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huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertcabin5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\desert\desertmicrodungeons.dungeon 8c8 < "anchor" : [ "arch1", "arch2", "arch3", "column1", "desert1", "desert2", "desertcabin1", "desertcabin2", "desertcabin3", "desertcabin4", "desertcabin5", "deserthouse1", "desertpillar1", "desertpillar2", "desertpyramid1", "desertwell1", "desertwell2", "desertwell3", "oldhouse1", "oldhouse2", "oldhouse3", "spikepit1", "spikepit2", "spikepit3" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "arch1", "arch2", "arch3", "arch4", "column1", "desert1", "desert2", "desertcabin1", "desertcabin2", "desertcabin3", "desertcabin4", "desertcabin5", "deserthouse1", "desertpillar1", "desertpillar2", "desertpyramid1", "desertwell1", "desertwell2", "desertwell3", "oldhouse1", "oldhouse2", "oldhouse3", "spikepit1", "spikepit2", "spikepit3" ], 36a37,43 > }, > { > "name" : "arch4", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", 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"talltreasurehut", "tinybridge1", "tunnelmound1", "twotallhuts", "walltunnel1", "walltunnel2", "warriorrelaxing", "huntinghut1", "huntinghut2", "huntinghut3" ], dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tartunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tartunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] items\throwables\flowerygrassseeds.thrownitem 7,8c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Flowery grass seeds", < "description" : "Get some flowery grass growing!", --- > "shortdescription" : "Flowery Grass Seeds", > "description" : "Toss these on some damp tilled soil to grow flowery grass!", items\throwables\grassseeds.thrownitem 7,8c7,8 < "shortdescription" : "Grass seeds", < "description" : "Get some grass growing!", --- > "shortdescription" : "Grass Seeds", > "description" : "Toss these on some damp tilled soil to grow grass!", monsters\bmonster.lua 24a25,28 > > if entity.hasSound("deathPuff") then > entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") > end 124,125d127 < < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), vec2.mul(vec2.rotate({1,0}, entity.currentRotationAngle("all") - entity.configParameter("rotationOffset", 0)), 10)), "green") monsters\boss\crystalboss\crystalboss.monstertype 121a122,127 > }, > "damagefreezeimmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "damageflashimmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystaldoublebeamattack.monsterskill 12c12 < "damagePerSecond" : 2000 --- > "damagePerSecond" : 1000 monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalsinebeamattack.monsterskill 12c12 < "damagePerSecond" : 2000 --- > "damagePerSecond" : 1000 monsters\boss\crystalboss\skills\crystalsinglebeamattack.monsterskill 12c12 < "damagePerSecond" : 2000 --- > "damagePerSecond" : 1000 monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.animation 113a114,132 > "sound" : { > "priority" : 0, > "default" : "off", > "states" : { > "off" : { > }, > "sweep" : { > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_idle1.wav" > } > }, > "hatch" : { > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_idle2.wav" > } > } > } > }, > 176a196,197 > "sound" : {}, > 416,423c437,445 < "spiderslam" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < "spit" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_death.wav" ], < "sweep" : [ "/sfx/objects/florandrum1.wav", "/sfx/objects/florandrum2.wav", "/sfx/objects/florandrum3.wav", "/sfx/objects/florandrum4.wav" ], < "hatch" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack2.wav" ], < "hurt" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_death.wav" ], < "generateshell" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav" ], < "cocooncrack" : [ "/sfx/gun/boneshotgun.wav" ], < "cocoonburst" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav"] --- > "spiderslam" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack2.wav" ], > "spit" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_attack2.wav" ], > "sweep" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.wav" ], > "hatch" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bonerain_full.wav" ], > "hurt" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellbreak1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellbreak2.wav" ], > "generateshell" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_shellrestore.wav" ], > "cocooncrack" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_cocooncrack.wav" ], > "cocoonburst" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_cocoonburst.wav" ], > "death" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/spiderboss_death.wav" ] monsters\crawling\crawlingmonster.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 2d3 < self.debug = false 112a114,115 > > self.debug = false 617,618c620,621 < -- world.debugLine(blockLine[1], blockLine[2], self.isBlocked and "red" or "blue") < -- if topLine then world.debugLine(topLine[1], topLine[2], self.isBlocked and "red" or "blue") end --- > -- util.debugLine(blockLine[1], blockLine[2], self.isBlocked and "red" or "blue") > -- if topLine then util.debugLine(topLine[1], topLine[2], self.isBlocked and "red" or "blue") end 632,633c635,636 < -- world.debugLine(fallLine[1], fallLine[2], self.willFall and "red" or "blue") < -- world.debugLine({fallLine[1][1], fallLine[1][2] - 1}, {fallLine[2][1], fallLine[2][2] - 1}, self.willFall and "red" or "blue") --- > -- util.debugLine(fallLine[1], fallLine[2], self.willFall and "red" or "blue") > -- util.debugLine({fallLine[1][1], fallLine[1][2] - 1}, {fallLine[2][1], fallLine[2][2] - 1}, self.willFall and "red" or "blue") 853,862d855 < -- draw lines to display the specified rect {x1, y1, x2, y2} in the specified color, optionally offset by basePos < function drawDebugRect(rect, color, basePos) < if basePos then rect = translate(rect, basePos) end < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 867c860 < drawDebugRect(option.startRect, i == 1 and "#3333FF" or option.valid and "#AAFFBB" or "#FF3333") --- > util.debugRect(option.startRect, i == 1 and "#3333FF" or option.valid and "#AAFFBB" or "#FF3333") monsters\flying\circlestate.