FILES ----- interface.config dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\template2.json interface\cockpit\cockpit.config items\active\weapons\boomerang\boomerang.activeitem items\active\weapons\boomerang\wormerang.activeitem items\active\weapons\bow\abilities\zenshot.lua items\active\weapons\bow\abilities\zenshot.weaponability items\active\weapons\bow\poisonbow\poisonbow.activeitem items\active\weapons\chakram\chakram.activeitem items\active\weapons\fist\gauntlet.activeitem [NEW] items\active\weapons\fist\supernovaglove.activeitem [NEW] items\active\weapons\fist\supernovaglove.frames [NEW] items\active\weapons\fist\supernovaglove.png items\active\weapons\melee\axe\commonaxe.activeitem items\active\weapons\melee\axe\rareaxe.activeitem items\active\weapons\melee\axe\uncommonaxe.activeitem items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\astrosabredeluxe.activeitem items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\commonbroadsword.activeitem items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\legendblade.activeitem 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projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\icebouncer.projectile projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\poisonbouncer.projectile projectiles\boss\spiderboss\ixolingspawn.lua projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedpoisonarrow\chargedpoisonarrow.projectile projectiles\guns\arrows\poisonarrow\poisonarrow.projectile quests\generated\pools\npcthreats.config quests\generated\pools\singlenpcthreats.config quests\outpost\ursaminer1.questtemplate quests\scripts\story\bootship.lua quests\scripts\story\gaterepair.lua quests\story\bootship.questtemplate quests\story\gaterepair.questtemplate scripts\behavior.lua sfx\gun\mp3.ogg [NEW] sfx\interface\crafting_tech1.ogg treasure\common.treasurepools treasure\largedungeons.treasurepools treasure\npcdrops.treasurepools DIFFS ----- interface.config 50d49 < "breathBarNextBarOffset" : [0, 96], dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tundra\template2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] interface\cockpit\cockpit.config 176,177c176,177 < "Leafy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life. My database indicates that you may encounter woodland creatures.", < "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;forest ^white;Readings indicate that this wooded area is relatively tranquil." --- > "Leafy trees abound in this ^#15ce02;forest ^white;location. The area is hospitable to life, my database indicates that you may encounter woodland creatures.", > "Your beam site for this planet is located in a ^#15ce02;forest^white;. Readings indicate that this wooded area is relatively tranquil." 181,182c181,182 < "A ^#e6c801;desert^white; area populated by cacti, as well as various animal life. A relatively safe landing site so long as you avoid the sandstorms.", < "Sand. Readings indicate sand. Also some cacti... But predominantly sand. Given the available information I speculate that the landing site is situated in a ^#e6c801;desert^white;." --- > "A ^#e6c801;desert^white; area populated by cacti, as well as various animal life. A relatively safe landing site, so long as you avoid the sandstorms.", > "Sand. Readings indicate sand. Also some cacti... but predominantly sand. Given the available information I speculate that the landing site is situated in a ^#e6c801;desert^white;." 186c186 < "snow" : ["This chilly landing site is laden with ^#69f1fd;snow^white;, Sundry trees grow here and various animals also thrive in the cold conditions. An excellent place to make snowballs.", --- > "snow" : ["This chilly landing site is laden with ^#69f1fd;snow^white;. Sundry trees grow here and various animals also thrive in the cold conditions. An excellent place to make snowballs.", 188,189c188,189 < "The landing location is cold, but not perilously so. ^#69f1fd;Snow^white;, covers the area and blizzards are a possibility. A hat and gloves may be advisable.", < "This location is relatively chill and ^#69f1fd;snow^white;, lays thickly on the ground. My sensors indicate that there are critters scampering through the soft blanket of white." --- > "The landing location is cold, but not perilously so. ^#69f1fd;Snow^white; covers the area and blizzards are a possibility. A hat and gloves may be advisable.", > "This location is relatively chill, and ^#69f1fd;snow^white; lays thickly on the ground. My sensors indicate that there are critters scampering through the soft blanket of white." items\active\weapons\boomerang\boomerang.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 2, 32d32 < "level" : 3, items\active\weapons\boomerang\wormerang.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 4, 40d40 < "level" : 4, items\active\weapons\bow\abilities\zenshot.lua 20c20 < time = 1.0, --- > time = self.splitDelay, 24c24 < angleAdjust = -10, --- > angleAdjust = -self.splitAngle, 29c29 < time = 1.0, --- > time = self.splitDelay, 33c33 < angleAdjust = 10, --- > angleAdjust = self.splitAngle, items\active\weapons\bow\abilities\zenshot.weaponability 27a28,30 > "splitDelay" : 1.0, > "splitAngle" : 10, > items\active\weapons\bow\poisonbow\poisonbow.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 2, 6c7 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", 16,17d16 < "level" : 4, < 57c56,58 < } --- > }, > "splitDelay" : 0.2, > "splitAngle" : 2 items\active\weapons\chakram\chakram.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 2, 37d37 < "level" : 3, items\active\weapons\fist\gauntlet.activeitem 3c3 < "level" : 3, --- > "level" : 2, items\active\weapons\melee\axe\commonaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 600, items\active\weapons\melee\axe\rareaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 720, items\active\weapons\melee\axe\uncommonaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 660, items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\astrosabredeluxe.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 6, 4d4 < "level" : 4, items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\commonbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\legendblade.activeitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 170, < "level" : 4, --- > "price" : 150, > "level" : 1, 6,8c6,8 < "rarity" : "Legendary", < "description" : "Legendary sword that comes out of a rock.", < "shortdescription" : "Legend Blade", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "This legend sword cames out of a rock.", > "shortdescription" : "Legend Sword", 21,42c21 < "animationCustom" : { < "animatedParts" : { "parts" : { "swoosh" : { "partStates" : { "swoosh" : { < "fire" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh/physicalswoosh.png:" }}, < "fire2" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh2/physicalswoosh.png:" }}, < "fire3" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh3/physicalswoosh.png:" }} < }}}}}, < "particleEmitters" : { < "numerals" : { < "active" : false, < "transformationGroups" : ["swoosh"], < "offsetRegion" : [0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0], < "particles" : [ < { "particle" : "energyblade"}, < { "particle" : "energyblade2"} < ] < } < }, < "sounds" : { < "altWindup" : [ "/sfx/melee/timepierce_windup.ogg" ], < "altFire" : [ "/sfx/melee/timepierce_swing2.ogg" ] < } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 51c30 < "baseDps" : 11 --- > "baseDps" : 22.5 54,101c33 < "altAbility" : { < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < < "fireTime" : 1.5, < "baseDps" : 0, < "energyUsage" : 120.0, < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "knockback" : 25, < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < < "fireSound" : "altFire", < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.333, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "armAngularVelocity" : -1080, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "playSounds" : ["altWindup"], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.5, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "burstParticleEmitters" : ["numerals"], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } < }, --- > "altAbilityType" : "risingslash", items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\rarebroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\stoneblade.activeitem 3,4c3,4 < "price" : 170, < "level" : 4, --- > "price" : 150, > "level" : 1, 6,8c6,8 < "rarity" : "Legendary", < "description" : "Stone sword that comes out of a rock.", < "shortdescription" : "Legend Blade", --- > "rarity" : "Common", > "description" : "This stone sword cames out of a rock.", > "shortdescription" : "Stone Sword", 21,42c21 < "animationCustom" : { < "animatedParts" : { "parts" : { "swoosh" : { "partStates" : { "swoosh" : { < "fire" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh/physicalswoosh.png:" }}, < "fire2" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh2/physicalswoosh.png:" }}, < "fire3" : { "properties" : { "image" : "/items/active/weapons/melee/broadsword/swoosh3/physicalswoosh.png:" }} < }}}}}, < "particleEmitters" : { < "numerals" : { < "active" : false, < "transformationGroups" : ["swoosh"], < "offsetRegion" : [0.75, 0.0, 4.25, 5.0], < "particles" : [ < { "particle" : "energyblade"}, < { "particle" : "energyblade2"} < ] < } < }, < "sounds" : { < "altWindup" : [ "/sfx/melee/timepierce_windup.ogg" ], < "altFire" : [ "/sfx/melee/timepierce_swing2.ogg" ] < } < }, --- > "animationCustom" : { }, 51c30 < "baseDps" : 11 --- > "baseDps" : 5.5 54,101c33 < "altAbility" : { < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/melee/meleeslash.lua"], < "class" : "MeleeSlash", < < "fireTime" : 1.5, < "baseDps" : 0, < "energyUsage" : 120.0, < "damageConfig" : { < "damageSourceKind" : "broadsword", < "knockback" : 25, < "knockbackMode" : "facing", < "timeoutGroup" : "primary" < }, < < "fireSound" : "altFire", < < "stances" : { < "idle" : { < "armRotation" : -90, < "weaponRotation" : -10, < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "windup" : { < "duration" : 0.333, < "armRotation" : 90, < "weaponRotation" : -90, < "armAngularVelocity" : -1080, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "playSounds" : ["altWindup"], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : true < }, < "fire" : { < "duration" : 0.5, < "armRotation" : -45, < "weaponRotation" : -55, < "twoHanded" : true, < < "burstParticleEmitters" : ["numerals"], < < "allowRotate" : false, < "allowFlip" : false < } < } < }, --- > "altAbilityType" : "risingslash", items\active\weapons\melee\broadsword\uncommonbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\commondagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 450, items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\raredagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 80, --- > "price" : 540, items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\uncommondagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 70, --- > "price" : 495, items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\commonhammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\rarehammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\uncommonhammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\commonshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 600, items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\rareshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 720, items\active\weapons\melee\shortsword\uncommonshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 660, items\active\weapons\melee\spear\commonspear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\melee\spear\rarespear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, items\active\weapons\melee\spear\uncommonspear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, items\active\weapons\novakid\tungstenshotgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 960, 64,65c64,65 < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, --- > "armRotation" : 8, > "weaponRotation" : 8, 73,74c73,74 < "armRotation" : 3, < "weaponRotation" : 3, --- > "armRotation" : 8, > "weaponRotation" : 8, items\active\weapons\other\electricrailgun\electricrailgun.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 4, 12d12 < "level" : 1, items\active\weapons\other\evileye\evileye.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 6, 12d12 < "level" : 4, items\active\weapons\other\eyesword\eyesword.activeitem 3d2 < "price" : 170, 4a4 > "price" : 170, items\active\weapons\other\gnomegun\gnomegun.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 1, 9d9 < "level" : 1, items\active\weapons\other\gristlegun\gristlegun.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 4, 12d12 < "level" : 1, 37,38c37,38 < "baseOffset" : [-0.25, 0.25], < "muzzleOffset" : [1.0, 0.0], --- > "baseOffset" : [0.75, 0.125], > "muzzleOffset" : [1.0, 0.125], 62c62 < --- > items\active\weapons\other\magnorbs\magnorbs.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 6, 8d8 < // "level" : 3, items\active\weapons\other\soulseeker\soulseeker.activeitem 3d2 < "price" : 5000, 4a4 > "price" : 5000, 6c6 < "rarity" : "Rare", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\active\weapons\other\tentaclegun\tentaclegun.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 6, 12d12 < "level" : 4, items\active\weapons\other\tentaclegun\wormgun.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 4, 12d12 < "level" : 4, items\active\weapons\protectorate\durasteelbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\protectorate\durasteelshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 480, items\active\weapons\protectorate\ironbroadsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\protectorate\ironshortsword.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 480, items\active\weapons\protectorate\titaniumdagger.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 70, --- > "price" : 320, items\active\weapons\protectorate\titaniumspear.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\protectorate\tungstenaxe.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 480, items\active\weapons\protectorate\tungstenhammer.