) > end 20c32 < if windupProgress >= (self.stances.windup.minWindup / self.stances.windup.duration) then --- > if windupProgress >= 1.0 then 85a98,119 > function HammerSmash:setupInterpolation() > for i, v in ipairs(self.stances.windup.bounceWeaponAngle) do > v[2] = interp[v[2]] > end > for i, v in ipairs(self.stances.windup.bounceArmAngle) do > v[2] = interp[v[2]] > end > for i, v in ipairs(self.stances.windup.weaponAngle) do > v[2] = interp[v[2]] > end > for i, v in ipairs(self.stances.windup.armAngle) do > v[2] = interp[v[2]] > end > end > > function HammerSmash:bounceWeaponAngle(ratio) > local weaponAngle = interp.ranges(ratio, self.stances.windup.bounceWeaponAngle) > local armAngle = interp.ranges(ratio, self.stances.windup.bounceArmAngle) > > return util.toRadians(weaponAngle), util.toRadians(armAngle) > end > 87,93c121,122 < local weaponRotation = interp.ranges(ratio, { < {0.7, interp.linear, self.stances.windup.idleHammerAngle, self.stances.windup.windupHammerAngle}, < {0.85, interp.linear, self.stances.windup.windupHammerAngle, self.stances.windup.dropHammerAngle}, < {0.925, interp.sin, self.stances.windup.dropHammerAngle, self.stances.windup.bounceHammerAngle}, < {1.0, interp.reverse(interp.sin), self.stances.windup.dropHammerAngle, self.stances.windup.bounceHammerAngle} < }) < local armRotation = interp.sin(ratio, self.stances.windup.windupBaseAngle, self.stances.windup.windupBaseAngle + self.stances.windup.windupAngleRange) --- > local weaponRotation = interp.ranges(ratio, self.stances.windup.weaponAngle) > local armRotation = interp.ranges(ratio, self.stances.windup.armAngle) items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\hammer\hammersmash.weaponability 39,43c39,47 < // Windup animation < "idleHammerAngle" : -20, < "windupHammerAngle" : 0, < "dropHammerAngle" : 60, < "bounceHammerAngle" : 55, --- > "bounceTime" : 0.24, > "bounceWeaponAngle" : [ > [0.75, "linear", 20, 60], > [0.875, "sin", 60, 55], > [1.0, "cos", 60, 55] > ], > "bounceArmAngle" : [ > [1.0, "linear", 40, 50] > ], 45,47c49,54 < "minWindup" : 0.7, < "windupBaseAngle" : -90, < "windupAngleRange" : 140 --- > "weaponAngle" : [ > [1.0, "linear", -20, 20] > ], > "armAngle" : [ > [1.0, "sin", -90, 40] > ] items\active\weapons\melee\abilities\spear\rocketspear\rocketspear.weaponability 81d80 < "energyUsage" : 37.5, 83a83 > "energyUsage" : 50, items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\foldingchair.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\melee\pickaxe\energypickaxe.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 5000, items\active\weapons\melee\pickaxe\pickslash.weaponability 18,19c18,19 < "tileDamage" : 2.5, < "tileDamageType" : "blockish", --- > "tileDamage" : 4.8, > "tileDamageType" : "beamish", items\active\weapons\novakid\titaniumsniperrifle.activeitem 41,42c41,42 < "baseDps" : 9.5, < "energyUsage" : 23.75, --- > "baseDps" : 8.5, > "energyUsage" : 21.25, items\active\weapons\npc\npccultistbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npccultistshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 120, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 80, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdeadbeatassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcdeadbeataxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npceyesword.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcfirebow.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 40, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcfloranassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npchammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcmachinepistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 120, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcpistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 120, --- > "price" : 0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcrocketlauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 0, 57c57 < "baseDps" : 8.5, --- > "baseDps" : 7.0, items\active\weapons\npc\npcsniperrifle.activeitem 29c29 < "baseDps" : 8.5, --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, items\active\weapons\other\armgun\armgun.activeitem 34,35c34,35 < "baseDps" : 6, < "energyUsage" : 24, // TODO: use energy --- > "baseDps" : 5.75, > "energyUsage" : 28.75, // TODO: use energy items\active\weapons\other\electricrailgun\electricrailgun.activeitem 48,49c48,49 < "baseDps" : 9.5, < "energyUsage" : 23.75, --- > "baseDps" : 8.0, > "energyUsage" : 20, items\active\weapons\other\exmachina\exmachina.activeitem 86,87c86,87 < "baseDps" : 9, < "energyUsage" : 45, --- > "baseDps" : 8, > "energyUsage" : 40, items\active\weapons\other\fireworkgun\fireworkgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 1500, items\active\weapons\other\flamingdemonsword\flamingdemonsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 1200, --- > "price" : 1500, items\active\weapons\other\gnomegun\gnomegun.activeitem 39,40c39,40 < "baseDps" : 10.0, < "energyUsage" : 50, --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, > "energyUsage" : 18.75, items\active\weapons\other\gristlegun\gristlegun.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 1000, 49,51c49,51 < "baseDps" : 6.0, < "energyUsage" : 18, < "inaccuracy" : 0.025, --- > "baseDps" : 6.25, > "energyUsage" : 15.625, > "inaccuracy" : 0.02, items\active\weapons\other\magnorbs\magnorbs.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 5000, items\active\weapons\other\remotegrenadelauncher\remotegrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3,4 < --- > "price": 1500, > "level" : 6, 21,22d21 < < "level" : 4, 28c27 < "power" : 8, --- > "power" : 7.5, 31c30 < "energyUsage" : 60 --- > "energyUsage" : 37.5 items\active\weapons\other\soulseeker\soulseeker.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 1200, items\active\weapons\other\tentaclegun\tentaclegun.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\other\tentaclegun\wormgun.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 1500, items\active\weapons\protectorate\brokenprotectoratebroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\protectorate\aegisaltpistol\aegisaltpistol.activeitem 40,41c40,41 < "baseDps" : 6.5, < "energyUsage" : 32.5, --- > "baseDps" : 6.25, > "energyUsage" : 15.625, items\active\weapons\protectorate\feroziumstaff\feroziumstaff.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 690, --- > "price" : 1440, 98a99,102 > > "projectileParameters" : { > "baseDamage" : 40 > }, items\active\weapons\protectorate\feroziumwand\feroziumwand.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 480, --- > "price" : 960, 91d90 < items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\explosiveshot\explosiveshot.weaponability 36,37c36,37 < "baseDps" : 11.25, < "energyUsage" : 50, --- > // "baseDps" : 11.25, > "energyUsage" : 37.5, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\flamethrower\flamethrower.weaponability 8d7 < "fireTime" : 0.065, 10c9,10 < "energyUsage" : 37.5, --- > "energyUsage" : 50, > "fireTime" : 0.065, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\guidedrocket\exmachinarocket.weaponability 30c30 < "baseDps" : 8.5, --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\guidedrocket\guidedrocket.weaponability 38c38 < "baseDps" : 8.5, --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\homingrocket\homingrocket.weaponability 32c32 < "baseDps" : 8.5, --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\markedshot\markedshot.weaponability 35c35 < "baseDamage" : 9, --- > "baseDamage" : 8, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\piercingshot\piercingshot.weaponability 38c38 < "energyUsage" : 50, --- > "energyUsage" : 37.5, items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\rocketburst\rocketburst.weaponability 29c29 < "baseDps" : 12.75, --- > "baseDps" : 11.25, items\active\weapons\ranged\flamethrower\flamethrower.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 1500, 39,40c39,40 < "baseDps" : 10, < "energyUsage" : 50 --- > "baseDps" : 7.5, > "energyUsage" : 25 items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\commongrenadelauncher.activeitem 54,55c54,55 < "baseDps" : [5.0, 5.5], < "energyUsage" : [25, 27.5], --- > "baseDps" : [4.75, 5.25], > "energyUsage" : [23.75, 26.25], items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\raregrenadelauncher.activeitem 52,53c52,53 < "baseDps" : [5.5, 6], < "energyUsage" : [27.5, 30], --- > "baseDps" : [5.25, 5.75], > "energyUsage" : [26.25, 28.75], items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\uncommongrenadelauncher.activeitem 52,53c52,53 < "baseDps" : [5.5, 6], < "energyUsage" : [27.5, 30], --- > "baseDps" : [5.25, 5.75], > "energyUsage" : [26.25, 28.75], items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\commonrocketlauncher.activeitem 41,42c41,42 < "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], < "energyUsage" : [37.5, 42.5], --- > "baseDps" : [6.5, 7.5], > "energyUsage" : [32.5, 37.5], items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\rarerocketlauncher.activeitem 40,41c40,41 < "baseDps" : [8, 9], < "energyUsage" : [40, 45], --- > "baseDps" : [7, 8], > "energyUsage" : [35, 40], items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\uncommonrocketlauncher.activeitem 39,40c39,40 < "baseDps" : [8, 9], < "energyUsage" : [40, 45], --- > "baseDps" : [7, 8], > "energyUsage" : [35, 40], items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\commonsniperrifle.activeitem 29,30c29,30 < "baseDps" : [8, 9], < "energyUsage" : [20, 22.5], --- > "baseDps" : [7, 8], > "energyUsage" : [17.5, 20], items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\raresniperrifle.activeitem 27,28c27,28 < "baseDps" : [8.5, 9.5], < "energyUsage" : [21.25, 23.75], --- > "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], > "energyUsage" : [18.75, 21.25], items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\uncommonsniperrifle.activeitem 27,28c27,28 < "baseDps" : [8.5, 9.5], < "energyUsage" : [21.25, 23.75], --- > "baseDps" : [7.5, 8.5], > "energyUsage" : [18.75, 21.25], items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgunblue.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgungreen.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgunorange.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgunpurple.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgunred.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\paintgun\paintgunyellow.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 500, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\snowgun\snowgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 750, 46c46 < "energyUsage" : 10, --- > "energyUsage" : 20, items\active\weapons\ranged\unrand\watergun\watergun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 250, items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\controlprojectile.lua 89c89 < if self:targetValid(activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) and status.overConsumeResource("energy", self.energyCost) then --- > if self:targetValid(activeItem.ownerAimPosition()) and status.overConsumeResource("energy", self.energyCost * self.baseDamageFactor) then items\active\weapons\staff\teslastaff\teslastaff.activeitem 4c4 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 1440, items\active\weapons\whip\energywhip.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1500, items\active\weapons\whip\ropewhip.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\active\weapons\whip\vinewhip.activeitem 2a3 > "price" : 1000, items\armors\backerhats\afrowig\afrowig.