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"cultistboss-flyingslash", > "parameters": {} > }, > { > "title": "timer", > "type": "action", > "name": "timer", > "parameters": { > "time": 1 > }, > "output": { > "ratio": "" > } > }, > { 127,151d149 < } < }, < { < "title": "timer", < "type": "action", < "name": "timer", < "parameters": { < "time": 2 < } < }, < { < "title": "cultistboss-flyingslash", < "type": "module", < "name": "cultistboss-flyingslash", < "parameters": {} < }, < { < "title": "timer", < "type": "action", < "name": "timer", < "parameters": { < "time": 1 < }, < "output": { < "ratio": "" behaviors\monsters\boss\cultistboss\exhaust.behavior 15c15 < "title": "burstParticleEmitter", --- > "title": "setAnimationState", 17c17 < "name": "burstParticleEmitter", --- > "name": "setAnimationState", 19c19,20 < "emitter": "outOfEnergy" --- > "state": "exhaustin", > "type": "body" 23c24 < "title": "setAnimationState", --- > "title": "timer", 25c26 < "name": "setAnimationState", --- > "name": "timer", 27,28c28,36 < "state": "exhaustin", < "type": "body" --- > "time": 0.7 > } > }, > { > "title": "burstParticleEmitter", > "type": "action", > "name": "burstParticleEmitter", > "parameters": { > "emitter": "outOfEnergy" behaviors\monsters\boss\cultistboss\flyingslashattack.behavior 9d8 < "/scripts/behavior/bdata.lua", 19c18,19 < "projectileInterval": 0.05 --- > "projectileInterval": 0.05, > "startAngle": -0.5 196c196,208 < "title": "setVector", --- > "title": "multiply", > "type": "action", > "name": "multiply", > "parameters": { > "number": "", > "factor": "toSpawn" > }, > "output": { > "result": "startAngle" > } > }, > { > "title": "vecRotate", 198c210 < "name": "setVector", --- > "name": "vecRotate", 203c215,216 < ] --- > ], > "angle": "startAngle" 254c267 < "second": 4 --- > "second": 2 286c299 < "projectileType": "zbomb", --- > "projectileType": "energyshard", behaviors\npc\protectoratejanitor.behavior 7d6 < "/scripts/actions/math.lua", 22c21,23 < "parameters": {}, --- > "parameters": { > "direction": 1 > }, 86,93d86 < "title": "chance", < "type": "action", < "name": "chance", < "parameters": { < "chance": 1 < } < }, < { 102c95 < "title": "", --- > "title": "sayToEntity", 105a99 > "dialogType": "dialog.complain", 107c101 < "dialogType": "dialog.converse" --- > "static": false 150,152c144,146 < "title": "parallel", < "type": "composite", < "name": "parallel", --- > "title": "faceDirection", > "type": "action", > "name": "faceDirection", 154,156c148,166 < "fail": 1, < "success": 1 < }, --- > "direction": "moveDirection" > } > }, > { > "title": "timer", > "type": "action", > "name": "timer", > "parameters": { > "time": [ > 1, > 3 > ] > } > }, > { > "title": "cleanup", > "type": "composite", > "name": "cleanup", > "parameters": {}, 159c169 < "title": "move", --- > "title": "beginPrimaryFire", 161c171,177 < "name": "move", --- > "name": "beginPrimaryFire", > "parameters": {} > }, > { > "title": "sequence", > "type": "composite", > "name": "sequence", 163,164c179,220 < "direction": "moveDirection" < } --- > "type": "sliding", > "state": "off", > "fromEntity": "attackTarget", > "toEntity": "fleeTarget" > }, > "children": [ > { > "title": "timer", > "type": "action", > "name": "timer", > "parameters": { > "time": 0.5 > } > }, > { > "title": "parallel", > "type": "composite", > "name": "parallel", > "parameters": { > "fail": 1, > "success": 1 > }, > "children": [ > { > "title": "move", > "type": "action", > "name": "move", > "parameters": { > "direction": "moveDirection" > } > }, > { > "title": "timer", > "type": "action", > "name": "timer", > "parameters": { > "time": 2 > } > } > ] > } > ] 167c223 < "title": "timer", --- > "title": "endPrimaryFire", 169,175c225,226 < "name": "timer", < "parameters": { < "time": [ < 1, < 3 < ] < } --- > "name": "endPrimaryFire", > "parameters": {} cinematics\loading.cinematic 2c2 < "skippable" : true, --- > "skippable" : false, cinematics\intro\humanintrocomplete.cinematic 110a111 > // ------------------ moon 111a113,145 > { > 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"/cinematics/story/protectorshocked.png:{frame}" 650a651 > "animationFrames" : 6, 655a657 > "frame" : 0, 661a664 > "frame" : 0, 664a668,671 > "timecode" : 50.7, > "frame" : 6 > }, > { 667a675 > "frame" : 6, 672a681,688 > "frame" : 6, > "alpha" : 0, > "position" : [480, 152] > }, > { > "timecode" : 62.3, > "zoom" : 1.5, > "frame" : 6, dialog\combat.config 31c31 < "Ganking time!" --- > "Attack!" 39,40c39,42 < "They're after our loot!", < "By my beard, it's a trespasser!" --- > "Time to engage!", > "To battle!", > "Advance on the enemy!", > "The enemy approaches!" 50c52,53 < "You will regret this battle!" --- > "You will regret this battle!", > "This battle won't even ruffle my feathers!" 62,66d64 < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Floran regretsss this.", < "Nothing persssonal..." 78,82d75 < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Regretful. We do what we must to survive.", < "Apology. You must die, Floran." 91c84 < "My blade shall strike true!", --- > "My attacks shall strike true!", 96,97c89,91 < "Your appearance is that of boiled cabbage. I wonder if you taste any better.", < "I will slay you myself, uncultured monster." --- > "I will take revenge for my ancestors!", > "I have trained to battle Floran!", > "There is honour in defeating Floran barbarians!" 108,109c102,105 < "Let's steal their stuff!", < "We'll kill you so hard you won't know what hit you!" --- > "I don't go down easily!", > "Be warned, I put up a fight!", > "Here we go!", > "They won't know what hit them!" 118a115,116 > "Of course I won!", > "Another easy win!", 174a173 > "Don't come back!", dialog\cultist.config 3a4,38 > "default" : [ > "None shall pass!" > ] > }, > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "This just isn't your day!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!" > ] > }, > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "Don't think you can get away, nonbeliever!", > "If you aren't with us, then you're against us!" > ] > }, > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Are you here to stop us? It doesn't matter anyway!", > "You can't stop us! Don't even try!" > ] > }, > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "You shouldn't have come here!", > "You picked a bad time to come here!" > ] > }, > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "A nonbeliever approachesss!", > "You can't ssstop us!" > ] > }, > "glitch" : { 5c40,41 < "Death to heathens!" --- > "Malevolent. You shall not stop our plans!", > "Aggressive. You won't leave this place!" 7c43 < } --- > } dungeons\missions\hylotlmissions\hylotlmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\protectorate\protectorate.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] items\active\unsorted\broom\broom.lua 26,27c26 < _, self.aimDirection = table.unpack(activeItem.aimAngleAndDirection(0, activeItem.ownerAimPosition())) < activeItem.setFacingDirection(self.aimDirection) --- > 94c93 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end items\active\weapons\ranged\altabilities\flashlight\flashlight.altability 27c27 < "pointAngle" : -20.00, --- > "pointAngle" : 0.00, items\active\weapons\ranged\chakram\sawchakram.activeitem 7c7 < "description" : "A favorite weapon of the sacred order of lumbermonks.", --- > "description" : "A favourite weapon of the sacred order of lumbermonks.", items\fossils\humanoid\alpacafossil1.item 17c17 < "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Skeleton", --- > "shortdescription" : "Alpaca Fossil", items\fossils\humanoid\apexfossil1.item 17,18c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "Apex Skeleton", < "description" : "\"The skeletal remains of an Apex. Note the powerful teeth and pronounced brow ridges.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Apex Fossil", > "description" : "\"The fossilised remains of an Apex. Note the powerful teeth and pronounced brow ridges.\"" items\fossils\humanoid\avianfossil1.item 17,18c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "Avian Skeleton", < "description" : "\"Features of interest in this Avian skeleton are the hollow bones and the short flexible beak.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Avian Fossil", > "description" : "\"Features of interest in this fossilised Avian are the hollow bones and the short flexible beak.\"" items\fossils\humanoid\avioscalefossil1.item 17,18c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "Avioscale Skeleton", < "description" : "\"The remains of this Avioscale features large eye sockets and a prominent beak.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Avioscale Fossil", > "description" : "\"The fossilised remains of this Avioscale boasts oversized eye sockets and a prominent beak.\"" items\fossils\humanoid\floaranfossil1.item 6c6 < "description" : "A fossilised Floran skull", --- > "description" : "A fossilised Floran skull.", 17c17 < "shortdescription" : "Floran skeleton", --- > "shortdescription" : "Floran Fossil", items\fossils\humanoid\froggfossil1.item 17c17 < "shortdescription" : "Frogg Skeleton", --- > "shortdescription" : "Frogg Fossil", items\fossils\humanoid\glitchfossil1.item 17c17 < "shortdescription" : "Glitch Chassis", --- > "shortdescription" : "Glitch Fossil", items\fossils\humanoid\humanfossil1.item 17c17 < "shortdescription" : "Human skeleton", --- > "shortdescription" : "Human Fossil", items\fossils\humanoid\hylotlfossil1.item 17,18c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "Hylotl skeleton", < "description" : "\"The Hylotl skeleton still shows a few examples of adaptations to aquatic life.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fossil", > "description" : "\"This fossilised Hylotl skeleton shows early signs of adaptation to aquatic life.\"" items\fossils\humanoid\mysteriousfossil1.item 6c6 < "description" : "A fossilised ??? skull.", --- > "description" : "A fossilised skull.", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;??? Skull^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Skull", 17,27c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;??? Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " Over 1,500,000,000 years old", < "description" : "Note the powerful teeth and pronounced brow ridges.", < < "apexDescription" : "The skeleton of a distant ancestor. Fine and well formed.-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "The dense hard bones of a deceased Apex.", < "floranDescription" : "Bonesss, Apex bonesss. No meat left...", < "glitchDescription" : "Contemplative. A skeleton. Hard Apex bone is all that remains.", < "humanDescription" : "Wow, this is spooky.", < "hylotlDescription" : "What shores would these bones have travelled in times long past.", < "novakidDescription" : "Straight outta the bone orchard." --- > "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Fossil", > "description" : "\"A creature which has perplexed many scientists, it's origin and age cannot be determined.