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 960, items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\commonassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, 61c61 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\rareassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, 58c58 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\uncommonassaultrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, 58c58 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\flamethrower\flamethrower.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 2, 12c13,14 < // "level" : 3, --- > > "inventoryIcon" : "flamethrower.png", 15c17,22 < "animationParts" : { }, --- > "animationParts" : { > "butt" : "", > "middle" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/flamethrower.png", > "barrel" : "", > "muzzleFlash" : "" > }, 23,24c30,31 < "baseOffset" : [-1.4, -0.05], < "muzzleOffset" : [0.4, 0.4], --- > "baseOffset" : [0.75, 0], > "muzzleOffset" : [2.5, 0.4], 26c33 < "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/flamethrower.lua"], --- > "scripts" : ["/items/active/weapons/ranged/gun.lua"], 35,61c42,45 < "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildweapon.lua", < "builderConfig" : [{ < "animationParts" : { < "butt" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/butt/.png", < "variants" : 7, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "middle" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/middle/.png", < "variants" : 4, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "barrel" : { < "path" : "/items/active/weapons/ranged/flamethrower/barrel/.png", < "variants" : 4, < "paletteSwap" : true < }, < "muzzleFlash" : "" < }, < "gunParts" : ["butt", "middle", "barrel"], < "altAbilities" : [ < "fuelairtrail" < ], < "palette" : "/items/active/weapons/colors/ranged.weaponcolors", < "iconDrawables" : ["butt", "middle", "barrel"] < }] --- > "altAbilityType" : "fuelairtrail", > "altAbility" : {}, > > "builder" : "/items/buildscripts/buildunrandweapon.lua" items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\commongrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 660, items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\raregrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 115, --- > "price" : 790, items\active\weapons\ranged\grenadelauncher\uncommongrenadelauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 105, --- > "price" : 725, items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\commonmachinepistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 600, 55c55 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\raremachinepistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 720, 54c54 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\uncommonmachinepistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 660, 54c54 < "duration" : 0.075, --- > "duration" : 0.11, items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\commonpistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 600, items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\rarepistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 95, --- > "price" : 720, items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\uncommonpistol.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 85, --- > "price" : 660, items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\commonrocketlauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1200, items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\rarerocketlauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 230, --- > "price" : 1440, items\active\weapons\ranged\rocketlauncher\uncommonrocketlauncher.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 210, --- > "price" : 1320, items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\commonshotgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\rareshotgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\uncommonshotgun.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\commonsniperrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 900, items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\raresniperrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 190, --- > "price" : 1080, items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\uncommonsniperrifle.activeitem 3c3 < "price" : 170, --- > "price" : 990, items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementbouncer.weaponability 8c8 < "energyCost" : 80, --- > "energyCost" : 75, 14c14 < "baseDamage" : 15 --- > "baseDamage" : 6 items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementorb.weaponability 8c8 < "energyCost" : 80, --- > "energyCost" : 75, 14c14 < "baseDamage" : 5 --- > "baseDamage" : 4 items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementportal.weaponability 8c8 < "energyCost" : 80, --- > "energyCost" : 100, 14c14 < "baseDamage" : 10 --- > "baseDamage" : 6 items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementrain.weaponability 8c8 < "energyCost" : 80, --- > "energyCost" : 75, items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementswarm.weaponability 8c8 < "energyCost" : 80, --- > "energyCost" : 50, 12c12 < "projectileCount" : 5, --- > "projectileCount" : 6, 16c16 < "baseDamage" : 20 --- > "baseDamage" : 35 items\active\weapons\staff\teslastaff\teslastaff.activeitem 2a3 > "level" : 6, items\active\weapons\whip\ropewhip.activeitem 5c5 < "rarity" : "Uncommon", --- > "rarity" : "Legendary", items\armors\apex\apex-tier1\apextier1.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants and boots allow for flexibility whilst still providing protection from the elements!", < "shortdescription" : "Defector's Pants", --- > "description" : "These trousers and boots allow for flexibility whilst still providing protection from the elements.", > "shortdescription" : "Defector's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier2\apextier2.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Rebel's Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Rebel's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier3\apextier3.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Shock-resistant pants with titanium plated boots.", < "shortdescription" : "Insurgent's Pants", --- > "description" : "Shock-resistant trousers with titanium plated boots.", > "shortdescription" : "Insurgent's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier4\apextier4.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Revolutionary's Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Revolutionary's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier5accelerator\apextier5accelerator.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Pants and boots that are far lighter than they appear - Ideal equipment for sneaking about.", < "shortdescription" : "Rogue's Pants", --- > "description" : "Trousers and boots that are far lighter than they appear - Ideal equipment for sneaking about.", > "shortdescription" : "Rogue's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulator.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Spy's Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Spy's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier5separator\apextier5separator.