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\coolshades\coolshades.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\demonhorns\demonhorns.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\dreadfulskull\dreadfulskull.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\electroniumhat\electroniumhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\fancap\fancap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\giantbow\giantbow.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\glitchplague\plaguemaster.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\hothat\hothat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\meercap\meercap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\monitorhead\monitorhead.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\mughat\mughat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\multicamhat\multicamhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\phoenixhat\phoenixhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\plumeknight\plumeknight.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\rustyskul\rustyskul.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\soulguise\soulguise.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\stargazer\stargazer.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\thehrodgard\thehrodgard.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\tricornhat\tricornhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\uncathat\uncathat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backerhats\valkyriehelm\valkyriehelm.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\backitems\boiler\boiler.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\backitems\bonewings\bonewings.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\backitems\dangerbarrel\dangerbarrel.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\backitems\eye\eye.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\backitems\oxygentank\oxygentank.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 15,25c15,38 < { "ffca8a" : "888660", "e0975c" : "4c4e37", "a85636" : "26281c", "6f2919" : "0f100b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ba3f36", "e0975c" : "7a2622", "a85636" : "411114", "6f2919" : "25090c" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d77b24", "e0975c" : "794317", "a85636" : "3a1f0f", "6f2919" : "1d1009" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eedb53", "e0975c" : "928132", "a85636" : "42381a", "6f2919" : "262010" }, < { "ffca8a" : "6c9e4a", "e0975c" : "395b2b", "a85636" : "1b2e16", "6f2919" : "0b140a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "4681c0", "e0975c" : "284672", "a85636" : "161b3b", "6f2919" : "0c0e22" }, < { "ffca8a" : "7d4794", "e0975c" : "4d245d", "a85636" : "221328", "6f2919" : "0f0912" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d46bd7", "e0975c" : "7c377b", "a85636" : "30172e", "6f2919" : "170b16" }, < { "ffca8a" : "a36948", "e0975c" : "683a23", "a85636" : "2d1a12", "6f2919" : "170d09" } --- > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\backitems\rainbowcape\rainbowcape.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\backitems\tigertail\tigertail.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\backitems\toxicwaste\toxicwaste.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 8c8 < "description" : "An Alpaca mask. It's warm and cute'.", --- > "description" : "An Alpaca mask. It's warm and cute.", items\armors\biome\alpine\alpaca\alpaca.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\frostcrown\frostcrown.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\lighthelm\lighthelm.head 3c3 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\bone\jeff\jeff.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Legendary", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 15,16c15,16 < // RED < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullapex\skullapex.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 18c18 < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullavian\skullavian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 18c18 < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullfloran\skullfloran.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // BONE < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > // FLORAN SKELETON > { "ffca8a" : "ac8d5d", "e0975c" : "9f7946", "a85636" : "865e2a", "6f2919" : "5d4f24" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullglitch\skullglitch.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // BONE < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > // GLITCH SKELETON > { "ffca8a" : "dedad4", "e0975c" : "aba5a0", "a85636" : "7f726f", "6f2919" : "4e4442" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullhuman\skullhuman.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 18c18 < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\biome\bone\skullhylotl\skullhylotl.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 18c18 < { "ffca8a" : "e5e3c6", "e0975c" : "bfb294", "a85636" : "867c62", "6f2919" : "5e5946" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonblueback\crayonblueback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\colorful\crayongreenback\crayongreen.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonorangeback\crayonorange.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonpurpleback\crayonpurpleback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonredback\crayonredback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\colorful\crayonyellowback\crayonyellowback.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\copperarmor\copperarmor.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 15,16c15,16 < // GREEN < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 25,26c25,26 < // BLUE < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 17,18c17,18 < // BLUE < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 16,17c16,17 < // BLUE < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, --- > // FLESHY RED > { "ffca8a" : "b74435", "e0975c" : "932625", "a85636" : "601119", "6f2919" : "360a0e" }, items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyapex\anatomyapex.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 17,18c17,18 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyavian\anatomyavian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 17,18c17,18 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyavian\anatomyavian.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 16,17c16,17 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhuman\anatomy.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 25,26c25,26 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // MUSCLE COLOR > { "ffca8a" : "e69191", "e0975c" : "c96565", "a85636" : "ab3d3d", "6f2919" : "7e2525" }, 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"rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\foundry\foundrylegs\foundrylegs.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 7c7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\foundry\weldershelmet\weldershelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // YELLOW < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, --- > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, items\armors\biome\garden\quiver\quiver.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\geode\geode\geode.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 24c24 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "0ff48e", "e0975c" : "14bf73", "a85636" : "0d8751", "6f2919" : "074227" }, 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"price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 17,18c17,18 < // BLACK < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, items\armors\biome\ice\cyclopsyeti\cyclopsyeti.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 16,17c16,17 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, items\armors\biome\ice\survivalgear\survivalgear.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\biome\icecaves\icearmor\icearmor.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 29,39c29,52 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // ICE COLD > { "ffca8a" : "f0fcff", "e0975c" : "baeeff", "a85636" : "86d7f8", "6f2919" : "45a0e0" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : 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: 2500, 25,26c25,26 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 17,18c17,18 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 16,17c16,17 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "fcd0b7", "e0975c" : "e7ab89", "a85636" : "c97648", "6f2919" : "89360d" }, --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, items\armors\biome\ocean\deepdiver\deepdiver.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\biome\ocean\snorkel\snorkel.head 3c3 < 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"383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // BLACK < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 16,17c16,17 < // BLACK < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, --- > // DEFAULT > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 17,18c17,18 < // GREY < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, --- > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, items\armors\decorative\costumes\scientist\scientist.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\startrack\startrack.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\startrack\startrack.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\strap\strap.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\strap\strap.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding1\wedding1.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding1\wedding1.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\costumes\wedding2\wedding2.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\alienskull\alienskull.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\banana\banana.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\decorative\hats\bear\bear.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\berry\berry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // DENIM < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, --- > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, items\armors\decorative\hats\cap\cap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\captainscap\captainscap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 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: 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 17,18c17,18 < // DENIM < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, --- > // BONE > { "ffca8a" : "e7dfbd", "e0975c" : "baaa7c", "a85636" : "85734f", "6f2919" : "4f432c" }, items\armors\decorative\hats\hawaiian\hawaiian.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\herocap\herocap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\hobo\hobo.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\horse\horse.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\insidious\insidious.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\decorative\hats\jester\jester.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, items\armors\decorative\hats\kathood\kathood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\ladyhat\head.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\phrygiancap\phrygiancap.