\"" items\fossils\humanoid\mysteriousfossil2.item 6c6 < "description" : "A fossilised ??? torso.", --- > "description" : "An unidentified fossilised torso.", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;??? Torso^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Torso", items\fossils\humanoid\mysteriousfossil3.item 6c6 < "description" : "A fossilised pair of ??? legs.", --- > "description" : "An unidentified pair of fossilised legs.", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;??? Legs^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Unidentified Legs", items\fossils\large\ixodoomfossil\ixodoomfossil1.item 17,18c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "Ixodoom Skeleton", < "description" : "\"This Arthropod's thick exoskeleton has helped it survive for millions of years.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Ixodoom Fossil", > "description" : "\"This arthropod's thick exoskeleton has helped it survive for millions of years.\"" items\fossils\large\ophidauntfossil\ophidauntfossil1.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skull^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ophidaunt Skull;", 17,18c17 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " 50 Million years old.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ophidaunt Fossil", items\fossils\large\ophidauntfossil\ophidauntfossil2.item 15,21d14 < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "price" : 10000, < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " 50 Million years old.", < "description" : "\"This distant ancestor of the Snaunt used to hunt in oceans instead of on land.\"" < }, < items\fossils\large\ophidauntfossil\ophidauntfossil3.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Upper Tail^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ophidaunt Upper Tail", 14,20d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "price" : 10000, < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " 50 Million years old.", < "description" : "\"This distant ancestor of the Snaunt used to hunt in oceans instead of on land.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\ophidauntfossil\ophidauntfossil4.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Mid Tail^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ophidaunt Mid Tail;", 14,20d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "price" : 10000, < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " 50 Million years old.", < "description" : "\"This distant ancestor of the Snaunt used to hunt in oceans instead of on land.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\ophidauntfossil\ophidauntfossil5.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Lower Tail^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ophidaunt Lower Tail", 14,20d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "price" : 10000, < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ophidaunt Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " 50 Million years old.", < "description" : "\"This distant ancestor of the Snaunt used to hunt in oceans instead of on land.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\trexfossil\trexfossil1.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skull^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Skull", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " ??? years old.", < "description" : "\"Native to Earth, spread across the stars by overeager Scientists.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Skeleton", > "description" : "\"A formiable dinosaur once native Earth, spread across the stars by overeager scientists.\"" items\fossils\large\trexfossil\trexfossil2.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Torso^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Torso", 14,19d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " ??? years old.", < "description" : "\"Native to Earth, spread across the stars by overeager Scientists.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\trexfossil\trexfossil3.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Legs^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Legs", 14,19d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " ??? years old.", < "description" : "\"Native to Earth, spread across the stars by overeager Scientists.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\trexfossil\trexfossil4.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Upper Tail^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Upper Tail;", 14,19d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " ??? years old.", < "description" : "\"Native to Earth, spread across the stars by overeager Scientists.\"" < }, items\fossils\large\trexfossil\trexfossil5.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Lower Tail^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "T-Rex Lower Tail", 14,19d13 < < "completeSetDescriptions" : { < "shortdescription" : "^orange;T-Rex Skeleton^white;", < "subtitle" : " ??? years old.", < "description" : "\"Native to Earth, spread across the stars by overeager Scientists.\"" < }, items\fossils\small\amberfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Amber^white;", < "description" : "A fossilised amber.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Amber", > "description" : "A fossilised piece of amber.", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Amber^white;", < "subtitle" : " 400 million years old.", < "description" : "\"The ancient amber has more catalogued variations than any other ancient life-form.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Amber", > "description" : "\"Amber has more catalogued variations than any other ancient artefact.\"" items\fossils\small\ammonitefossil.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ammonite^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Ammonite", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Ammonite^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"Ammonites are widely recognised fossils, with variations of them developing on most planets.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Ammonite", > "description" : "\"Ammonites are widely recognised fossils, with variations appearing on most life-sustaining planets.\"" items\fossils\small\eggfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Egg ^white;", < "description" : "Fossilised Egg.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Egg Fossil", > "description" : "Fossilised egg.", 17,19c17,19 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Egg ^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"Eggs are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Egg", > > "description" : "\"The egg of an ancient creature, frozen in time before it ever truly lived.\"" items\fossils\small\fernfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Fern^white;", < "description" : "A fossilised animal fern.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Fern Fossil", > "description" : "A fossilised fern.", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Fern^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"ferns are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Fern Fossil", > "description" : "\"Fossilised fern leaves are evidence that a planet sustained organic life hundreds of millenia ago.\"" items\fossils\small\fishfossil.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Fish^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Fish Fossil", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Fish^white;", < "subtitle" : " 400 million years old.", < "description" : "\"The ancient fish has more catalogued variations than any other ancient life-form.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Fish Fossil", > "description" : "\"One of many million species of fish in the Universe. Little has changed about fish anatomy over the millenia.\"" items\fossils\small\mysteriousalienfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Mysterious Alien ^white;", < "description" : "Fossilised mysteriousalien.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Alien Skull", > "description" : "The fossilised skull of an unidentified life-form.", 17,19c17,19 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Mysterious Alien ^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"mysteriousaliens are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Mysterious Alien Skull", > > "description" : "\"The skull of an unidentified life-form, estimated to have lived widely throughout the Universe.\"" items\fossils\small\penguinfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Penguin^white;", < "description" : "A fossilised penguin.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Penguin Fossil", > "description" : "A fossilised penguin skeleton.", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;penguin^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"penguins are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Penguin Fossil", > "description" : "\"The fossilised remains of a Penguin.\"" items\fossils\small\sabertoothfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Sabertooth^white;", < "description" : "A fossilised sabertooth.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Sabertooth Skull", > "description" : "A fossilised sabertooth skull.", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;sabertooth^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"sabertooths are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Sabertooth Skull", > "description" : "\"Sabertooths are widely recognised fossils, easily indefiable by their elongated canine teeth.\"" items\fossils\small\trackfossil.item 6,7c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Track^white;", < "description" : "A fossilised animal track.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Footprint Fossil", > "description" : "A fossilised animal footprint.", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Track^white;", < "subtitle" : " 165 million years old.", < "description" : "\"tracks are widely recognised fossils, -todo-\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Footprint Fossil", > "description" : "\"From the size of this footprint it is estimated to have been made by an adult male of the species.\"" items\fossils\small\trilobitefossil.item 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Trilobite^white;", --- > "shortdescription" : "Trilobite", 17,19c17,18 < "shortdescription" : "^orange;Trilobite^white;", < "subtitle" : " 400 million years old.", < "description" : "\"The ancient Trilobite has more catalogued variations than any other ancient life-form.\"" --- > "shortdescription" : "Trilobite", > "description" : "\"Triolbites are one of the more well preserved fossil groups thanks to their exoskeleton.\"" items\generic\meat\alienmeat.item 7c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Raw Steak" --- > "shortdescription" : "Raw Steak", > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5 items\generic\meat\cookedalienmeat.consumable 8,14c8,12 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], < "foodValue" : 25, --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\meat\cookedbacon.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedfish.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, 14], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal135", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedfleshlump.consumable 4c4 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 10, 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedham.consumable 4c4 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 30, 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedpoultry.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedribmeat.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\cookedtentacle.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [4, -2], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal135", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 30, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\meatchunks.consumable 9,14c9,10 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\offal.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\rawbacon.item 7a8 > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\rawfish.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, 14], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\rawfleshlump.item 4c4 < "price" : 40, --- > "price" : 10, 7c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Flesh Lump" --- > "shortdescription" : "Flesh Lump", > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5 items\generic\meat\rawham.item 7c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Alien Ham" --- > "shortdescription" : "Alien Ham", > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5 items\generic\meat\rawpoultry.item 7c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Raw Poultry" --- > "shortdescription" : "Raw Poultry", > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5 items\generic\meat\rawribmeat.item 7a8 > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5, items\generic\meat\rawtentacle.item 7c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Alien Tentacle" --- > "shortdescription" : "Alien Tentacle", > "rottingMultiplier" : 0.5 items\generic\produce\alienfruit.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "lowgrav", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\automato.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\avesmingo.consumable 8,18c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost20", < "duration" : 15 < }, < { < "effect" : "jumpboost20", < "duration" : 15 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\banana.consumable 9,14c9,10 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\beakseed.consumable 8,18c8,9 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost5", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\boltbulb.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [-6, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\boneboo.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "rage", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\carrot.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\chili.consumable 8,17c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "rage", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "burning", < "duration" : 10 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\coffeebeans.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\coralcreep.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\corn.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\currentcorn.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\diodia.consumable 8,17c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost5", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\dirturchin.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\eggshoot.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\feathercrown.consumable 8,17c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost20", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost10", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\grapes.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost10", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\greenapple.consumable 8,13c8,12 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ] --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ] items\generic\produce\kiwi.consumable 8,13c8,12 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost20", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\produce\neonmelon.consumable 8,18c8,9 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost20", < "duration" : 30 < }, < { < "effect" : "jumpboost20", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\oculemon.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], < --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 18d12 < items\generic\produce\orange.consumable 8,14c8,12 < "handPosition" : [0, 4], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ] --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ] items\generic\produce\pearlpea.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [-8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\pineapple.consumable 9,14c9,10 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "runboost20", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\potato.consumable 8,17c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost10", < "duration" : 105 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\pussplum.consumable 9,18c9,10 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "jumpboost20", < "duration" : 15 < }, < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\redapple.consumable 8,13c8,12 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\produce\reefpod.consumable 9,18c9,10 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost5", < "duration" : 90 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost5", < "duration" : 90 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\rice.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\thornfruit.consumable 8,14c8,9 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "thorns", < "duration" : 30 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\tomato.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\produce\toxictop.consumable 8c8,9 < "handPosition" : [8, 0], --- > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, 12,16c13 < "duration" : 10 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxenergyboost30", < "duration" : 105 --- > "duration" : 5 items\generic\produce\wartweed.consumable 8,13c8,9 < "effects" : [ [ < { < "effect" : "foodheal10", < "duration" : 60 < } < ] ], --- > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\boiledpearlpeas.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 90 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\bread.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, 6], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal25", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 90 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\corncob.consumable 10,11c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 135 13a14,15 > "foodValue" : 15, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\fishdumplings.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, 6], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal120", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 270 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 30, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\fishfingers.consumable 10,11c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal145", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 315 13a14,15 > "foodValue" : 35, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\fishnchips.consumable 11,16c11,12 < "effect" : "foodheal215", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 120 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 450 18a15,16 > "foodValue" : 50, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\fishpie.consumable 10,15c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal335", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 120 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 675 17a14,15 > "foodValue" : 75, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\fishstew.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal240", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 495 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 55, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\mashedpotato.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, -2], 11,16c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal95", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 105 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 180 18a14,15 > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\meatdumplings.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, 7], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal120", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 270 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 30, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\meatpie.consumable 10,15c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal335", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 120 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 375 17a14,15 > "foodValue" : 75, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\meatstew.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal240", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 495 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 55, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\pearlpeabroth.consumable 8d7 < "handPosition" : [0, -4], 11,12c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal50", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 180 14a14,15 > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\pearlpearisotto.consumable 10,11c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal120", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 225 13a14,15 > "foodValue" : 25, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\potatogrids.consumable 10,15c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal35", < "duration" : 60 < }, < { < "effect" : "maxhealthboost20", < "duration" : 105 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 180 17a14,15 > "foodValue" : 20, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier1\toast.consumable 10,11c10,11 < "effect" : "foodheal35", < "duration" : 60 --- > "effect" : "maxhealthscalingboostfood", > "duration" : 90 13a14,15 > "foodValue" : 10, > "rottingMultiplier" : 1.0, items\generic\tier3\fishinabone.consumable 11c11 < "effect" : "rage", --- > "effect" : "ragefood", items\generic\tier3\pineapplepizzaslice.consumable 21,22c21 < ], < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pizza" ] --- > ] items\generic\tier3\spookydonut.consumable 15c15 < "effect" : "rage", --- > "effect" : "ragefood", items\generic\tier3\spookypie.consumable 11c11 < "effect" : "rage", --- > "effect" : "ragefood", items\generic\tier6\hothothotpot.consumable 22c22 < "effect" : "rage", --- > "effect" : "ragefood", items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltpistol.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A pistol of the highest caliber", --- > "description" : "A pistol of the highest calibre", items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltrifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Puts the 'assault' in Aegisalt", --- > "description" : "Puts the 'assault' in Aegisalt.", items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltshotgun.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A shotgun worth its Aegisalt", --- > "description" : "A shotgun worth its Aegisalt.", items\guns\accelerator\feroziumpistol.