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A classy set of pants and boots that are light enough for the wearer to make a quick getaway.", < "shortdescription" : "Assassin's Pants", --- > "description" : "A classy pair of trousers and boots that are light enough for the wearer to make a quick getaway.", > "shortdescription" : "Assassin's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apex-tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulator.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Usurper's Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Usurper's Trousers", items\armors\apex\apexcommander\apexcommander.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex commander pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Commander Pants", --- > "description" : "Standard issue Apex commander trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Commander Trousers", items\armors\apex\apexnavy\apexnavy.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex navy pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Navy Pants", --- > "description" : "Standard issue Apex navy trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Navy Trousers", items\armors\apex\apexofficer\apexofficer.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex officer pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Officer Pants", --- > "description" : "Standard issue Apex officer trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Officer Trousers", items\armors\apex\apexspecialist\apexspecialist.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Standard issue Apex specialist pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Specialist Pants", --- > "description" : "Standard issue Apex specialist trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Specialist Trousers", items\armors\avian\avian-tier3\aviantier3.legs 8c8 < "description" : "Generic titanium pants, used for general pant-related duties.", --- > "description" : "Flexible leg wrappings, with titanium ankle cuffs.", items\armors\avian\avian-tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulator.legs 8c8 < "description" : "A lightweight pair of ferozium-laced hotpants - not too tight, not too loose. Juuust right.", --- > "description" : "A lightweight ferozium-laced skirt. Additonal bird-foot booties not optional.", items\armors\avian\avian-tier6accelerator\aviantier6accelerator.legs 8c8 < "description" : "These slim-cut pants are interwoven with pure solarium thread for added durability.", --- > "description" : "These slim-cut leggings are interwoven with pure solarium thread for added durability.", items\armors\biome\bioluminescence\biolumin\biolumin.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Some luminescent pants - tread carefully no longer!", < "shortdescription" : "Glow Pants", --- > "description" : "Some luminescent trousers - tread carefully no longer!", > "shortdescription" : "Glow Trousers", items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.chest 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Optic Nerve Shirt", --- > "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Shirt", items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.head 8c8 < "description" : "A giant eyeball mask. It lacks depth perception...", --- > "description" : "A giant eyeball mask. Drastically reduces your depth perception.", items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants have a giant living eye.", < "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Pants", --- > "description" : "This all-in-one leg covering features a giant living eye. Creepy.", > "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Skirt", items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyavian\anatomyavian.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "It's educational! Some pants showing off the Avian leg musculature.", < "shortdescription" : "Avian Anatomy Pants", --- > "description" : "It's educational! Trousers showing off the Avian leg musculature.", > "shortdescription" : "Avian Anatomy Trousers", items\armors\biome\flesh\anatomyhuman\anatomy.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "It's educational! Some pants showing off some leg musculature.", < "shortdescription" : "Anatomy Pants", --- > "description" : "It's educational! Trousers showing off human leg musculature.", > "shortdescription" : "Human Anatomy Trousers", items\armors\biome\geode\executionerslegs\executionerslegs.legs 9,10c9,10 < "description" : "Intimidating pants, which are lightly padded for protection.", < "shortdescription" : "Executioner's Pants", --- > "description" : "Intimidating trousers, which are lightly padded for protection.", > "shortdescription" : "Executioner's Trousers", items\armors\biome\geode\geode\geode.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Geode Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Geode Trousers", items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.chest 24,34c24,47 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } 36c49 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.head 16,26c16,39 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } items\armors\biome\giantflowers\buzzy\buzzy.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A pair of striped costume pants. Don't worry, the stinger is just for show.", < "shortdescription" : "Buzzy Pants", --- > "description" : "A pair of striped costume trousers. Don't worry, the stinger is just for show.", > "shortdescription" : "Buzzy Trousers", 15,25c15,38 < { "ffca8a" : "fffdb0", "e0975c" : "cbc234", "a85636" : "926e19", "6f2919" : "563f0f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "727272", "e0975c" : "414141", "a85636" : "1c1c1c", "6f2919" : "0b0b0b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e9e9e9", "e0975c" : "727272", "a85636" : "333333", "6f2919" : "161616" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fa5f53", "e0975c" : "bc1d1d", "a85636" : "76141b", "6f2919" : "460c12" }, < { "ffca8a" : "ffb05a", "e0975c" : "c36a22", "a85636" : "833d12", "6f2919" : "512209" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fae153", "e0975c" : "b1981c", "a85636" : "7d6214", "6f2919" : "47340a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "8ed563", "e0975c" : "498737", "a85636" : "1e4b19", "6f2919" : "0b200a" }, < { "ffca8a" : "47c8f8", "e0975c" : "1b79b5", "a85636" : "10386d", "6f2919" : "091d3f" }, < { "ffca8a" : "be69f4", "e0975c" : "8532bf", "a85636" : "4e187c", "6f2919" : "290c46" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fc72f8", "e0975c" : "a239a3", "a85636" : "681f6f", "6f2919" : "35103b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "bb8b4d", "e0975c" : "75522d", "a85636" : "463319", "6f2919" : "1c140a" } --- > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // BLACK > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, > // GREY > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, > // WHITE > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, > // RED > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, > // ORANGE > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, > // YELLOW > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, > // GREEN > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, > // BLUE > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, > // PURPLE > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, > // PINK > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } 27c40 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file items\armors\biome\ice\cyclopsyeti\cyclopsyeti.