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\plaguedoctor\plaguedoctor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\plainhood\plainhood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\rainbowhood\rainbowhood.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\reed\reed.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\rock\rockhat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 18c18 < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "c4ae89", "e0975c" : "8e7b61", "a85636" : "6a545b", "6f2919" : "523f45" }, items\armors\decorative\hats\safetyhelmet\safetyhelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\shark\shark.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\skullmask\skullmask.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\strawberry\strawberry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\decorative\hats\swamphat\swamphat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\symbiote\symbiote.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\decorative\hats\teddy\teddy.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\decorative\hats\tiger\tiger.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\tvhelmet\tvhelmet.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\unicorn\unicorn.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\decorative\hats\ushanka\ushanka.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\venetianmask\ventetianmask.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\decorative\hats\visor\visor.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\bedouin\bedouin.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\other\hazmat\hazmat.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, items\armors\other\neo\neo.back 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 5c5 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\other\neo\neo.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\other\neo\neo.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\other\neo\neo.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\snowinfantry\snowinfantry.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.chest 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.head 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\armors\other\wildfungus\wildfungus.legs 3c3 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 2500, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", items\augments\pet\bouncycollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\damagecollar1.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\damagecollar2.augment 3c3 < "price" : 10000, --- > "price" : 5000, items\augments\pet\damagecollar3.augment 3c3 < "price" : 15000, --- > "price" : 7500, items\augments\pet\electricbombcollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\firebombcollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\ghostlycollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 15000, --- > "price" : 7500, items\augments\pet\healingcollar1.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\healingcollar2.augment 3c3 < "price" : 10000, --- > "price" : 5000, items\augments\pet\healingcollar3.augment 3c3 < "price" : 15000, --- > "price" : 7500, items\augments\pet\healthcollar1.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\healthcollar2.augment 3c3 < "price" : 10000, --- > "price" : 5000, items\augments\pet\healthcollar3.augment 3c3 < "price" : 15000, --- > "price" : 7500, items\augments\pet\icebombcollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\lightcollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\obliviouscollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\augments\pet\poisonbombcollar.augment 3c3 < "price" : 5000, --- > "price" : 2500, items\buildscripts\buildfist.lua 36a37,39 > -- set price > config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) > items\buildscripts\buildwhip.lua 37a38,40 > -- set price > config.price = (config.price or 0) * root.evalFunction("itemLevelPriceMultiplier", configParameter("level", 1)) > items\generic\crafting\diamond.item 3c3 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 1200, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\cryonicextract.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\hardenedcarapace.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\livingroot.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\phasematter.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\scorchedcore.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\sharpenedclaw.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\staticcell.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\stickofram.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\crafting\monsterdrops\venomsample.item 3c3 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 50, items\generic\dyes\blackdye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\bluedye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\browndye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\greendye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\greydye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\orangedye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\pinkdye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\purpledye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\reddye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\whitedye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\generic\dyes\yellowdye.augment 2a3 > "price" : 25, items\throwables\capturepod.thrownitem 2a3 > "price" : 750, 8a10 > "radioMessagesOnPickup" : [ "pickupcapturepod" ], 18c20 < "speed" : 30, --- > "speed" : 40, 21c23 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file monsters\monster.lua 101c101 < self.suppressDamageTimer = config.getParameter("stunDamageSuppression", 1.0) --- > self.suppressDamageTimer = config.getParameter("stunDamageSuppression", 0.5) monsters\boss\cultistboss\cultistboss.monstertype 118c118,119 < "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" --- > "targetMaterialKind" : "organic", > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ffea63FF?replace=31a6ffFF=f5bc00FF" npcs\biome\alpaca.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 7c13 < --- > 14c20 < --- > 54c60 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 58c64 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 62c68 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, npcs\biome\alpacatenant.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 53c59 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 57c63 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 61c67 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, npcs\biome\frogvillager.npctype 4c4,10 < --- > > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 15c21 < --- > npcs\biome\shroomguard.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 13c19 < --- > 24c30 < --- > npcs\biome\shroommerchant.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 11c17 < --- > 18c24 < --- > npcs\outpost\visitors\alpacavisitor.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 17c23 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 21c27 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, 25c31 < { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, --- > { "name" : "alpacavillagerlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [0, 1, 2, 3] } }, npcs\outpost\visitors\backer.npctype 31c31 < { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, --- > { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, { "name" : "caphead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } }, npcs\outpost\visitors\froggvisitor.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > 9c15 < "chatSounds" : { --- > "chatSounds" : { 42c48 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } npcs\outpost\visitors\maggotmanvisitor.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > npcs\tenants\shroommerchanttenant.npctype 4a5,10 > "statusControllerSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > } > }, > objects\apex\apexhdtv\apexhdtv.object 27c27 < --- > 32d31 < 36c35 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", --- > "animation" : "apexhdtv.animation", objects\crafting\refinery\refinery.object 9c9 < "category" : "crafting", --- > "category" : "refinery", objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftinganvil\craftinganvil.object 75c75 < { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 6 }, 121c121 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 20 }, --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 12 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingfarm\craftingfarm.object 76c76 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 6 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingfurnace\craftingfurnace.object 79c79 < { "item" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 7 }, 125c125 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 7 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingfurniture\craftingfurniture.object 71c71 < { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 15 }, --- > { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 10 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingmedical\craftingmedical.object 75c75 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 6 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\craftingwheel\craftingwheel.object 73c73 < { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 7 }, objects\crafting\upgradeablecraftingobjects\inventorstable\inventorstable.object 73c73 < { "item" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "tungstenbar", "count" : 6 }, 118c118 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 10 }, --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 6 }, objects\generic\cropshipper\cropshipper.object 9c9 < "description" : "-placeholder-Lock in the freshness by launching your produce into space.", --- > "description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", 13,19c13,19 < // "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < // "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < // "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < // "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < // "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < // "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < // "novakidDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "apexDescription" : "Put the produce in the crate, fire the crate into space, get pixels for the produce. Very handy.", > "avianDescription" : "A crate that can be launched into space? If you're going to sell produce, this is the way to do it.", > "floranDescription" : "Sselling stuff is boring... Unless you fire a crate into sspace to do it!", > "glitchDescription" : "Excited. A space shipping system! I can sell produce to Terramart by firing it into space!", > "humanDescription" : "I can blast stuff into space with this! And if it's the right stuff, I'll get paid to do it!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This device launches crates into space. A somewhat novel way of selling produce...", > "novakidDescription" : "Fireworks ain't got nothing on a produce shippin' crate you can fire into space.", objects\generic\gunchest\gunchest.object 17c17 < "floranDescription" : "Ugly frogmen put guns in this chessst.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ugly fishmen put guns in this chessst.", objects\hylotl\airlockdoor\airlockdoor.