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 84c86 < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), destination, "blue") --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), destination, "blue") monsters\flying\flyingmonster.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 159c161 < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), sensor.position, "green") --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), sensor.position, "green") 162c164 < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), sensor.position, "red") --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), sensor.position, "red") monsters\flying\glidestate.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 42c44 < -- world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), entity.toAbsolutePosition(vector), "cornflowerblue") --- > -- util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), entity.toAbsolutePosition(vector), "cornflowerblue") monsters\ground\groundmonster.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 129c131 < self.debug = true --- > self.debug = false 261,263c263 < if self.debug then < world.debugText(inState, mcontroller.position(), "blue") < end --- > util.debugText(inState, mcontroller.position(), "blue") 686,695d685 < -- draw lines to display the specified rect {x1, y1, x2, y2} in the specified color, optionally offset by basePos < function debugRect(rect, color, basePos) < if basePos then rect = translate(rect, basePos) end < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 700c690 < debugRect(option.startRect, i == 1 and "#3333FF" or option.valid and "#AAFFBB" or "#FF3333") --- > util.debugRect(option.startRect, i == 1 and "#3333FF" or option.valid and "#AAFFBB" or "#FF3333") monsters\pets\groundpet.lua 0a1 > require "/scripts/util.lua" 55c56 < self.debug = true --- > self.debug = false 88,96c89,92 < if self.debug then < script.setUpdateDelta(1) < < if self.actionState.stateDesc() ~= "" then < world.debugText(self.actionState.stateDesc(), mcontroller.position(), "blue") < else < world.debugText(self.state.stateDesc(), mcontroller.position(), "blue") < end < drawDebugResources() --- > if self.actionState.stateDesc() ~= "" then > util.debugText(self.actionState.stateDesc(), mcontroller.position(), "blue") > else > util.debugText(self.state.stateDesc(), mcontroller.position(), "blue") 97a94 > drawDebugResources() 230a228,229 > if not self.debug then return end > 314,323d312 < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < -- draw lines to display the specified rect {x1, y1, x2, y2} in the specified color, optionally offset by basePos < function debugRect(rect, color, basePos) < if basePos then rect = translate(rect, basePos) end < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) monsters\skills\ranged\acidicspitattack.monsterskill 14,15d13 < "windupTime" : 0.05, < "winddownTime" : 0.2, 24c22 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\acidsprayattack.monsterskill 25c25 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/goo_spit1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/goo_spit2.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\barbsprayattack.monsterskill 11c11 < "speed" : 23, --- > "speed" : 45, 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.1 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.1, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castphysical", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 20c23 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/thorn.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\beetleswarmattack.monsterskill 15c15,18 < "winddownTime" : 0.5 --- > "windupTime" : 0.05, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castpoison", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 21c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/beetle1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/beetle2.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/beetle3.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/beetle4.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\bloodvomitattack.monsterskill 24c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit2.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit3.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit4.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit5.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit6.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit7.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\blueflameattack.monsterskill 24c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/gun/fireblast.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\bonerainattack.monsterskill 25c25 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bonerain_throw1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bonerain_throw2.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\bubbleblastattack.monsterskill 24c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bubble_blow1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bubble_blow2.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bubble_blow3.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\burninghaloattack.monsterskill 26c26 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/fireball_spit.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\cellblastattack.monsterskill 22c22 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/gun/lightningcoil1.