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Pants made from cyclops yeti hair.", < "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yeti Pants", --- > "description" : "Trousers made from cyclops yeti hair.", > "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yeti Trousers", items\armors\biome\icecaves\icearmor\icearmor.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Chilly pants made of ice.", < "shortdescription" : "Ice Armor Pants", --- > "description" : "Chilly trousers made of ice.", > "shortdescription" : "Ice Armor Trousers", items\armors\biome\jungle\tough\tough.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Some tough person pants!", < "shortdescription" : "Tough Pants", --- > "description" : "Some tough person trousers!", > "shortdescription" : "Tough Trousers", items\armors\biome\midnight\darkdisguise\darkdisguise.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants brim with dark energy.", < "shortdescription" : "Dark Disguise Pants", --- > "description" : "These trousers are brimming with dark energy.", > "shortdescription" : "Dark Disguise Trousers", items\armors\biome\ocean\beachcreeper\beachcreeper.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants have the texture of moldy leather. Gross.", < "shortdescription" : "Creepling Pants", --- > "description" : "These trousers have the texture of mouldy leather. Gross.", > "shortdescription" : "Creepling Trousers", items\armors\biome\prism\prism.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Stay toasty with these fur-lined pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Winter Pants", --- > "description" : "Stay toasty with these fur-lined trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Winter Trousers", items\armors\biome\scorchedcity\deadbeatleather\deadbeatleather.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Tough pants, made from cured leather.", < "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Leather Pants", --- > "description" : "Tough trousers, made from cured leather.", > "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Tough Trousers", items\armors\biome\scorchedcity\deadbeatscroungerstraps\deadbeatscroungerstraps.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Dirty, tattered pants often worn by scroungers.", < "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Scrounger Pants", --- > "description" : "Dirty, tattered trousers often worn by scroungers.", > "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Dirty Trousers", items\armors\biome\scorchedcity\deadbeatspandex\deadbeatspandex.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Durable, tight fitting pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Spandex Pants", --- > "description" : "Durable, tight fitting spandex trousers.", > "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Tight Trousers", items\armors\biome\scorchedcity\deadbeatstraps\deadbeatstraps.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Tough pants, worn by exposure to the elements.", < "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Straps Pants", --- > "description" : "Tough trousers, worn by exposure to the elements.", > "shortdescription" : "Deadbeat Straps Trousers", items\armors\biome\slime\slime\slime.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Feels like wading in a pool of jelly.", < "shortdescription" : "Slime Pants", --- > "description" : "Wearing these feels like wading in a pool of jelly.", > "shortdescription" : "Slime Trousers", items\armors\biome\spring\flowery\flowery.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Pants I can grow into.", < "shortdescription" : "Flowery Pants", --- > "description" : "Trousers you can grow into.", > "shortdescription" : "Flowery Trousers", items\armors\biome\steamspring\neckruffle\steamgrey.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants are lined inside to provide extra protection and warmth.", < "shortdescription" : "Warm Grey Pants", --- > "description" : "These trousers are lined inside to provide extra protection and warmth.", > "shortdescription" : "Warm Grey Trousers", items\armors\biome\swamp\lagoonsuit\lagoon.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These scale covered pants have claws for feet.", < "shortdescription" : "Lagoon Pants", --- > "description" : "These scale-covered trousers have claws for feet.", > "shortdescription" : "Lagoon Trousers", items\armors\biome\tar\tar\tar.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Pants made from dripping wet tar.", < "shortdescription" : "Tar Pants", --- > "description" : "Trousers made from warm, sticky tar.", > "shortdescription" : "Tar Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\betty\betty.legs 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Disguise Pants", --- > "shortdescription" : "Disguise Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\hotholiday\hotholiday.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Mrs. Claus's traditional pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Mrs. Claus's Pants", --- > "description" : "Mrs. Claus's traditional legwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Mrs. Claus's Skirt", items\armors\decorative\costumes\moneybags\moneybags.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These fancy tux pants let you step out in style.", < "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Tux Pants", --- > "description" : "These fancy tux trousers let you step out in style.", > "shortdescription" : "Moneybags Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\mrclaus\mrclaus.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Mr. Claus's traditional pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Mr. Claus's Pants", --- > "description" : "Mr. Claus's traditional legwear.", > "shortdescription" : "Mr. Claus's Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\pirate\pirate.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "A pirate's pants, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", < "shortdescription" : "Pirate Pants", --- > "description" : "A pirate's pantoonls, with holes for legs (peg or otherwise).", > "shortdescription" : "Pirate Pantaloons", items\armors\decorative\costumes\pixelhero\pixelhero.legs 8c8 < "description" : "These command heroic power.", --- > "description" : "Can only be worn by those worthy enough.", items\armors\decorative\costumes\predatory\predatory.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "Pants for those who are ready to hunt.", < "shortdescription" : "Predatory Pants", --- > "description" : "Trousers for those who are always ready to hunt.", > "shortdescription" : "Predatory Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\rainbowood\rainbowwood.