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman build big sturdy doors! Not bad, Frogman... Not bad...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman build big sturdy doors! Not bad, Fishman... Not bad...", objects\hylotl\airlockhatch\airlockhatch.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman build big sturdy hatchesss! Not bad, Frogman... Not bad...", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman build big sturdy hatchesss! Not bad, Fishman... Not bad...", objects\hylotl\giantglobe\giantglobe.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid frogman planet.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Ssstupid fishman planet.", objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicbookcase\hylotlclassicbookcase.object 16c16 < "floranDescription" : "Frogmen like to read. Floran like to ssstab reading frogmen.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishmen like to read. Ssstupid boring fishmen.", objects\hylotl\hylotlcounter\hylotlcounter.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Just like frogman to make furniture looksss just like them.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Just like fishman to make furniture looksss just like them.", objects\hylotl\hylotlfashionhologram\hylotlfashionhologram.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Frogman fashion. Floran not like.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fishman fashion. Floran not like.", objects\hylotl\hylotllilyclock\hylotllilyclock.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Tick tock tick tock frogmen have a ssstupid clock.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tick tock tick tock fishmen have a ssstupid clock.", objects\hylotl\hylotlshopsign\hylotlshopsign.object 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Stupid frogman face.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Stupid fishman face.", objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3g\hylotlsign3g.object 15c15 < "floranDescription" : "Floran prefer to eat frogmen than frogmen food.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Floran would prefer to eat fishman than fishmen food.", objects\outpost\bathroomhanddryer\bathroomhanddryer.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomsink\bathroomsink.object 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomstall\bathroomstall.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomtrash\bathroomtrash.object 10a11 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bathroomurinal\bathroomurinal.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\bench\bench.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\coffeemachine\coffeemachine.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\customsign\customsign.object 14,16c14,16 < "hylotlDescription" : "Though it holds no comparison to Hylotl calligraphy, it will do for now.", < "novakidDescription" : "Some sort of sign.", < --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Though it holds no comparison to Hylotl calligraphy, it will do for now.", > "novakidDescription" : "Some sort of sign.", > 19c19 < --- > 32c32 < --- > objects\outpost\filingcabinet\filingcabinet.object 10a11 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\fireextinguisher\fireextinguisher.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostairlock\outpostairlock.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostairlocklarge\outpostairlocklarge.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostbarstool\outpostbarstool.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostbed\outpostbed.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostbutton\outpostbutton.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Button", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcabinet\outpostcabinet.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcargocrate\outpostcargocrate.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", 11a12 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcargocrateshort\outpostcargocrateshort.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", 11a12 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostceilinglight\outpostceilinglight.object 10a11 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostchair\outpostchair.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", --- > "shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostconsole\outpostconsole.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Free Standing Console", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostcookingtable\outpostcookingtable.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", objects\outpost\outpostcrane\outpostcrane.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Mechanical Crane", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostdesk\outpostdesk.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostfridge\outpostfridge.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostgenerator\outpostgenerator.object 11a12 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostkeypad\outpostkeypad.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Keypad", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostlamp\outpostlamp.object 6c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "LED Wall Light", > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostlight\outpostlight.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "shortdescription" : "Simple Wall Light", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostlocker\outpostlocker.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostmicrowave\outpostmicrowave.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", --- > "shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", 9a10 > "printable" : true, 18c19 < "title" : " Outpost Microwave", --- > "title" : " Microwave Oven", objects\outpost\outpostmonitor\outpostmonitor.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostpc\outpostpc.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", --- > "shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostpublicchair\outpostpublicchair.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", --- > "shortdescription" : "Public Chair", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostradardish\outpostradardish.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 10a11 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostsecurityconsole\outpostsecurityconsole.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", --- > "shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostservicepanel\outpostservicepanel.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", --- > "shortdescription" : "Service Panel", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostshippingcontainer\outpostshippingcontainer.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", 11a12 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostslidingdoor\outpostslidingdoor.object 7a8 > "printable" : true, 9c10 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", objects\outpost\outpostsmallmonitor\outpostsmallmonitor.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", --- > "shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", 7a8 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpoststandingdesk\outpoststandingdesk.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", --- > "shortdescription" : "Standing Desk", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outposttable\outposttable.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", objects\outpost\outposttank\outposttank.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", --- > "shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\outpostterminal\outpostterminal.object 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", --- > "shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", 8a9 > "printable" : true, 26c27 < --- > 40c41 < --- > objects\outpost\plasticplant\plasticplant.object 9a10 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\roofvent\roofvent.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\outpost\ursaminer\ursaminer.object 25c25 < "subtitle" : " ^#b9b5b2;Sells crafting ores" --- > "subtitle" : "Sells crafting ores" objects\outpost\watercooler\watercooler.object 8a9 > "printable" : true, objects\protectorate\objects\protectorateinfobooth\protectorateinfobooth.object 30a31,34 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [2, 2], [3, 2], [4, 2], > [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3] > ], 41a46,49 > "interactiveSpaces": [ > [1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 2], > [1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 3] > ], 68,69c76,77 < "Always listen to S.A.I.L, your personal AI assistant!", < "Press ^#71f2f6;[Enter]^white; to read S.A.I.L messages again and chat to party members.", --- > "Always listen to SAIL, your personal AI assistant!", > "Press ^#71f2f6;[Enter]^white; to read SAIL messages again and chat to party members.", objects\ship\apexfuelhatch\apexfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\avianfuelhatch\avianfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\aviantechstationtier0\aviantechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\brokenapexfuelhatch\brokenapexfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokenavianfuelhatch\brokenavianfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokenfloranfuelhatch\brokenfloranfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokenglitchfuelhatch\brokenglitchfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokenhumanfuelhatch\brokenhumanfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokenhylotlfuelhatch\brokenhylotlfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\brokennovakidfuelhatch\brokennovakidfuelhatch.object 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 16c16 < "humanDescription" : "A fuel panel. We can fill this up and explore.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A fuel hatch. I can fill this up and explore.", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here! When it's fixed...", 34c35 < "soundEffectRadius" : 15, --- > "soundEffectRangeMultiplier" : 0.5, objects\ship\floranfuelhatch\floranfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\florantechstationtier0\florantechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\glitchfuelhatch\glitchfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\glitchtechstationtier0\glitchtechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\humanfuelhatch\humanfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\humantechstationtier0\humantechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\hylotlfuelhatch\hylotlfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\hylotltechstationtier0\hylotltechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\novakidfuelhatch\novakidfuelhatch.object 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 12,13c12,13 < "apexDescription" : "The fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", < "avianDescription" : "The ship's fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", --- > "apexDescription" : "The FTL drive fuel hatch. Converts fuel into freedom.", > "avianDescription" : "The FTL fuel hatch. Let's load it up and take to the stars!", 17,18c17,18 < "hylotlDescription" : "The humble fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", < "novakidDescription" : "Fuel goes in here!", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "The humble FTL fuel hatch. Fuel is the lifeblood of exploration.", > "novakidDescription" : "FTL fuel goes in here!", objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.object 17,23c17,23 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\novakidtechstationtier0\novakidtechstationtier0.object 21,22c21,22 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 24,27c24,27 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\ship\techstation\techstation.object 18,24c18,24 < "apexDescription" : "I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to S.A.I.L!", < "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to talk to SAIL.