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\darkgasattack.monsterskill 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.15 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.15, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castpoison", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\darkplasmaattack.monsterskill 15,16c15,17 < "windupTime" : 0.05, < "winddownTime" : 0.2 --- > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castphysical", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\dragonbreathattack.monsterskill 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.066 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.066, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castfire", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\flameburstattack.monsterskill 15c15,18 < "fireInterval" : 0.066 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.066, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castfire", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\flyswarmattack.monsterskill 15c15,18 < "fireInterval" : 0.2 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.2, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castpoison", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 21c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bugswarm1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bugswarm2.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bugswarm3.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bugswarm4.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\iceshotattack.monsterskill 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.3 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.3, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castice", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\inksprayattack.monsterskill 15c15,18 < "fireInterval" : 0.066 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.066, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castpoison", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 21c24 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit2.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit3.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit4.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit5.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit6.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/bloodvomit7.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\plasmaburstattack.monsterskill 8,9d7 < "cooldownTime" : 0, < 17,18c15,17 < "windupTime" : 1, < "winddownTime" : 1 --- > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castice", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 24c23 < "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol1.wav" ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/plasma1.wav", "/sfx/projectiles/plasma2.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\rangedchompattack.monsterskill 13c13 < "speed" : 20, --- > "speed" : 30, 17c17,20 < "fireAnimationTiming" : 0.3 --- > "fireAnimationTiming" : 0.3, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castphysical", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 23c26 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_bite2.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\shockballattack.monsterskill 17c17,20 < "winddownTime" : 0.2 --- > "winddownTime" : 0.2, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castelectric", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\sonicwaveattack.monsterskill 14,15c14,18 < "windupTime" : 0.05, < "winddownTime" : 0.2 --- > "windupTime" : 0.1, > "winddownTime" : 0.2, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castpoison", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\spicecloudattack.monsterskill 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.2 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.2, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castfire", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\skills\ranged\spinslashattack.monsterskill 17c17,20 < "fireAnimationTiming" : 0.2 --- > "fireAnimationTiming" : 0.2, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castphysical", > "castAnimation" : "charge" 23c26 < "rangedAttack" : [ ] --- > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spinning_throw.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\twistingpulseattack.monsterskill 14c14,17 < "fireInterval" : 0.15 --- > "fireInterval" : 0.15, > "castTime" : 0.4, > "castEffect" : "castphysical", > "castAnimation" : "charge" monsters\unique\ixoling\ixoling.animation 143,144c143,144 < "hatch" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.wav", "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.wav" ], < "attack" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ] --- > "hatch" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/ixoling_hatch1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/ixoling_hatch2.wav" ], > "attack" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack2.wav" ] monsters\unique\ixoling\ixoling.monstertype 56c56 < "targetMaterialKind" : "robotic" --- > "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" monsters\unique\po\megapo.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], monsters\unique\po\micropo.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "weaklingMonsterTreasure" ], monsters\unique\po\po.