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "My steps make some woody noise with these pants.", < "shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Pants", --- > "description" : "These trousers make a pleasant woody sound when walking.", > "shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Trousers", items\armors\decorative\costumes\rock\rock.legs 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "These pants make me feel so heavy.", < "shortdescription" : "Rock Pants", --- > "description" : "Perfect camoflage for miners.", > "shortdescription" : "Rock Trousers", items\armors\decorative\hats\bandithat1\bandithat1.head 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Bandit's Hat", --- > "shortdescription" : "Bandit's Bandana", items\armors\decorative\hats\kathood\kathood.head 17,18c17,18 < // YELLOW < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, --- > // BROWN > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" }, items\armors\novakid\nova-tier1\novatier1.head 8c8 < "description" : "You'd make a dashing Deputy in this hat.", --- > "description" : "You'd make a dashing deputy in this hat.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier1\novatier1.legs 8c8 < "description" : "Simple yet stylish Deputy's slacks.", --- > "description" : "Simple yet stylish deputy's slacks.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier2\novatier2.chest 8c8 < "description" : "A tough jacket with steel fastenings, to keep you warm in all weathers.", --- > "description" : "A tough jacket with steel fastenings, to keep you warm in all weather.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier2\novatier2.legs 8c8 < "description" : "Make the perfect getaway in these Bandit's chaps.", --- > "description" : "Make the perfect getaway in these bandit's chaps.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier4\novatier4.chest 8c8 < "description" : "Be the best-dressed in town, in this Sheriff's vest!", --- > "description" : "Be the best-dressed in town, in this sheriff's vest!", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.chest 8c8 < "description" : "A Bonesaw's coat. Menacing yet elegant.", --- > "description" : "A bonesaw's coat. Menacing yet elegant.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.head 8c8 < "description" : "The intimidating headwear of a Bonesaw, its eyes burning with malice.", --- > "description" : "The intimidating headwear of a bonesaw, its eyes burning with malice.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulator.legs 8c8 < "description" : "A Bonesaw's ominous pants.", --- > "description" : "A bonesaw's ominous pants.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5separator\novatier5separator.chest 8c8 < "description" : "The sorta chest plate that makes yer wanna tie a damsel to a railroad track.", --- > "description" : "The sorta chest plate that makes ya wanna tie a damsel to a railroad track.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier5separator\novatier5separator.legs 8c8 < "description" : "Loose fitting and durable, for all your Varmint needs.", --- > "description" : "Loose fitting and durable, for all your varmint needs.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6accelerator\novatier6accelerator.chest 8c8 < "description" : "Got a risky venture planned? Be sure to take this Gambler's vest along.", --- > "description" : "Got a risky venture planned? Be sure to take this gambler's vest along.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6accelerator\novatier6accelerator.head 8c8 < "description" : "No matter how high the stakes, you won't lose you head with this Gambler's hat.", --- > "description" : "No matter how high the stakes, you won't lose you head with this gambler's hat.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6separator\novatier6separator.head 8c8 < "description" : "A sturdy Wrangler's Hat, with reinforced facial protection.", --- > "description" : "A sturdy wrangler's hat, with reinforced facial protection.", items\armors\novakid\nova-tier6separator\novatier6separator.legs 8c8 < "description" : "Wrangler's Pants, for the hardy Wrangler.", --- > "description" : "Wrangler's Pants, for the hardy wrangler.", items\armors\protectorate\protectorateuniform\protectorate.chest 25c25 < { "ffca8a" : "7db8d6", "e0975c" : "5588ab", "a85636" : "325a81", "6f2919" : "1c3553" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "7db8d6", "e0975c" : "5588ab", "a85636" : "325a81", "6f2919" : "1c3553", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 27c27 < { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "838383", "e0975c" : "555555", "a85636" : "383838", "6f2919" : "151515", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 29c29 < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 31c31 < { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "e6e6e6", "e0975c" : "b6b6b6", "a85636" : "7b7b7b", "6f2919" : "373737", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 33c33 < { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 35c35 < { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "ffd495", "e0975c" : "ea9931", "a85636" : "af4e00", "6f2919" : "6e2900", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 37c37 < { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "ffffa7", "e0975c" : "e2c344", "a85636" : "a46e06", "6f2919" : "642f00", "e2c344" : "e6e6e6", "b0810f" : "b6b6b6" }, 39c39 < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 41c41 < { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "96cbe7", "e0975c" : "5588d4", "a85636" : "344495", "6f2919" : "1a1c51", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 43c43 < { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "d29ce7", "e0975c" : "a451c4", "a85636" : "6a2284", "6f2919" : "320c40", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 45c45 < { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f" }, --- > { "ffca8a" : "eab3db", "e0975c" : "d35eae", "a85636" : "97276d", "6f2919" : "59163f", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" }, 47c47 < { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13" } --- > { "ffca8a" : "ccae7c", "e0975c" : "a47844", "a85636" : "754c23", "6f2919" : "472b13", "e2c344" : "e2c344", "b0810f" : "b0810f" } items\buildscripts\buildbow.lua 6,9d5 < if level then < parameters.level = level < end < monsters\ghosts\gosmet\gosmet.monstertype 4c4 < "description" : "These creatures have ethereal bodies that they mold into armour when threatened.", --- > "description" : "These creatures have ethereal bodies that they mould into armour when threatened.", monsters\mission\ixoling\ixoling.monstertype 24c24 < "targetQueryRange" : 40, --- > "targetQueryRange" : 100, npcs\outpost\visitors\socialitevisitor.npctype 25c25 < { "name" : "wighead" } --- > { "name" : "wighead" }, { "name" : "moneybagshead" } npcs\threats\outlawknight.npctype 5c5 < "levelVariance" : [1, 1], --- > "levelVariance" : [1, 1.5], npcs\threats\outlawsamurai.npctype 5c5 < "levelVariance" : [1, 1], --- > "levelVariance" : [1, 1.5], npcs\threats\outlawsoldier.npctype 5c5 < "levelVariance" : [1, 1], --- > "levelVariance" : [1, 1.5], objects\actionfigure\gosmet\gosmetaf.object 8c8 < "description" : "The label reads, \"These creatures have ethereal bodies that they mold into armour when threatened.\"", --- > "description" : "The label reads, \"These creatures have ethereal bodies that they mould into armour when threatened.