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss magic panel to talk to SAIL!", > "glitchDescription" : "Happy. This station allows me to talk to SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "This station allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console allows me to communicate with SAIL.", > "novakidDescription" : "This here station let's me talk with SAIL.", objects\ship\techstationtier0\techstationtier0.object 22,23c22,23 < "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to S.A.I.L through this console.", < "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "apexDescription" : "When it's working, I can talk to SAIL through this console.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this station should enable me to talk to SAIL.", 25,28c25,28 < "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with S.A.I.L.", < "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station S.A.I.L should come back online!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with S.A.I.L. I need to reboot it first.", < "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Distressed. I first need to reboot this station to communicate with SAIL.", > "humanDescription" : "If I can reboot this station SAIL should come back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This console will allow me to communicate with SAIL. I need to reboot it first.", > "novakidDescription" : "Time to reboot this station so I can talk to SAIL.", objects\teleporter\arkteleporter\arkteleporter.object 2a3 > "objectType" : "teleporter", 12c13 < "avianDescription" : "This teleporter looks like it might provide a one-way trip to the Ark.", --- > "avianDescription" : "This teleporter looks like it might provide a quick route to the Ark.", 15c16 < "humanDescription" : "Judging by the look of this teleporter, I'd guess it gives a one-way trip to the Ark.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Judging by the look of this teleporter, I'd guess it connects right to the Ark.", 23c24 < "interactData" : "/interface/warping/arkteleporter.config", --- > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/returnark.config", 36c37,38 < "collision" : "solid" --- > "collision" : "solid", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [-0, 0], [1, 0] ] 38c40,43 < ] --- > ], > > "teleporterFootPosition" : [0, 1] > player\playereffects.animation 1a2,5 > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > }, > 81c85,86 < "centered" : true --- > "centered" : true, > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"] 88c93 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin2.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin2.png:" 93c98 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout2.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout2.png:" 98c103 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" 103c108 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" 108c113 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpabort.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpabort.png:" 119c124,125 < "offset" : [0, 30] --- > "offset" : [0, 30], > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"] 125c131 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" 130c136 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" 141c147 < "offset" : [0, 1], --- > "offset" : [0, 3], 149c155 < "image" : "/animations/chatting/chatting.png:?scalenearest=1;1;" --- > "image" : "/animations/chatting/chatting.png:" 155c161 < "image" : "/animations/chatting/menu.png:?scalenearest=1;1;" --- > "image" : "/animations/chatting/menu.png:" 165a172 > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"], 167c174 < { --- > { 175c182 < } --- > } 179a187 > "transformationGroups" : ["flip"], 181c189 < { --- > { 195a204,209 > }, > > "transformationGroups" : { > "flip" : { > "interpolated" : false > } projectiles\guns\bullets\bonethorn\bonethorn.projectile 17c17 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "poisonbullet" projectiles\guns\unsorted\lightningthrower\lightningthrower.projectile 17c17,69 < "emitters" : [ "lightningthrowertrail" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "electricplasmapurple" ], > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "time" : 0.3, > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 2, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/sparkles/sparkle6.animation", > "position" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [1.5, 1.5], > "destructionAction" : "fade", > "destructionTime" : 0.85, > "fade" : 1, > "size" : 0.8, > "layer" : "front", > "timeToLive" : 0.35, > "variance" : { > "size" : 0.2, > "position" : [1.2, 1.0], > "initialVelocity" : [2.0, 2.0] > } > } > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/energybeamimpact/energybeamimpact.animation", > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 7.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, 3.0], > "approach" : [0.3, 60], > "timeToLive" : 0.5, > "layer" : "back", > "size" : 0.6, > "collidesForeground" : true, > "variance" : { > "position" : [0.5, 0.5], > "size" : 0.2, > "initialVelocity" : [5, 3], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "rotation" : 180, > "angularVelocity" : 180 > } > } > } > ] > } > ] projectiles\throwable\capturepod\capturepod.projectile 8c8 < "speed" : 30, --- > "speed" : 40, quests\ftlrepairmain.questtemplate 4c4 < "text" : "Now that I can visit the planets within this solar system ^green;I need to start looking at how to repair my FTL drive, ^orange;S.A.I.L will probably know more.", --- > "text" : "Now that I can visit the planets within this solar system ^green;I need to start looking at how to repair my FTL drive, ^orange;SAIL will probably know more.", quests\generated\templates\barter.questtemplate 68c68 < "Thank you! These will be useful for the next part of my plan..." --- > "Thank you! The will be useful for the next part of my plan..." 71c71 < "Thank you! These will be ussseful for the next part of my plan..." --- > "Thank you! The will be ussseful for the next part of my plan..." 74c74 < "Appreciative. Thank you! These will be useful for the next part of my plan..." --- > "Appreciative. Thank you! The will be useful for the next part of my plan..." quests\outpost\old\outpostmission1.questtemplate 5,6c5,6 < "text" : "A visit to the Erchius mining facility might be just what I need to ^green;fix my FTL drive^white;. The distress signal and coordinates have been copied to ^green;S.A.I.L's mission tab. The bio-implant I was given will allow me to survive the atmosphere at the facility.", < "completionText" : "I've finally got the crystals I need to fix my ship's FTL drive. I should talk to S.A.I.L.", --- > "text" : "A visit to the Erchius mining facility might be just what I need to ^green;fix my FTL drive^white;. The distress signal and coordinates have been copied to ^green;SAIL's mission tab. The bio-implant I was given will allow me to survive the atmosphere at the facility.", > "completionText" : "I've finally got the crystals I need to fix my ship's FTL drive. I should talk to SAIL.", quests\outpost\old\penguinmission2.questtemplate 5c5 < "text" : "^green;I should go and check out these coordinates at S.A.I.L. ^white;If I can take down Dreadwing and return with proof ^green;perhaps the outpost penguin will give me something in return.", --- > "text" : "^green;I should go and check out these coordinates at SAIL. ^white;If I can take down Dreadwing and return with proof ^green;perhaps the outpost penguin will give me something in return.", quests\story\bootship.questtemplate 9c9 < "completionText" : "S.A.I.L is awake! Now you have some guidance, and some company.", --- > "completionText" : "SAIL is awake! Now you have some guidance, and some company.", quests\story\floran_mission2.questtemplate 6c6 < "text" : "The clues you collected reveal that the ^orange;Floran artifact is^reset; enshrined in ^orange;The Ceremonial Hunting Caverns^reset;. Judging from what I've found out, you'll need to ^green;compete in a ritual hunt to get it^reset;. Be careful dear.", --- > "text" : "The clues you collected reveal that the ^orange;Floran artifact^reset; is enshrined in ^orange;The Ceremonial Hunting Caverns^reset;. Judging from what I've found out, you'll need to ^green;compete in a ritual hunt to get it^reset;. I've given SAIL the co-ordinates you need. Be careful dear.", ships\apex\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\avian\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\floran\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\glitch\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\human\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\hylotl\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, ships\novakid\blockkey.config 68,77d67 < < { < "value" : [128, 44, 41, 255], < "foregroundBlock" : false, < "backgroundBlock" : true, < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "objectParameters" : { < "unbreakable" : true < } < }, species\apex.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=80f4ffFF?replace=31a6ffFF=39b8e3FF", 27c28 < --- > 40c41 < --- > species\avian.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ff7a69FF?replace=31a6ffFF=d93a3aFF", 27c28 < --- > species\floran.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=8af062FF?replace=31a6ffFF=40bf21FF", 27c28 < --- > 40c41 < --- > species\glitch.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ffbc47FF?replace=31a6ffFF=e87b07FF", 27c28 < --- > 40c41 < --- > species\human.