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ ], monsters\unique\swarpion\swarpion.monstertype 10c10 < "dropPools" : [ "noMeatMonsterTreasure" ], --- > "dropPools" : [ "weaklingMonsterTreasure" ], npcs\bmain.lua 37c37 < self.debug = true --- > self.debug = false 60a61 > self.setFacingDirection = false 219c220 < self.facingDirection = true --- > self.setFacingDirection = true 354a356,365 > > -- output damageTeam > function damageTeam(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > }) > > local team = entity.damageTeam() > BData:setNumber(output.damageTeam, > return true > end \ No newline at end of file npcs\friendlypirateguard.npctype 3c3 < "baseType" : "villageguard", --- > "baseType" : "guard", 11a12,16 > "attackerLimit" : 8, > "attackerLimitCooldown" : 3, > > "idleTimeRange" : [1, 2], > npcs\dungeon\apexresearchlab\labguard.npctype 47c47 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 npcs\dungeon\apexresearchlab\labguardlookout.npctype 47c47 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 npcs\dungeon\apexresearchlab\labscientist.npctype 34c34 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.5 objects\colony\colonydeed\colonydeed.lua 134c134,137 < return root.tenantConfig( --- > if not then > = root.tenantConfig( > end > return 256,259c259,264 < storage.occupier = { < name =, < tenants = occupier.tenants < } --- > for _,tenant in ipairs(occupier.tenants) do > if type(tenant.species) == "table" then > tenant.species = tenant.species[math.random(#tenant.species)] > end > end > storage.occupier = occupier 377a383,389 > function getTagCriteria() > if not storage.occupier.tagCriteria then > storage.occupier.tagCriteria = root.tenantConfig( > end > return storage.occupier.tagCriteria > end > 400,401c412 < local tagCriteria = root.tenantConfig( < for tag, requiredAmount in pairs(tagCriteria) do --- > for tag, requiredAmount in pairs(getTagCriteria()) do objects\generic\copperceilinglight\copperceilinglight.object 8d7 < 10a10 > "printable" : false, objects\generic\coppershelf\coppershelf.object 7c7 < --- > "printable" : false, objects\outpost\frogfurnishing\frogfurnishing.object 9c9 < //"hasObjectItem" : false, --- > 84d83 < [ "sandstonebed", "sandstonedoor", "sandstonechest", "sandstonetable", "sandstonetorch" ], objects\outpost\penguinbay\penguinbay.object 10d9 < //"hasObjectItem" : false, objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifibed\retroscifibed.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Pod", --- > "description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic-Fi Pod", 13c13 < "apexDescription" : "Ahhh, the best sleep I've ever had was in one of these pods.", --- > "apexDescription" : "Ahhh, the best sleep I've ever had was in one of these.", 19c19 < "novakidDescription": "Sleeping in this bed makes me feel like a science experiment.", --- > "novakidDescription": "Sleepin' in this bed makes me feel like a science experiment.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscificabinet\retroscificabinet.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "todo.", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Cabinet", --- > "description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Cabinet", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifichair\retroscifichair.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "todo.", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Chair", --- > "description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Chair", 16c16 < "glitchDescription" : "Confused. How does this chair keep its balance?", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. How does this chair keep it's balance?", 18c18,19 < "hylotlDescription" : "A floating chair, quite novel.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "A floating chair, how novel.", > "novakidDescription": "This chair looks comfy, like sitting inside an eggshell.", objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifidresser\retroscifidresser.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "todo.", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Dresser", --- > "description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Dresser", 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A timeless classic.", > "avianDescription" : "This style of dresser never feels out of date.", > "floranDescription" : "Any kind of dressssser is useful. I don't care how it looksss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Question. Is this someone's idea of furniture from the future?", > "humanDescription" : "A dresser so unfashionable it's fashionable.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The frailty of trendiness is evident in this dresser's design.", > "novakidDescription": "A world away from the kind of dresser I'm used to.", > objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifilight\retroscifilight.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Spotlight", --- > "description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Spotlight", 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A simple, stylish light.", > "avianDescription" : "A small light that would suit a modern home.", > "floranDescription" : "This sssspotlight is bright.", > "glitchDescription" : "Unimpressed. A simple light with little personality.", > "humanDescription" : "A spotlight fit for any modern dwelling.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This light lacks personality.", > "novakidDescription": "Give me an oil lamp over this thing any day.", > objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifitable\retroscifitable.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "todo.", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Table", --- > "description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Table", 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A nice table, really brings a room together.", > "avianDescription" : "I'm afraid this table would tip over if I placed something heavy on it.", > "floranDescription" : "Fancy table still good for feassssting on.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation. A particularly well balanced table.", > "humanDescription" : "This table looks like it could tip over any minute now.