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A pistol of the highest caliber", --- > "description" : "A modern looking sidearm.", items\guns\accelerator\feroziumrifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A big gun that does big damage", --- > "description" : "A big gun that does big damage.", items\guns\accelerator\feroziumrocket.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Yup. It's a rocket launcher.", --- > "description" : "That's right, it's a rocket launcher.", items\guns\accelerator\feroziumsniper.gun 7c7 < "description" : "The Ferozium casing makes for a pretty good sniper rifle.", --- > "description" : "Ferozium casing helps this rifle maintain accuracy.", items\guns\biome\alien\alienlaser.gun 7c7 < "description" : "An alien laser blaster, very colourful.", --- > "description" : "A colourful laser blaster.", items\guns\biome\alien\corrosivegun.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A gun that sprays corrosive particles.", --- > "description" : "This gun sprays corrosive plasma.", items\guns\biome\bonecaves\bonepistol.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A pistol made of bone. An entirely organic firearm.", --- > "description" : "An entirely organic firearm.", items\guns\biome\cave\slingshot.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A Slingshot.", --- > "description" : "A handmade slingshot.", items\guns\biome\colorful\paintgungreen\paintgungreen.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Don't feel green with envy when you have this paintgun!", --- > "description" : "This paintgun will make others green with envy.", items\guns\biome\colorful\paintgunpurple\paintgunpurple.gun 7c7 < "description" : "This gun shoots purple paint.", --- > "description" : "This gun makes it rain purple.", items\guns\biome\colorful\paintgunred\paintgunred.gun 7c7 < "description" : "This gun shoots red paint.", --- > "description" : "Leaves your targets seeing red.", items\guns\biome\colorful\paintgunyellow\paintgunyellow.gun 7c7 < "description" : "This gun shoots yellow paint.", --- > "description" : "Makes it clear how yellow your targets are.", items\guns\biome\eyestalk\eyeblaster\eyeblaster.gun 7c7 < "description" : "An Eye Blaster!", --- > "description" : "Don't look it in the eye!", items\guns\biome\reed\blowgun.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Fires darts coated in deadly poison.", items\guns\biome\savannah\thornyneedler.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Fires a rapid barrage of thorns.", items\guns\biome\snow\snowgun.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Made for advanced snowball warfare.", items\guns\biome\spring\pollenpump.gun 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Perfect for all your pest control needs.", < "shortdescription" : "Pollen Pump", --- > "description" : "Perfect eliminating pests.", > "shortdescription" : "Pump Duster", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier10revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Every gun makes its own tune.", --- > "description" : "Some guns are just made that way.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier2revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Time's a wastin.", --- > "description" : "Time's a wastin'.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier3revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A suitable gun for a self-proclaimed Sheriff.", --- > "description" : "A suitable gun for a self-proclaimed sheriff.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier4revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "No problem is too big or too small for The Doc.", --- > "description" : "This'll send 'em running to the Doc.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier5revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Everybody's dead, Dave.", --- > "description" : "Small, but powerful.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier6revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "For best results exercise an appropriate level of caution.", --- > "description" : "What it does ain't pretty.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier7revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A respectable weapon with a suspicoulsy vague past.", --- > "description" : "A respectable weapon with a suspiciously vague past.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier8revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A history of accolades has earnt this revolver it's title.", --- > "description" : "A history of accolades has earned this revolver its title.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier9revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "She's quite the beaut, if guns can be called beautiful.", --- > "description" : "Compact, elegant and powerful.", items\guns\unsorted\brainextractor\brainextractor.gun 7c7 < "description" : "Terminating a common monster with this gun will extract its brain.", --- > "description" : "For when a brain needs careful extraction.", items\guns\unsorted\buster\buster.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A Buster gun.", --- > "description" : "A powerful arm mounted plasma cannon.", items\guns\unsorted\icechucker\icechucker.gun 7c7 < "description" : "An Ice Chucker. A gun that fires ice. Freeze!", --- > "description" : "A small gun that fires blocks of ice.", items\instruments\microphone.instrument 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A microphone. Do your best Elvis impersonation.", < "shortdescription" : "Microphone (Male)", --- > "description" : "A microphone. How low can you go?", > "shortdescription" : "Low-Pitch Microphone", items\instruments\microphonefem.instrument 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Microphone (Female)", --- > "shortdescription" : "High-Pitch Microphone", items\swords\moneybagscane.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A fancy cane.", --- > "description" : "An gilded cane with a jewelled tip.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier10axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Big Axe. A Big Axe for a Big Ape.", --- > "description" : "An axe inspired by Big Ape.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier1axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Apax. An axe for an Apex.", --- > "description" : "An axe made by Apex.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier2axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Bananaxe. The blade is shaped like a banana.", --- > "description" : "The blade is shaped like a banana.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier3axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Peeler. Its blades look like banana peel.", --- > "description" : "Its blades look like banana peel.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier4axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Apestooth. A hooked axe.", --- > "description" : "A hooked axe.", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier8axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Orangufang. A two-pronged axe.", --- > "description" : "A two-pronged axe.", items\swords\apex\axe\unused\apextier5axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Coif. An axe styled after a popular haircut.", --- > "description" : "An axe styled after a popular haircut.", items\swords\apex\axe\unused\apextier6axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Crescendo. An axe shaped like a crescent moon.", --- > "description" : "An axe shaped like a crescent moon.", items\swords\apex\axe\unused\apextier7axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Grinder. A lethal curved blade.", --- > "description" : "A lethal widely curved blade.", items\swords\apex\axe\unused\apextier9axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Miniknog Berserker. A hugely strong axe.", --- > "description" : "A hugely strong axe.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier10dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Ape's Ruin. A small, chunky dagger that can pierce the toughest hide.", --- > "description" : "A chunky dagger that can pierce the toughest hide.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier1dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Simisickle. A curved dagger.", --- > "description" : "A curved dagger.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier2dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Barkpeeler. A short, straight dagger.", --- > "description" : "A short, straight dagger.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier3dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Bananablade. A dagger the exact size of a banana.", --- > "description" : "A dagger the exact size of a banana.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier4dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Banana Splitter. A dagger perfect for cutting bananas.", --- > "description" : "A dagger designed for cutting bananas.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier5dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Toothpick. For picking teeth, or stabbing people.", --- > "description" : "Handy or picking teeth and stabbing.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier6dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Fruitslicer. An ominous dagger.", --- > "description" : "This dagger is sharp enough to peel fruit.", items\swords\apex\dagger\apextier8dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Miniknog's Claw. A small, curved dagger.", --- > "description" : "A small, curved dagger.", items\swords\apex\dagger\unused\apextier7dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Comb. A dagger that doubles as a hairdressing tool.", --- > "description" : "A dagger that doubles as a hairdressing tool.", items\swords\apex\dagger\unused\apextier9dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Liberation. A small, easily concealed dagger.", --- > "description" : "A small, easily concealed dagger.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier0shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Lil Apepoker. A decent sword.", --- > "description" : "A decent one-handed sword.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier10shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Chimp's Grin. A hefty, chunky shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A chunky wide shortsword.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier1shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Lil Apesticker. A quality sword.", --- > "description" : "A quality shortsword.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier2shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Neckscratcher. A relatively decent fencing sword.", --- > "description" : "A relatively decent fencing sword.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier3shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Apehander. A standard blade.", --- > "description" : "A swashbuckling sword with a blue hilt.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier4shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Beardtrimmer. A regular shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A shortsword sharp enough to shave with.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\apextier8shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Shrieker. A lethal, barbed blade.", --- > "description" : "A lethal, barbed blade.