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ffea63FF?replace=31a6ffFF=f5bc00FF", 27c28 < --- > 40c41 < --- > 98c99 < "hair" : [ "male1", "male2", "male3", "male4", "male5", "male6", "male7", "male8", "male9", "male10", "male11", "male12", "male13", "male14", "male15", "male16", "male17", "male18", "male19", "male21", "male22", "male23", "male24", "male25", "male26", "male27", "male28", "male29", "male30", "male31", "male32", "male33", "male34", "male35", "male36", "male37", "male38", "male39", "male40", "male41", "male42", "male43", "male44", "male45", "male46", "male47", "male48", "male49", "male50", "male51", "male52", "male53", "male54", "male55", "male56", "male57", "male58", "male59", "male60", "male61", "male62", "male63" ], // "hair2cut" "hair9cut" --- > "hair" : [ "male1", "male2", "male3", "male4", "male5", "male6", "male7", "male8", "male9", "male10", "male11", "male12", "male13", "male14", "male15", "male16", "male17", "male18", "male19", "male21", "male22", "male23", "male24", "male25", "male26", "male27", "male28", "male29", "male30", "male31", "male32", "male33", "male34", "male35", "male36", "male37", "male38", "male39", "male40", "male41", "male42", "male43", "male44", "male45", "male46", "male47", "male48", "male49", "male50", "male51", "male52", "male53", "male54", "male55", "male56", "male57", "male58", "male59", "male60", "male61", "male62", "male63" ], 110c111 < "hair" : [ "fem1", "fem2", "fem3", "fem4", "fem5", "fem6", "fem7", "fem8", "fem9", "fem10", "fem11", "fem12", "fem13", "fem14", "fem15", "fem16", "fem17", "fem18", "fem19", "fem20", "fem21", "fem22", "fem23", "fem24", "fem25", "fem26", "fem27", "fem28", "fem29", "fem30", "fem31", "fem32", "fem33", "fem34", "fem35", "fem36", "fem37", "fem38", "fem39", "fem40", "fem41", "fem42", "fem43", "fem44", "fem45", "fem46", "fem47", "fem48", "fem49", "fem50", "fem51", "fem52", "fem53", "fem54", "fem55", "fem56", "fem57", "fem58", "fem59", "fem60", "fem61", "fem62", "fem63" ], // "hair2cut" "hair9cut" --- > "hair" : [ "fem1", "fem2", "fem3", "fem4", "fem5", "fem6", "fem7", "fem8", "fem9", "fem10", "fem11", "fem12", "fem13", "fem14", "fem15", "fem16", "fem17", "fem18", "fem19", "fem20", "fem21", "fem22", "fem23", "fem24", "fem25", "fem26", "fem27", "fem28", "fem29", "fem30", "fem31", "fem32", "fem33", "fem34", "fem35", "fem36", "fem37", "fem38", "fem39", "fem40", "fem41", "fem42", "fem43", "fem44", "fem45", "fem46", "fem47", "fem48", "fem49", "fem50", "fem51", "fem52", "fem53", "fem54", "fem55", "fem56", "fem57", "fem58", "fem59", "fem60", "fem61", "fem62", "fem63" ], species\hylotl.species 13a14 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=80b3ffFF?replace=31a6ffFF=5476f0FF", 27c28 < --- > 40c41 < --- > species\novakid.species 18a19 > "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ff99e6FF?replace=31a6ffFF=e359b9FF", stagehands\mission\glitchmissionmanager.lua 101,103c101,103 < world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { < includedTypes = { "npc", "object" }, < callScript = "notify", --- > world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { > includedTypes = { "npc", "object" }, > callScript = "notify", 113c113 < local wave = spawnWave("campspawn", { --- > local wave = spawnWave("campspawn", { 184c184 < local lanaId = world.spawnNpc(world.entityPosition(world.loadUniqueEntity("lanaspawn")), "floran", "lanafight", world.threatLevel()) --- > local lanaId = world.spawnNpc(world.entityPosition(world.loadUniqueEntity("lanaspawn")), "apex", "lanafight", world.threatLevel()) 226,228c226,228 < world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { < includedTypes = { "npc", "object" }, < callScript = "notify", --- > world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { > includedTypes = { "npc", "object" }, > callScript = "notify", 235c235 < sourceId = --- > sourceId = 276,278c276,278 < world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { < includedTypes = { "npc" }, < callScript = "notify", --- > world.entityQuery({self.missionArea[1], self.missionArea[2]}, {self.missionArea[3], self.missionArea[4]}, { > includedTypes = { "npc" }, > callScript = "notify", 288c288 < sourceId = --- > sourceId = stats\effects\beamin\beamin.animation 1a2,5 > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > }, > 32c36 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpin.png:" 48c52 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpinbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" stats\effects\beamin\beamin.lua 3a4 > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) stats\effects\beamout\beamaway.lua 6a7 > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) stats\effects\beamout\beamout.animation 1a2,5 > "globalTagDefaults" : { > "effectDirectives" : "" > }, > 32c36 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpout.png:" 48c52 < "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" --- > "image" : "/animations/teleport/playerwarpoutbeam.png:?scalenearest=1;60;" stats\effects\beamout\beamout.lua 3a4 > animator.setGlobalTag("effectDirectives", status.statusProperty("effectDirectives", "")) tiles\mods\tilleddry.matmod 22a23,28 > }, > { > "liquidId" : 6, > "consumeLiquid" : 0.5, > "transformModId" : 31, > "topOnly" : true tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\crafting.json 75c75 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", 399c399 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\decorative.json 1472c1472 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 1561c1561 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 3248c3248 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Service Panel", 3699c3699 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", 4158c4158 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", 4256c4256 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Mechanical Crane", 4840c4840 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", 5918c5918 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Desk", 6395c6395 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", 7345c7345 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", 8788c8788 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", 10078c10078 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\door.json 45c45 < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", --- > "//description" : "A geometric door. Sturdy!", 53c53 < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", --- > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", 62c62 < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", --- > "//description" : "A super-strong opulent door.", 292c292 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", 408c408 < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", --- > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", 427c427 < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", 460c460 < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", --- > "//description" : "A manufactured paneled door.", 462c462 < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Paneled Door", 906c906 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy serene door.", 914c914 < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", --- > "//description" : "A creepy doom door.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\farmbeastegg.json 11c11 < "//description" : "-placeholder-The egg of a fluffalo", --- > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable fluffalo calf, which needs feeding to grow.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\furniture.json 177c177 < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", --- > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", 381c381 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", 565c565 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", 934c934 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Public Chair", 1039c1039 < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", --- > "//description" : "A very well-made geometric table.", 1869c1869 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", 1878c1878 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable wave bed.", 1887c1887 < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", --- > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", 1896c1896 < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", --- > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", 1905c1905 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", 1914c1914 < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", --- > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", 1932c1932 < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", --- > "//description" : "A terrifying doom table. It watches you eat.", 1941c1941 < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", --- > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", 1995c1995 < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", 2004c2004 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", 2031c2031 < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", --- > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", 2040c2040 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", 2049c2049 < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", --- > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", 2058c2058 < "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", --- > "//description" : "A very hardy wave table.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\light.json 666c666 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "LED Wall Light", 2721c2721 < "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing opulent light made from crystal.", 2730c2730 < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", --- > "//description" : "A doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", 2739c2739 < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing serene light.", 2756c2756 < "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing wave light.", 2765c2765 < "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing geometric light.", 2774c2774 < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", --- > "//description" : "A dazzling executive light.", 3048c3048 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wall Light", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\other.json 31d30 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 33,36c32 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 118d113 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 120,123c115 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 259c251 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 410c402 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1187c1179 < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", --- > "//description" : "A opulent console mounted on a suspended crystal.", 1196c1188 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1198c1190 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1204c1196 < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", --- > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", 1213c1205 < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", --- > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", 1222c1214 < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Using it is calming.", 1231c1223 < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. It has a strong curved design.", 1422d1413 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1424,1427c1415 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1641c1629 < "//description" : "-placeholder-The egg of a fluffalo", --- > "//description" : "Hatches into a vulnerable fluffalo calf, which needs feeding to grow.", 1650c1638 < "//description" : "-placeholder-Lock in the freshness by launching your produce into space.", --- > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", 1759d1746 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1761,1764c1748 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1775c1759 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1777c1761 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1813c1797 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1815c1799 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1839d1822 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1841,1844c1824 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1866c1846 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1900c1880 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1922c1902 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1924c1904 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 2006c1986 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2030d2009 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 2032,2035c2011 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2040c2016 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2166d2141 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 2168,2171c2143 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2200c2172 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. 