\"", objects\clues\floran\championspeardisplay\championspeardisplay.object 3c3 < "colonyTags" : ["floran","floranhuntinggrounds"], --- > "colonyTags" : ["floran","floranhuntinggrounds","combat"], objects\outpost\2stopteleshop\2stoptele.object 103a104,107 > }, > { > "type" : "spacepioneervisitor", > "species" : [ "human" ] objects\outpost\infinityexpress\infinityexpress.object 29a30 > { "item" : "flashlight" }, projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\electricbouncer.projectile 37c37 < "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.1, projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\firebouncer.projectile 37c37 < "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.1, projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\icebouncer.projectile 37c37 < "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.1, projectiles\activeitems\staff\elementbouncer\poisonbouncer.projectile 37c37 < "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "spikeDamageFactor" : 0.1, projectiles\boss\spiderboss\ixolingspawn.lua 13c13 < world.spawnMonster("ixoling", mcontroller.position(), { level = config.getParameter("level", 1.0) } ) --- > world.spawnMonster("ixoling", mcontroller.position(), { level = config.getParameter("level", 1.0), aggressive = true } ) projectiles\guns\arrows\chargedpoisonarrow\chargedpoisonarrow.projectile 7,8d6 < "emitters" : [ "poisondrip" ], < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/poison.png", 12a11 > "emitters" : [ "poisondrip" ], projectiles\guns\arrows\poisonarrow\poisonarrow.projectile 15c15,20 < "damageKindImage" : "/interface/statuses/poison.png", --- > "pointLight" : true, > "lightColor" : [48, 79, 13], > "emitters" : [ "poisonplasma" ], > "statusEffects" : [ > "weakpoison" > ], quests\generated\pools\npcthreats.config 85a86,94 > [ "glitch" ], > { > "name" : "Glitch archers", > "species" : "glitch", > "typeName" : "glitcharcher" > } > ], > > [ 90a100,108 > } > ], > > [ > [ "floran" ], > { > "name" : "Floran snipers", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "floransniper" quests\generated\pools\singlenpcthreats.config 31a32,41 > ], > > [ > [ "generic" ], > { > "name" : "rogue barbarian", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "outlawbarbarian", > "seed" : "stable" > } quests\outpost\ursaminer1.questtemplate 30c30 < "consume" : false --- > "consume" : true quests\scripts\story\bootship.lua 69c69 < if shipUpgrades.shipLevel > 0 and contains(shipUpgrades.capabilities, "teleport") then --- > if shipUpgrades.shipLevel > 0 then quests\scripts\story\gaterepair.lua 46a47 > player.upgradeShip(config.getParameter("shipUpgrade")) quests\story\bootship.questtemplate 30,31c30 < "shipLevel" : 1, < "capabilities" : ["teleport"] --- > "shipLevel" : 1 quests\story\gaterepair.questtemplate 31,32c31,34 < // progress quest when this command is available < "commandEnabled" : "shipstatus1", --- > // applied when quest is started > "shipUpgrade" : { > "capabilities" : ["teleport"] > }, 37,39d38 < < "shipUpgrade" : { "shipLevel" : 2 }, < "disabledAiCommands" : [ "shipstatus1" ], scripts\behavior.lua 14c14 < instance.loadSteps = parameters.loadSteps or 50 --- > instance.loadSteps = parameters.loadSteps or 100 52d51 < newNode.parent = parent 56a56,66 > newNode.parent = parent > > -- Keep a set of parents for fast lookups > newNode.parents = {} > if parent then > newNode.parents[] = 1 > for parentId,_ in pairs(parent.parents) do > newNode.parents[parentId] = 1 > end > end > 112d121 < local ready = self:ready(node) 115,116c124 < if ready then < local status, result = self:resume(node, dt) --- > local status, result = self:resume(node, dt) 118,132c126,131 < -- Handle result from running the node < if result == true or result == false then < self:clearNode(node) < < if node.parent then < local rootResult = self:backPropagate(node.parent, node, result) < < if rootResult == true or rootResult == false then < self:clear() < return rootResult < end < end < else < if node.type == "action" then < self:interrupt(node) --- > -- Handle result from running the node > if result == true or result == false then > self:clearNode(node) > > if node.parent then > local rootResult = self:propagateResult(node.parent, node, result) 134,135c133,135 < -- Keep action nodes in the queue < self:queueBack(node) --- > if rootResult == true or rootResult == false then > self:clear() > return rootResult 137a138,144 > else > if node.type == "action" then > self:interrupt(node) > > -- Keep action nodes in the queue > self:queueBack(node) > end 140,141d146 < -- Clean up inactive nodes from the back queue < self.back = util.filter(self.back, function(v) return self:ready(v) end) 153c158 < function BTree:backPropagate(node, child, childResult) --- > function BTree:propagateResult(node, child, childResult) 164c169 < return self:backPropagate(node.parent, node, result) --- > return self:propagateResult(node.parent, node, result) 170a176,191 > function BTree:unqueue(node) > self:clearNode(node) > for i,queued in pairs(self.front) do > if == or queued.parents[] then > self:ready(queued) > end > end > for i,queued in pairs(self.back) do > if == or queued.parents[] then > self:ready(queued) > end > end > self.front = util.filter(self.front, function(n) return ~= and n.parents[] == nil end) > self.back = util.filter(self.back, function(n) return ~= and n.parents[] == nil end) > end > 187,189c208,210 < if node.cor then < if node.type == "action" then < node.parameters.dt = dt --- > if node.type == "action" then > node.parameters.dt = dt > if node.cor then 192c213,214 < error(string.format("Already active internal node %s %s queued by %s in %s",,,, --- > node.cor = coroutine.create(node.callback) > status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node.parameters, node.output or {}, node) 194a217,218 > -- A queued internal node should always be reset > -- They are only resumed through result propagation 196,201c220 < if node.type == "action" then < node.parameters.dt = dt < status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node.parameters, node.output or {}, node) < else < status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node, self) < end --- > status, result = coroutine.resume(node.cor, node, self) 202a222 > 240,243c260,266 < if node.onClear then node.onClear() end < node.cor = nil < node.interrupt = nil < node.onClear = nil --- > if node.cor then > node.cor = nil > node.interrupt = nil > > if node.onClear then node.onClear() end > node.onClear = nil > end 257,275d279 < -- Clears a node and also removes it from the queue < -- Use for removing nodes where the parent will still be alive < -- i.e. for interrupted children < function BTree:remove(node) < self:clearNode(node) < for i,v in ipairs(self.front) do < if v == node then < table.remove(self.front, i) < break < end < end < for i,v in ipairs(self.back) do < if v == node then < table.remove(self.back, i) < break < end < end < end < 335c339 < tree:clearNode(self.children[i]) --- > tree:unqueue(self.children[i]) 374,376c378,384 < states[] = result < if util.count(states, true) >= successCount then return true end < if util.count(states, false) >= failCount then return false end --- > states[] = result == nil and "running" or result > local success = util.count(states, true) >= successCount > local fail = util.count(states, false) >= failCount > if success or fail then > tree:unqueue(self) > return success or false > end 379a388 > tree:interrupt(self) 394a404 > tree:unqueue(self) 397,399d406 < tree:queueBack(node) < tree:setInterrupt(node, true) < 402a410,413 > > tree:queueBack(node) > tree:setInterrupt(node, true) > 409,410c420,421 < for i = index+1, current do < tree:remove(self.children[i]) --- > for i=index+1, current do > tree:unqueue(self.children[i]) treasure\common.treasurepools 57c57 < {"pool" : "weapon"} --- > {"pool" : "goodWeapon"} 781,787c781,784 < {"weight" : 0.29, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.29, "pool" : "commonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > // large chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 789c786,789 < {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // small chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "commonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "rareGun"} 793a794 > // moderate chance of melee 796c797 < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 797a799 > // moderate chance of guns 800c802,819 < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, > > // small chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarewand"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // moderate chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.12, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > > // moderate chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "commonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, 802c821,823 < {"weight" : 0.06, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // moderate chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.12, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarewand"} 810,814c831,833 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > // large chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.40, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 816c835,837 < {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} --- > // small chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "rareGun"} 820a842 > // moderate chance of melee 822c844 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.18, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, 823a846 > // moderate chance of guns 825c848,871 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.18, "pool" : "rareGun"}, > > // small chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rarewand"}, > > // tiny chance of unique weapon or recipe > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // moderate chance of melee > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > > // moderate chance of guns > {"weight" : 0.20, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "rareGun"}, > > // moderate chance of staff/wand > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarestaff"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "item" : "rarewand"}, 827,828c873,875 < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} --- > // small chance of unique weapon or recipe > {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "pool" : "uniqueWeaponRecipe"} 947,951c994,1000 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram" }, < {"weight" : 1.5, "item" : "gauntlet" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "parasol" } --- > // level 2 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "ropewhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.5, "item" : "gauntlet"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "poisonbow"} 956,962c1005,1033 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "boomerang" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "chakram" }, < {"weight" : 2.0, "item" : "gauntlet" }, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "flamethrower" }, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "remotegrenadelauncher" }, < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "wormerang" }, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "parasol" } --- > // include a chance for these since they're needed for later upgrades > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "boomerang"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : "chakram"}, > {"weight" : 0.75, "item" : "gauntlet"}, > > // level 4 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "vinewhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "wormgun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "wormerang"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "gristlegun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "soulseeker"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "electricrailgun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "timepierce"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "eyesword"} > ] > }], > [4.9, { > "pool" : [ > // level 6 uniques > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "supernovaglove"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "astrosabredeluxe"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "energywhip"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "teslastaff"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "magnorbs"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "tentaclegun"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "exmachina"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "energypickaxe"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "evileye"}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "remotegrenadelauncher"} 1493d1563 < {"pool" : "maybeWeaponTreasure"}, treasure\largedungeons.treasurepools 1766,1781c1766 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "astrosabredeluxe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "timepierce"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "cupidsbow"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "electricrailgun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "evileye"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "exmachina"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "gristlegun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "poisonbow"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "magnorbs"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "energypickaxe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "remotegrenadelauncher"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "soulseeker"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "wormgun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "tentaclegun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "teslastaff"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "energywhip"} --- > {"weight" : 1, "pool" : "uniqueWeapon"} 1787c1772 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } treasure\npcdrops.treasurepools 271,274c271,274 < {"weight" : 0.60, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "bandithat1"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "bandithat2"}, < {"weight" : 0.018, "item" : "rootpopflask"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bandithat1"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "bandithat2"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "rootpopflask"},