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The beauty in this table is in it's perfect balance.", > "novakidDescription": "I envy this table's ability to stay upright.", > objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifitv\retroscifitv.object 8,9c8,9 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Retro Sci-Fi Television", --- > "description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", > "shortdescription" : "Retro-Futuristic Television", 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "This telelvision looks futuristic but I had one as a child.", > "avianDescription" : "I've never really been interested in owning a television, until now.", > "floranDescription" : "Noisssy picture in a fancy box.", > "glitchDescription" : "Interested. I like the look of this technology.", > "humanDescription" : "Finally, a TV that looks as out of date as the medium itself.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Everything about this device is grotesque. A far cry from a good book.", > "novakidDescription": "A slick lookin' talkie box.", > objects\tiered\tier10bed\tier10bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 250, objects\tiered\tier10chair\tier10chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier10door\tier10door.object 8c8 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier10light\tier10light.object 7c7 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 80, objects\tiered\tier10switch\tier10switch.object 7c7 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 90, objects\tiered\tier10table\tier10table.object 10c10 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier10techchest\tier10techchest.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 105, objects\tiered\tier1bed\tier1bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 50, --- > "price" : 75, objects\tiered\tier1chair\tier1chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 40, objects\tiered\tier1light\tier1light.object 7c7 < "price" : 10, --- > "price" : 20, objects\tiered\tier2bed\tier2bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 105, objects\tiered\tier2chair\tier2chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 45, --- > "price" : 60, objects\tiered\tier2light\tier2light.object 7c7 < "price" : 15, --- > "price" : 30, objects\tiered\tier2switch\tier2switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 45, --- > "price" : 40, objects\tiered\tier3bed\tier3bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 135, objects\tiered\tier3chair\tier3chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 80, objects\tiered\tier3light\tier3light.object 7c7 < "price" : 20, --- > "price" : 40, objects\tiered\tier3switch\tier3switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 50, objects\tiered\tier4bed\tier4bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 125, --- > "price" : 180, objects\tiered\tier4chair\tier4chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 110, objects\tiered\tier4door\tier4door.object 8c8 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 110, objects\tiered\tier4light\tier4light.object 7c7 < "price" : 25, --- > "price" : 55, objects\tiered\tier4switch\tier4switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 65, objects\tiered\tier4table\tier4table.object 10c10 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 110, objects\tiered\tier5bed\tier5bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 195, objects\tiered\tier5chair\tier5chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 120, objects\tiered\tier5light\tier5light.object 7c7 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 60, objects\tiered\tier5switch\tier5switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 70, objects\tiered\tier6bed\tier6bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 250, objects\tiered\tier6chair\tier6chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier6door\tier6door.object 8c8 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier6light\tier6light.object 7c7 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 80, objects\tiered\tier6switch\tier6switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 90, objects\tiered\tier6table\tier6table.object 10c10 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier6techchest\tier6techchest.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 105, objects\tiered\tier7bed\tier7bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 250, objects\tiered\tier7chair\tier7chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier7door\tier7door.object 8c8 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier7light\tier7light.object 7c7 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 80, objects\tiered\tier7switch\tier7switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 90, objects\tiered\tier7table\tier7table.object 10c10 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 160, objects\tiered\tier7techchest\tier7techchest.object 10c10 < "price" : 180, --- > "price" : 105, objects\tiered\tier8bed\tier8bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 195, objects\tiered\tier8chair\tier8chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 120, objects\tiered\tier8light\tier8light.object 7c7 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 60, objects\tiered\tier8switch\tier8switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 70, objects\tiered\tier9bed\tier9bed.object 10c10 < "price" : 150, --- > "price" : 195, objects\tiered\tier9chair\tier9chair.object 10c10 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 120, objects\tiered\tier9light\tier9light.object 7c7 < "price" : 30, --- > "price" : 60, objects\tiered\tier9switch\tier9switch.object 6c6 < "price" : 90, --- > "price" : 70, projectiles\boss\spiderboss\acidsweep.projectile 11c11 