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This won't do!", 2252c2224 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 2305c2277 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenavianfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 2335c2307 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 2866c2838 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 2986c2958 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 3016c2988 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenapexfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 3085c3057 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 3133c3105 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\shippingcontainer.json 11c11 < "//description" : "-placeholder-Lock in the freshness by launching your produce into space.", --- > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\spawner.json 49c49 < "//description" : "Place in an ^orange;enclosed building ^white;with at least ^orange;one door and ^orange;light ^white;and someone will move in!", --- > "//description" : "Place in an enclosed building with at least one door and light source and someone will move in!", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\storage.json 525c525 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", 534c534 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", 552c552 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 1629c1629 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", 1735c1735 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", 1797c1797 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\trap.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 202, --- > "tilecount" : 204, 1014a1015,1032 > "202" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2089a2108,2113 > }, > "202" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation6.png" > }, > "203" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation7.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\wire.json 626c626 < "//description" : "An Executive console. 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This won't do!", 1278c1292 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1998a2013,2018 > "191" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation6.png" > }, > "192" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation7.png" > }, 2033c2053 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenavianfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\avianairship.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 8, --- > "tilecount" : 10, 80a81,98 > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" 106a125,130 > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation6.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation7.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\commerce.json 112c112 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 482c482 < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", --- > "//description" : "A very well-made geometric table.", 516c516 < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", --- > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", 579c579 < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. 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It watches you eat.", 624c624 < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", 680c680 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", 733c733 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Table", 821c821 < "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", --- > "//description" : "A very hardy wave table.", 1113c1113 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\cooking.json 40c40 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Cooking Table", 121c121 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\doom.json 11c11 < "//description" : "A Doom console. 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Sturdy!", 334c334 < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", --- > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", 496c496 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", 590c590 < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", --- > "//description" : "A creepy doom door.", 608c608 < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", --- > "//description" : "A super-strong opulent door.", 734c734 < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\electronic.json 186c186 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Terminal", 275c275 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Service Panel", 485c485 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Mounted Monitor", 512c512 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 521c521 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 647c647 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Small Mounted Monitor", 854c854 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Security Console", 930c930 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\evil.json 11c11 < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", --- > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", 20c20 < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", --- > "//description" : "A terrifying doom table. It watches you eat.", 1039c1039 < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", --- > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", 1075c1075 < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", --- > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", 1254c1254 < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", --- > "//description" : "A doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", 1263c1263 < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", --- > "//description" : "A creepy doom door.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\executive.json 11c11 < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", --- > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", 20c20 < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", --- > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", 29c29 < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", --- > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", 47c47 < "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", --- > "//description" : "An executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", 56c56 < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", --- > "//description" : "A dazzling executive light.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\farming.json 29c29 < "//description" : "-placeholder-Lock in the freshness by launching your produce into space.", --- > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\floran.json 983c983 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1077c1077 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1079c1079 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1094d1093 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1096,1099c1095 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1937c1933 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\geometric.json 11c11 < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", --- > "//description" : "A very well-made geometric table.", 20c20 < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", --- > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", 29c29 < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", --- > "//description" : "A geometric door. Sturdy!", 37c37 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", 46c46 < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", --- > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", 55c55 < "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing geometric light.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitch.json 464c464 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 807d806 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 809,812c808 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1142c1138 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1144c1140 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1292c1288 < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", --- > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", 1859c1855 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitchvillage.json 20c20 < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", --- > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\human.json 541c541 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 543c543 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1823c1823 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2139d2138 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 2141,2144c2140 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2892c2888 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotl.json 1244d1243 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1246,1249c1245 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1342c1338 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. 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You'll never want to stand again.", --- > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", 387c387 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", 583c583 < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", --- > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", 808c808 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\novakid.json 13c13 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 28c28 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 30c30 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 54c54 < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", 93d92 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 95,98c94 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 168c164 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\opulent.json 11c11 < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", --- > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", 20c20 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", 29c29 < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", 38c38 < "//description" : "A Opulent console. 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Using it is calming.", 28c28 < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", --- > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", 37c37 < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing serene light.", 46c46 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\storage.json 103c103 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", 547c547 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Tank", 982c982 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", 1081c1081 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", 1188c1188 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", 1375c1375 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 2144c2144 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wave.json 11c11 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", 20c20 < "//description" : "A wave console. 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This won't do!", 175,178c174 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1589c1585 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 3109c3105 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenapexfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\avian.