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\unused\apextier5shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Baby Barbaryan. A sturdy shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A sturdy shortsword.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\unused\apextier6shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Tiny Twintails. A dual-bladed sword.", --- > "description" : "A sword made from two thin blades.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\unused\apextier7shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Monkey Business. A curvy, disconcerting blade.", --- > "description" : "A curvy, disconcerting blade.", items\swords\apex\shortsword\unused\apextier9shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Mandrill. A grooved, curved sword.", --- > "description" : "A grooved, curved sword.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier10axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Sunborn Fury. An axe decorated with an Avian skull.", --- > "description" : "A sharp, powerful gilded axe.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier1axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Tiny Tomahawk. A small, versatile axe.", --- > "description" : "A small, versatile axe.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier2axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Tomahawk. A larger, versatile axe.", --- > "description" : "A sturdy, versatile axe.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier3axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Hawkwing. A tomahawk with some feathers attached.", --- > "description" : "A small axe with some feathers attached.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier4axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Dove of War. A dove-shaped war axe.", --- > "description" : "A bird shaped war axe.", items\swords\avian\axe\aviantier8axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Poliwanta Cleankill. A lethal, sharp axe with beautiful plumage.", --- > "description" : "A sharp axe decorated with beautiful plumage.", items\swords\avian\axe\unused\aviantier5axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Hawkbill. A hooked axe.", --- > "description" : "A ceremonial hooked axe.", items\swords\avian\axe\unused\aviantier6axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Poliwanta Cracker. An axe with vibrant plumage.", --- > "description" : "An axe decorated with vibrant plumage.", items\swords\avian\axe\unused\aviantier7axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Birdbrainer. An axe shaped like the head of an unknown bird.", --- > "description" : "An axe shaped like the head of a powerful bird.", items\swords\avian\axe\unused\aviantier9axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Wingbone. A decorated axe with a smooth bone handle.", --- > "description" : "A decorated axe with a smooth bone handle.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier10dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Lil Daedalus. A sizeable wing-like dagger.", --- > "description" : "A sizeable wing shaped dagger.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier1dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Pecker. A tiny dagger that feels like a peck.", --- > "description" : "A tiny dagger that feels like a peck.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier2dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Nibbler. A tiny dagger that feels like a nibble.", --- > "description" : "A tiny dagger that feels like a nibble.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier3dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Hookbeak. A little hooked dagger.", --- > "description" : "A dagger shaped like a beak.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier4dagger.sword 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Talon. A small dagger shaped like a talon.", < "shortdescription" : "Talon", --- > "description" : "A sharp straight dagger.", > "shortdescription" : "Pinfeather", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier5dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Wingtip. A deceptively sharp dagger shaped like the tip of a wing.", --- > "description" : "A deceptively sharp dagger shaped like the tip of a wing.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier6dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Plucker. An easy to conceal dagger.", --- > "description" : "An easily concealed dagger.", items\swords\avian\dagger\aviantier8dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Thornbill. A little hooked dagger.", --- > "description" : "A tiny hooked dagger.", items\swords\avian\dagger\unused\aviantier7dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Fly By Knife. A small knife with good air resistance.", --- > "description" : "A dagger which easily cuts through the air.", items\swords\avian\dagger\unused\aviantier9dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Lil Icarus. A flamboyant, wing-like dagger.", --- > "description" : "A flamboyant, wing shaped dagger.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier0shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Talon. A sword perfect for slashing prey.", --- > "description" : "A sharp one handed sword.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier10shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Crest of Kluex. A lethal, powerful shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A powerful sword which commands attention.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier1shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Carver. A sword perfect for carving meat.", --- > "description" : "A sword perfect for carving meat.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier2shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Skewer. A sword that doubles as a spit.", --- > "description" : "A shortsword that doubles as a spit.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier3shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Wingdinger. A sword shaped like an Avian wing bone.", --- > "description" : "A sword shaped like an Avian wing bone.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier4shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Eye of the Needle. A sword with a gem encased in it.", --- > "description" : "A shortsword with a gem encased in it.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\aviantier8shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Toucan Opener. A sword especially designed for taking down Glitch.", --- > "description" : "A sword specially designed for taking down Glitch.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\unused\aviantier5shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Wingwhacker. A sword that looks like a hefty wing.", --- > "description" : "A sword that looks like a hefty wing.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\unused\aviantier6shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Birdseye. A sword that cuts through fur and feathers.", --- > "description" : "A sword that can cut with uncanny precision.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\unused\aviantier7shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Wingclipper. A hefty sword with a lot of weight behind it.", --- > "description" : "A hefty sword with a lot of weight behind it.", items\swords\avian\shortsword\unused\aviantier9shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Stargazer's Light. A deft shortsword as carried by the first Stargazer.", --- > "description" : "A decorated shortsword which exudes power.", items\swords\biome\alpine\stonesword\stonesword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A basic sword grown out of a stone.", --- > "description" : "A sword grown out of a stone.", items\swords\biome\bioluminescent\lightsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The concentrated light inside the blade sets enemies aflame with every attack!", --- > "description" : "The fiery light inside glows brightly when swung.", items\swords\biome\bone\bonesword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "It's hard to tell what kind of creature this bone sword was crafted from.", --- > "description" : "A sharpened bone of massive size.", items\swords\biome\cave\cavehammer.sword 7c7 < "description" : "This hammer is carved in the rock.", --- > "description" : "This hammer is carved from a single rock.", items\swords\biome\cell\cellshade.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An unreal blade quivering with tremendous energy. It seems to have a mind of its own.", --- > "description" : "An unreal blade quivering with tremendous energy.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayonblue.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized blue crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized blue crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayongreen.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized green crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized green crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayonorange.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized orange crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized orange crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayonpurple.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized purple crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized purple crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayonred.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized red crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized red crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\crayonyellow.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An oversized yellow crayon. Unleash your artistic talent on the world!", --- > "description" : "An oversized yellow crayon.", items\swords\biome\colorful\rainbowsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "This beautiful blade shines with a striking iridescence that catches the eye.", --- > "description" : "This blade bends light around it like a prism.", items\swords\biome\coral\coralcleaver.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Encrusted with sharp, heat-infused fragments of coral.", --- > "description" : "Encrusted with heat-infused fragments of coral.", items\swords\biome\coral\heatcleaver.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Overloaded with Solarium, the Ember Coral in this axe reaches the temperature of suns.", --- > "description" : "Burning ember coral erupts from this axe when swung.", items\swords\biome\crystal\hackmanight.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A spontoon loaded with masses and masses of highly unstable uranium.", --- > "description" : "A spontoon loaded with highly unstable crystals.", items\swords\biome\desert\cactislammer\cactislammer.sword 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Using a cactus as a weapon. Nobody will see this coming.", < "shortdescription" : "Cactislammer", --- > "description" : "This cactus is shaped just like a hammer.", > "shortdescription" : "Cactuslammer", items\swords\biome\geometric\frostspear.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The tip of this spear is made from crystallised ice, chilling your enemies to the core!", --- > "description" : "The tip of this spear is made from sharpened ice.", items\swords\biome\heck\gutterknife.sword 7c7 < "description" : "...Like a hot knife through butter.", --- > "description" : "This dagger has explosive dark power.", items\swords\biome\heck\splatterknife.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Ick.", --- > "description" : "A small dagger which oozes with dark energy.", items\swords\biome\hive\terminite.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A large, powerful hammer. It emits a screeching sound every so often.", --- > "description" : "This hammer emits a screeching sound every so often.", items\swords\biome\hive\xterminitor.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A living warhammer shuddering with dark energy. Something is inside...", --- > "description" : "A living warhammer shuddering with dark energy.", items\swords\biome\mushroom\blighchen.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Old legends tell of the spores from these hammers infesting entire planets with fungi.", --- > "description" : "Spores from these hammers have overtaken planets.", items\swords\biome\mushroom\mushroomsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A solid mushroom shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A solid shortsword with a mushroom handle.", items\swords\biome\mushroom\smashroom.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Smashroom, a hammer believed to be designed by the Agaran.", --- > "description" : "A hammer full of tightly packed spores.", items\swords\biome\slime\cutarrh.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A sharp blade which secretes a putrid, oozing mucus.", --- > "description" : "A sharp blade which secretes an oozing mucus.", items\swords\biome\slime\katarrhna.sword 7c7 < "description" : "A powerful blade comprised of a foul, rotten, sickly oozing mucus.", --- > "description" : "A putrid dagger made from sickly oozing mucus.", items\swords\biome\tar\sabertoothspear.sword 7c7 < "description" : "This spear slings blobs of tar, perfect for slowing down a troublesome foe.", --- > "description" : "This spear slings blobs of tar, perfect for slowing down foes.", items\swords\biome\tar\tarhammer.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Bludgeon your enemies and slow them down with a smack of tar, all in one strike!", --- > "description" : "Bludgeon your enemies and slow them down with a smack of tar.", items\swords\biome\wilderness\overgrownmower.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Overgrown Mower creates a blistering storm of sharp leaves.", --- > "description" : "Creates a blistering storm of sharp leaves.", items\swords\biome\wilderness\undergrowthtrimmer.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Undergrowth Trimmer creates a flurry of leaves.", --- > "description" : "Creates a flurry of leaves when swung.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier10axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Choppatron 3000. A Floran's favourite axe.", --- > "description" : "A powerful axe decorated with a skull.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier1axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Choppy Thing. A basic Floran axe.", --- > "description" : "A basic hooked axe.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier2axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Better Choppy Thing. A decent Floran axe.", --- > "description" : "A Floran made axe.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier3axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Choppy Leaves. An axe decorated with leaves.", --- > "description" : "An axe decorated with leaves.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier4axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Chop Stick. An axe attached to a strong stick.", --- > "description" : "An axe attached to a strong stick.", items\swords\floran\axe\florantier8axe.sword 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "Vine. An axe that cuts through anything in six seconds.", < "shortdescription" : "Vine", --- > "description" : "An axe that cuts through anything in seconds.", > "shortdescription" : "Vine Edge", items\swords\floran\axe\unused\florantier5axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Treechopper. An axe made from a small tree.", --- > "description" : "An axe made from a small tree.", items\swords\floran\axe\unused\florantier6axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Chopberry. An axe with a berry on it.", --- > "description" : "An axe with a berry on it.", items\swords\floran\axe\unused\florantier7axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Chopflower. An axe with a flower on it.", --- > "description" : "An axe with a flower on it.", items\swords\floran\axe\unused\florantier9axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Bonechopper. An axe decorated with a skull. Chilling.", --- > "description" : "An axe decorated with the skull of some unknown creature.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier10dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Slashmaster. A tiny, lethal dagger.", --- > "description" : "A tiny, lethal dagger covered in thorns.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier1dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Curvy Slice. A curved dagger.", --- > "description" : "A tiny curved dagger.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier2dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Hookslicer. A small, stabby dagger with a hook.", --- > "description" : "A small, quick hooked dagger.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier3dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Sharpstick. A dagger on a stick.", --- > "description" : "A dagger with a stick handle.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier4dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Fingercutter. A little, finger-sized dagger.", --- > "description" : "A tiny, finger-sized dagger.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier5dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Planttrimmer. A dagger decorated with leaves.", --- > "description" : "A dagger decorated with leaves.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier6dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Planttrimmer Prime. A dangerous dagger decorated with leaves.", --- > "description" : "A dangerous dagger decorated with leaves.", items\swords\floran\dagger\florantier8dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Berrypicker. A sharp dagger covered in berries.", --- > "description" : "A sharp dagger covered in berries.", items\swords\floran\dagger\unused\florantier7dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Little Thorn. A rose by any other name.", --- > "description" : "A rose by any other name.", items\swords\floran\dagger\unused\florantier9dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Razorleaf. A dagger hidden behind a leaf.", --- > "description" : "A dagger hidden behind a leaf.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier0shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Dull Slicer. A basic shortsword. The blade is blunt.", --- > "description" : "A basic one handed shortsword.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier10shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "The Cuttening. A sword made of thorny vines.", --- > "description" : "A powerful sword made of thorny vines.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier1shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Slicer. A basic shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A basic curved shortsword.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier2shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Slicestabber. For slicing and stabbing.", --- > "description" : "For both slicing and stabbing.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier3shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Slicestabcut. For slicing, stabbing and cutting.", --- > "description" : "Used for slicing, stabbing and cutting.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier4shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Nastyslice. A sword that really hurts.", --- > "description" : "A sword that wounds deeply.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\florantier8shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Berryskewer. A sword decorated with berries.", --- > "description" : "A sword decorated with berries.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\unused\florantier5shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Bindslicer. A sword bound in vines.", --- > "description" : "A sword wrapped in vines.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\unused\florantier6shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Gougeslicer. A sword with all manner of nasty hooked bits.", --- > "description" : "A sword with a deadly hooked blade.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\unused\florantier7shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Rosebud. A treasured Floran sword.", --- > "description" : "A shortsword decorated with a blooming flower.", items\swords\floran\shortsword\unused\florantier9shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Leafslasher. A dangerous, serrated sword.", --- > "description" : "A camouflaged, serrated sword.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier10axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Sentinel. An axe that might just be sentient.", --- > "description" : "A strong axe that might just be sentient.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier1axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Ratchet. A robot's basic hatchet.", --- > "description" : "A basic robot hatchet.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier2axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Tungstenshredder. A tungsten axe.", --- > "description" : "A tungsten hooked axe.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier3axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Smitanium. A titanium axe.", --- > "description" : "A traditional curved axe.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier4axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Screwslicer. An axe perfect for cutting down screws.", --- > "description" : "An axe perfect for cutting down screws.", items\swords\glitch\axe\glitchtier8axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Perpetuum. An axe you can swing forever.", --- > "description" : "An axe you could swing forever.", items\swords\glitch\axe\unused\glitchtier5axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Cogsmasher. Suitable for heavy machine-work.", --- > "description" : "Suitable for heavy machine-work.", items\swords\glitch\axe\unused\glitchtier6axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Battle Axe. An axe of battle.", --- > "description" : "An axe made for battle.", items\swords\glitch\axe\unused\glitchtier7axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "War Axe. An axe of war.", --- > "description" : "An axe designed as a tool of war.", items\swords\glitch\axe\unused\glitchtier9axe.