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 301, --- > "tilecount" : 303, 1660a1661,1678 > "301" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, 2008c2026 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2031c2049 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. 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This won't do!", 945c941 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1203c1199 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1975c1971 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\generic.json 212c212 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", 1045c1045 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Desktop PC", 4144c4144 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 4238c4238 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Radar Dish", 4344c4344 < "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing opulent light made from crystal.", 4416c4416 < "//description" : "A Doom light. 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It's a bit spiky, though.", 4479c4479 < "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", --- > "//description" : "A very sturdy serene door.", 4491c4491 < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", --- > "//description" : "A creepy doom door.", 4500c4500 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", 4518c4518 < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", --- > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", 4549c4549 < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", --- > "//description" : "A terrifying doom table. It watches you eat.", 4558c4558 < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", --- > "//description" : "A beautiful executive table.", 4589c4589 < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing serene light.", 4598c4598 < "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing wave light.", 4643c4643 < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish opulent table.", 4652c4652 < "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", --- > "//description" : "An executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", 4670c4670 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", 4746c4746 < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", --- > "//description" : "A geometric door. Sturdy!", 4864c4864 < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", --- > "//description" : "A opulent console mounted on a suspended crystal.", 4873c4873 < "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", --- > "//description" : "A glowing geometric light.", 4882c4882 < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", --- > "//description" : "A doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", 4891c4891 < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", --- > "//description" : "A dazzling executive light.", 4917c4917 < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", --- > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", 4926c4926 < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", --- > "//description" : "An impenetrable executive door.", 4935c4935 < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", --- > "//description" : "An geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", 4944c4944 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", 4953c4953 < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", --- > "//description" : "A super-strong opulent door.", 4962c4962 < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", --- > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", 4971c4971 < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", --- > "//description" : "An serene console. Using it is calming.", 4980c4980 < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", --- > "//description" : "A wave console. 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This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1157c1157 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1347c1347 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1478d1477 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1480,1483c1479 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2341c2337 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json 140c140 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 142c142 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 379c379 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 427c427 < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", 694d693 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 696,699c695 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2174c2170 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Sleek Sliding Door", 2306d2301 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 2308,2311c2303 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 2561c2553 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" 3128c3120 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\hylotl.json 1063d1062 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1065,1068c1064 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 1414c1410 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 1416c1412 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 1548c1544 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2357c2353 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\novakid.json 37d36 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", 39,42c38 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" --- > "invalid" : "true" 56c52 < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Ship Door", 171c167 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 202c198 < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", --- > "//description" : "A broken FTL fuel hatch. This won't do!", 204c200 < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Broken FTL Fuel Hatch", 237c233 < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" --- > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\container.json 84c84 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 136c136 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shipping Container", 207c207 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", 375c375 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 562c562 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 888c888 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cargo Crate", 897c897 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Short Metal Cargo Crate", 933c933 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Desk", 1623c1623 < "//description" : "-placeholder-Lock in the freshness by launching your produce into space.", --- > "//description" : "Sell food and produce to Terramart from the comfort of your own doorstep, by blasting it into space.", 1909c1909 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 1944c1944 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave Oven", 1997c1997 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2050c2050 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2075c2075 < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", --- > "//shortdescription" : "FTL Fuel Hatch", 2292c2292 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Locker", tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\loungeable.json 94c94 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Padded Metal Chair", 418c418 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Public Chair", 1102c1102 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable geometric chair.", 1210c1210 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable wave bed.", 1219c1219 < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", --- > "//description" : "A comfortable doom chair.", 1228c1228 < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", --- > "//description" : "A sublime doom bed. It's a bit spiky, though.", 1237c1237 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable serene bed.", 1246c1246 < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", --- > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable opulent bed.", 1264c1264 < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", --- > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable wave chair.", 1291c1291 < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", --- > "//description" : "An executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", 1309c1309 < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", --- > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable opulent chair.", 1318c1318 < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", --- > "//description" : "A very comfortable serene chair.", 2013c2013 < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", --- > "//description" : "A strong geometric bed.", 2163c2163 < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", --- > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Bed", tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 24, --- > "tilecount" : 25, 154a155,162 > "24" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, 264a273,275 > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkteleporter.png" treasure\biome.treasurepools 1246c1246,1252 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "magmalamp-recipe"} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "magmalamp-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "weldershelmethead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryhardhathead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryguardchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrygoggleshead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundrychest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "foundryback"} treasure\common.treasurepools 1237a1238 > {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "ethnichead", 1]}, 1241,1243d1241 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "buccaneerlegs", 1]}, 1256,1260d1253 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerback", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerlegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hikerchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hunterchest", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "hunterlegs", 1]}, 1267,1269d1259 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratelegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratehead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "piratechest", 1]}, 1293,1297d1282 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardhead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardlegs", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardback", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "wizardchest", 1]}, < 1299d1283 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "bananahead", 1]}, 1304d1287 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "coolfezhead", 1]}, 1334d1316 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "plaguedoctorhead", 1]}, 1339d1320 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "sharkhead", 1]}, 1341d1321 < {"weight" : 0.0003, "item" : [ "strawberryhead", 1]}, treasure\largedungeons.treasurepools 1013a1014,1015 > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "executionershead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "executionerschest", 1]},