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Domecutter. A lethal, terrifying axe.", --- > "description" : "A wide bladed, terrifying axe.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier10dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "King's Ruin. A gilded dagger fit for a King (to be stabbed with).", --- > "description" : "A gilded dagger, for stabbing with style.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier1dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Dagger Home. A small, basic dagger.", --- > "description" : "A small, reliable dagger.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier2dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Dagger Pro. A decent dagger.", --- > "description" : "A dagger that has been upgraded.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier3dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Dagger Premium. A good dagger.", --- > "description" : "A very high quality dagger.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier4dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "dieOS. A small, manoeuvrable dagger.", --- > "description" : "A small, effective dagger.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier5dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Greengrip. Named as such because the grip is green. Obviously.", --- > "description" : "Named as such because the grip is green.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier6dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Force Restart. A chunky, strong dagger.", --- > "description" : "A strong dagger for when brute force is required.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\glitchtier8dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "KitKut. A strong, durable dagger.", --- > "description" : "A strong dagger with vertical grooves.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\unused\glitchtier7dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Spinux. A spiny dagger.", --- > "description" : "A spiny, sharp dagger.", items\swords\glitch\dagger\unused\glitchtier9dagger.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Operating System. A dagger that'll pierce any hide.", --- > "description" : "A dagger made for lethal operations.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier0shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "An obselete build of Glitch shortsword.", --- > "description" : "An outdated build of one-handed shortsword.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier10shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Rootkit Lite. A sword that'll cut through almost anything.", --- > "description" : "A versatile sword that'll cut through almost anything.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier1shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Default 1.0. A basic Glitch shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A Glitch shortsword ready for release.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier2shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Upgrade 1.0. A solid Glitch shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A solidly upgraded Glitch shortsword.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier3shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Premium 1.0. A nice Glitch shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A polished Glitch shortsword.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier4shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Antispyware. A sword useful for taking out pests.", --- > "description" : "A sword useful for taking out pests.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier8shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Scriptkiddie. A hefty shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A hefty shortsword that does the work for you.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\unused\glitchtier5shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Protector. A great defensive shortsword.", --- > "description" : "A great defensive shortsword.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\unused\glitchtier6shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Malware. A sword great for offence.", --- > "description" : "A sword great for offence.", items\swords\glitch\shortsword\unused\glitchtier9shortsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "Startup. A sword that'll split anyone in twain.", --- > "description" : "Empowers you to shut enemies down.", items\swords\unsorted\combatsword.sword 7c7 < "description" : "State of the badass art.", --- > "description" : "A large powerful broadsword.", items\swords\unsorted\rockbat.sword 6c6 < "rarity" : "A big rock. Nature's oldest weapon.", --- > "rarity" : "A giant rock. Nature's oldest weapon.", liquids\tarliquid.liquid 4c4 < "description" : "Thick, gooey crude oil.", --- > "description" : "Thick, gooey, crude oil.", monsters\boss\cultistboss\beam.frames 3c3 < "size" : [296, 16], --- > "size" : [363, 16], monsters\boss\cultistboss\cultistboss.animation 70,71c70,71 < "frames" : 3, < "cycle" : 0.3, --- > "frames" : 10, > "cycle" : 1.0, 102c102,114 < } --- > }, > "slash" : { > "frames" : 6, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "slashout" > }, > "slashout" : { > "frames" : 5, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "invisible" > } 217a230,240 > }, > "slash" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":slash.", > "damageArea" : [ [-4.0, 0.0], [4.0, 0.0], [3.25, -1.875], [0.75, -2.75], [-0.75, -2.75], [-3.25, -1.875] ] > } > }, > "slashout" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":slashout." > } 226c249 < "offset" : [19, 0.0] --- > "offset" : [23.1875, 0.0] 239c262 < "damageArea" : [ [-18.5, -0.5], [-18.5, 0.5], [18.5, 0.5], [18.5, -0.5] ] --- > "damageArea" : [ [-22.6875, -0.5], [-22.6875, 0.5], [22.6875, 0.5], [22.6875, -0.5] ] 270c293 < "color" : [49, 166, 255, 255], --- > "color" : [253, 143, 77, 255], 292c315 < "color" : [255, 255, 255, 255], --- > "color" : [253, 209, 77, 255], monsters\boss\cultistboss\cultistboss.monstertype 50a51,57 > }, > "body" : { > "damage" : 10, > > "teamType" : "enemy", > "damageSourceKind" : "slash", > "knockback" : 30 monsters\boss\cultistboss\default.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [13, 9], --- > "dimensions" : [13, 10], 15c15,16 < [ null, "exhaustin.1", "exhaustin.2", "exhaustin.3", null, "exhaust.1", "exhaust.2", null, "exhaustout.1", "exhaustout.2", "exhaustout.3", "exhaustout.4", "exhaustout.5"] --- > [ null, "exhaustin.8", "exhaustin.9", "exhaustin.10", null, "exhaust.1", "exhaust.2", null, "exhaustout.1", "exhaustout.2", "exhaustout.3", "exhaustout.4", "exhaustout.5"], > [ null, "slash.1", "slash.2", "slash.3", "slash.4", "slash.5", "slash.6"] 34c35,49 < "beamwinddown.4" : "beamwindup.1" --- > "beamwinddown.4" : "beamwindup.1", > > "exhaustin.1" : "beamout.1", > "exhaustin.2" : "beamout.2", > "exhaustin.3" : "beamout.3", > "exhaustin.4" : "beamout.4", > "exhaustin.5" : "beamout.5", > "exhaustin.6" : "beamout.6", > "exhaustin.7" : "beamout.7", > > "slashout.1" : "beamout.6", > "slashout.2" : "beamout.7", > "slashout.3" : "beamout.8", > "slashout.4" : "beamout.9", > "slashout.5" : "beamout.10" npcs\bmain.lua 9a10 > require "/scripts/pets/recruitable.lua" 55a57,58 > > recruitable.init() 66a70,71 > recruitable.update(dt) > 105a111,114 > if recruitable.isRecruitable() then > return recruitable.generateRecruitInteractAction() > end > 123a133 > recruitable.die() npcs\cultist.npctype 8a9,10 > "dropPools" : [ "money" ], > 22,23c24,25 < "primary" : [ "npcdagger" ] < --- > "primary" : [ "npcdagger" ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ "npcpistol" ] npcs\merchantpools.config 377d376 < { "item" : { "name" : "pizza" } }, npcs\mission\protectoratehallstaff.npctype 17,18c17,24 < "behavior" : "villager", < --- > "behavior" : "speaker", > > "behaviorConfig" : { > "alwaysRun" : false, > "wanderTime" : 0.5 > }, > > "staticDialog" : false, 19a26,32 > "speak" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "You're really cutting it close, . Please hurry inside before the ceremony starts." > ] > } > }, 23c36,38 < "You're really cutting it close, . Please hurry inside before the ceremony starts." --- > "The life of a Protector will not always be easy, but know that you are part of a great cause.", > "Looking at these portraits of Grand Protectors past reminds me of the strong values that guide us.", > "To be the Grand Protector is a great honour, but a greater responsibility." npcs\mission\protectoratejanitor.npctype 14c14,18 < "dropPools" : [ "villagertreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], > > "movementParameters" : { > "walkSpeed" : 5.0 > }, 18a23 > "staticDialog" : false, 23c28,38 < "Frustrated. They have me sweeping the bridge every hour like I'm a machine or something." --- > "Frustrated. They have me sweeping the bridge every hour like I'm a machine or something.", > "Resigned. I suppose this tree's beauty provides some justification for its upkeep.", > "Pleasant. At least it's a nice day to be working outside.", > "Impatient. Just one day away from retirement..." > ] > } > }, > "complain" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Weary. Every day, more petals to sweep." npcs\mission\protectoratelobbylounger.npctype 5,8d4 < "identity" : { < "gender" : "female" < }, < 14c10 < "dropPools" : [ "villagertreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], 17c13 < "behavior" : "protectoratelobbylounger", --- > "behavior" : "lounger", 18a15 > "staticDialog" : false, 23c20,23 < "Try hovering over an object with your cursor and press N. It will let you inspect it!" --- > "Off to a bit of a late start, aren't you ?", > "Most people are courteous enough to vacate a seat if you ask nicely, but this chair's too comfortable to give up.", > "I love this seat. A fantastic view of the window but not that distracting television.", > "You're graduating today, right? Congratulations, you've earned it." npcs\mission\protectoratelobbystudent1.npctype 5,8d4 < "identity" : { < "gender" : "female" < }, < 14c10 < "dropPools" : [ "villagertreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], 27a24 > "staticDialog" : false, 32c29,30 < "The vending machine swallowed my pixels and didn't give me the soda I wanted. I feel robbed!" --- > "The vending machine swallowed my pixels. How could this day get any worse?", > "A nice cold can of Glorp, just beyond my reach..." npcs\mission\protectoratelobbystudent2.npctype 5,8d4 < "identity" : { < "gender" : "male" < }, < 14c10 < "dropPools" : [ "villagertreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], 17c13,18 < "behavior" : "villager", --- > "behavior" : "speaker", > > "behaviorConfig" : { > "alwaysRun" : false, > "wanderTime" : 0.5 > }, 18a20 > "staticDialog" : false, 23c25,34 < "Keeping the universe safe is a tall order... But the Grand Protector believes we can do it." --- > "Soon you'll be a real Protector, with your very own Matter Manipulator. Must be exciting!", > "I hear that those Matter Manipulators can disassemble all kinds of materials.", > "If you get assigned to some distant world, don't forget you'll always have friends here on Earth!" > ] > } > }, > "speak" : { > "default" : { > "default" : [ > "Hey ! Have a moment to chat?" objects\mission\apexmission\apexartifactaltar\apexartifactaltar.animation 51c51 < "color" : [50, 110, 200], --- > "color" : [50, 150, 200], 65c65 < "color" : [30, 170, 250, 230], --- > "color" : [66, 186, 229, 230], objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratebrokenportrait4\protectoratebrokenportrait4.object 7c7 < "description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", --- > "description" : "Esther Bright, former Grand Protector.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "avianDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "floranDescription" : "Preciousss Grand Protector... Probably dead now!", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. One of the first Grand Protector.", < "humanDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "novakidDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Esther Bright, A previous Grand Protector.", > "avianDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector, named Esther Bright.", > "floranDescription" : "Esther Bright, A Grand Protector... Probably dead now!", > "glitchDescription" : "Curious. The plaque reads 'Esther Bright - Former Grand Protector'.", > "humanDescription" : "The plaque reads 'Esther Bright - Former Grand Protector'.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Esther Bright, A previous Grand Protector.", > "novakidDescription" : "Esther Bright, A Grand Protector.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectoratebrokenportrait5\protectoratebrokenportrait5.object 7c7 < "description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", --- > "description" : "Leda Portia, The Grand Protector.", 11,17c11,17 < "apexDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "avianDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "floranDescription" : "Preciousss Grand Protector... Probably dead now!", < "glitchDescription" : "Inspired. One of the first Grand Protector.", < "humanDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", < "novakidDescription" : "A previous Grand Protector.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Leda Portia. I just saw her meet a grisly end.", > "avianDescription" : "She was just about to graduate me. I don't want to talk about it..", > "floranDescription" : "Awful thing jussst happened to Grand Protector.", > "glitchDescription" : "Grieving. I don't want to think about it.. ", > "humanDescription" : "She was just about to graduate me. I don't want to talk about it.", > "hylotlDescription" : "She gave me this matter manipulator, just before..", > "novakidDescription" : "The late Grand Protector. I wish I could have done something.", objects\protectorate\objects\protectorategardenbench\protectorategardenbench.object 34c34 < "sitPosition" : [-10, 23] --- > "sitPositions" : [[-18, 23], [-2, 23]] 45c45 < "sitPosition" : [-10, 23] --- > "sitPositions" : [[-18, 23], [-2, 23]] objects\spawner\pettether\pettether.lua 1c1 < require "/scripts/pets/spawner.lua" --- > require "/scripts/pets/petspawner.lua" 17c17 < petSpawner.petLevelOverride = math.max(world.threatLevel(), world.getProperty("ship.level") or 0) --- > petSpawner.levelOverride = math.max(world.threatLevel(), world.getProperty("ship.level") or 0) quests\generated\pools\cookedfood.config 43d42 < "pizza", quests\generated\pools\gifts.config 17d16 < "pizza", recipes\cookingtable1\mains\fishdumplings.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\mains\fishfingers.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\mains\fishnchips.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\mains\fishpie.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\mains\fishstew.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\mains\meatdumplings.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\mains\meatstew.recipe 6c6 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\baconpancakes.recipe 6c6 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\cheeseburger.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\hamburger.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\omelette.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\pasty.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\pizzaslice.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\quichelorraine.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\roastdinner.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedpoultry", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawpoultry", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier2\sweetmeat.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier3\bananacon.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier3\fishinabone.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier3\pineapplepizzaslice.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedbacon", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawbacon", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier4\oceanrisotto.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier4\oceansurprise.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier4\oculemonstew.recipe 6c6 < { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "alienmeat", "count" : 1 } recipes\cookingtable1\unlocks\tier4\seafoodgratin.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "cookedfish", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "rawfish", "count" : 1 }, scripts\actions\dialog.lua 68c68,72 < dialog = staticRandomizeDialog(dialog, args.dialogType) --- > if config.getParameter("staticDialog", true) then > dialog = staticRandomizeDialog(dialog) > else > dialog = randomizeDialog(dialog) > end 71a76 > if entityId then args.tags.entityname = world.entityName(entityId) end scripts\pets\capturable.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/pets/companionutil.lua" > 20,40c22,24 < local captureStatus = config.getParameter("captureStatus") < if captureStatus then < if captureStatus.persistentEffects then < status.setPersistentEffects("owner", captureStatus.persistentEffects) < end < < for _,effect in pairs(captureStatus.effects or {}) do < status.addEphemeralEffect(effect[1], effect[2]) < end < < for resourceName, resourceValue in pairs(captureStatus.resources or {}) do < if captureStatus.resourceMax[resourceName] then < -- Restore the percentage of the resource the monster had, as opposed < -- to its absolute value, in case persistent effects applied by the < -- owner have changed the maximum. < local fraction = resourceValue / captureStatus.resourceMax[resourceName] < status.setResource(resourceName, fraction * status.resourceMax(resourceName)) < else < status.setResource(resourceName, resourceValue) < end < end --- > local initialStatus = config.getParameter("initialStatus") > if initialStatus then > setCurrentStatus(initialStatus, "owner") 129,140c113 < local resources = {} < local resourceMax = {} < for _,resourceName in pairs(status.resourceNames()) do < resources[resourceName] = status.resource(resourceName) < resourceMax[resourceName] = status.resourceMax(resourceName) < end < < local stats = {} < for statName,_ in pairs(config.getParameter("statusSettings.stats")) do < stats[statName] = status.stat(statName) < end < --- > local currentStatus = getCurrentStatus() 142a116 > local stats = currentStatus.stats 153,159c127 < return { < resources = resources, < resourceMax = resourceMax, < stats = stats, < effects = status.activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary(), < dead = status.resource("health") == 0 < } --- > return currentStatus scripts\pets\player.lua 1c1,2 < require "/scripts/pets/spawner.lua" --- > require "/scripts/pets/petspawner.lua" > require "/scripts/pets/recruitspawner.lua" 22c23,26 < -- Messages specific to player-spawned pets --- > -- Sets up handlers for messages common to all recruit spawner types: > recruitSpawner:init() > > -- Messages specific to player-spawned pets: 30a35,37 > --Messages specific to player-spawned recruits: > message.setHandler("recruits.offerRecruit", simpleHandler(offerRecruit)) > 31a39 > recruitSpawner.ownerUuid = entity.uniqueId() 36a45,48 > for uuid, recruitStore in pairs(storage.recruits or {}) do > recruitSpawner.recruits[uuid] =, recruitStore) > end > 38c50 < self.releasedActivePets = false --- > self.spawnedCompanions = false 43c55 < function releaseActivePets() --- > function spawnCompanions() 54a67,71 > > for uuid, recruit in pairs(recruitSpawner.recruits) do > recruit:spawn() > end > recruitSpawner:markDirty() 59a77,78 > storage.recruits = {} > 64a84,87 > for uuid, recruit in pairs(recruitSpawner.recruits) do > recruit:despawn() > storage.recruits[uuid] = recruit:store() > end 68,69c91,92 < if not self.releasedActivePets then < self.releasedActivePets = releaseActivePets() --- > if not self.spawnedCompanions then > self.spawnedCompanions = spawnCompanions() 84a108,111 > for uuid, recruit in pairs(recruitSpawner.recruits) do > recruit:update(dt) > end > 182a210,236 > end > > function offerRecruit(uniqueId, position, recruitInfo) > local uuid = sb.makeUuid() > local recruit =, recruitInfo) > > local dialogConfig = root.assetJson("/interface/confirmation/recruitconfirmation.config") > local tags = { > name = or "?" > } > for key,value in pairs(dialogConfig) do > if type(value) == "string" then > dialogConfig[key] = sb.replaceTags(value, tags) > end > end > > promises:add(player.confirm(dialogConfig), function (choice) > if choice then > promises:add(world.sendEntityMessage(uniqueId, "recruit.confirmRecruitment", recruitSpawner.ownerUuid, uuid), function (success) > if success then > recruitSpawner.recruits[uuid] = recruit > end > end) > else > world.sendEntityMessage(uniqueId, "recruit.declineRecruitment", recruitSpawner.ownerUuid) > end > end) stats\effects\maxenergyscalingboost\maxenergyscalingboost.statuseffect 10c10,13 < ] --- > ], > > "label" : "Bonus Energy", > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/maxenergy.png" stats\effects\maxenergyscalingboost\maxenergyscalingboostfood.statuseffect 10c10,13 < ] --- > ], > > "label" : "Bonus Energy", > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/maxenergy.png" stats\effects\maxhealthscalingboost\maxhealthscalingboostfood.statuseffect 10c10,13 < ] --- > ], > > "label" : "Bonus Health", > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/maxhealth.png" stats\effects\rage\ragefood.statuseffect 2c2 < "name" : "rage", --- > "name" : "ragefood", 12,13c12,13 < "label" : "Rage", < "icon" : "/interface/statuses/berserk.png" --- > "label" : "Bonus Damage", > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/rage.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 27, --- > "tilecount" : 28, 183a184,191 > "27" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, 297a306,308 > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\misc.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 100, --- > "tilecount" : 101, 36a37,44 > "100" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, 887a896,898 > }, > "100" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png" tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\hylotl.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 209, --- > "tilecount" : 210, 1048a1049,1056 > "209" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, 2157a2166,2168 > }, > "209" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png"