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/acidspitexplosion/acidspitexplosion.config" projectiles\explosions\acidexplosion\acidexplosion.projectile 11,12c11,12 < "universalDamage" : true, < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "universalDamage" : false, > "damageKind" : "acid" projectiles\npcs\acidspit\acidspit.projectile 11c11 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/bulletexplosion/bulletexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/acidspitexplosion/acidspitexplosion.config" recipes\furniture\tier1\tier1table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier10\tier10table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "imperviumcompound", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "imperviumcompound", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier2\tier2table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "steelbar", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "steelbar", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier3\tier3table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "titaniumbar", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier4\tier4table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "durasteelbar", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier5\tier5table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "refinedaegisalt", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "refinedaegisalt", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier6\tier6table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "feroziumcompound", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "feroziumcompound", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier7\tier7table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "ceruliumcompound", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "ceruliumcompound", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier8\tier8table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "refinedviolium", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "refinedviolium", "count" : 2 } recipes\furniture\tier9\tier9table.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "refinedrubium", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "refinedrubium", "count" : 2 } scripts\oldpathing.lua 0a1,2 > require "/scripts/util.lua" > 56c58 < world.debugText("findPath failed", {position[1], position[2]-2}, "red") --- > util.debugText("findPath failed", {position[1], position[2]-2}, "red") 67c69 < world.debugText("updatePath failed", {position[1], position[2]-2}, "red") --- > util.debugText("updatePath failed", {position[1], position[2]-2}, "red") 124,126c126 < if self.debug then < world.debugText(action, {position[1], position[2]-2}, "blue") < end --- > util.debugText(action, {position[1], position[2]-2}, "blue") scripts\pathing.lua 50c50 < world.debugText("Looking for path", vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {0, -1}), "yellow") --- > util.debugText("Looking for path", vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {0, -1}), "yellow") 238c238 < world.debugText(self.action, {self.position[1], self.position[2]-2}, "blue") --- > util.debugText(self.action, {self.position[1], self.position[2]-2}, "blue") 510c510 < if self.debug then debugRect(groundRegion, "blue") end --- > util.debugRect(groundRegion, "blue") 523,525d522 < if type(maxHeight) ~= "number" or type(minHeight) ~= "number" then < world.logInfo("%s %s", maxHeight, minHeight) < end 593c590,592 < function debugPath(finder) --- > function debugPath(pathfinder) > if not self.debug then return end > 598c597 < local edge = finder:lookAhead(step) --- > local edge = pathfinder:lookAhead(step) 609c608 < debugRect(bounds, "yellow") --- > util.debugRect(bounds, "yellow") 614c613 < debugRect(bounds, "yellow") --- > util.debugRect(bounds, "yellow") 626,633c625 < end < < function debugRect(rect, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[2]}, color) < end --- > end \ No newline at end of file scripts\util.lua 126,161d125 < function util.debugRect(rect, color) < if self.debug then < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) < world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[2]}, color) < end < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < function util.debugLine(p1, p2, color) < if self.debug then < world.debugLine(p1, p2, color) < end < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < function util.debugLog(...) < if self.debug then < world.logInfo(...) < end < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < function util.debugPoly(poly, color) < if self.debug then < local current = poly[1] < for i = 2, #poly do < world.debugLine(current, poly[i], "red") < current = poly[i] < end < world.debugLine(current, poly[1], "red") < end < end < < -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 277a242,265 > end > > -- Debug functions > function util.debugPoint(...) return self.debug and world.debugPoint(...) end > function util.debugLine(...) return self.debug and world.debugLine(...) end > function util.debugText(...) return self.debug and world.debugText(...) end > function util.debugLog(...) return self.debug and world.logInfo(...) end > function util.debugRect(rect, color) > if self.debug then > world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[4]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[2]}, color) > end > end > function util.debugPoly(poly, color) > if self.debug then > local current = poly[1] > for i = 2, #poly do > world.debugLine(current, poly[i], "red") > current = poly[i] > end > world.debugLine(current, poly[1], "red") > end scripts\actions\entities.lua 146a147,161 > -- param damageTeam > function isNpc(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > entity = nil, > damageTeam = nil > }) > > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > local team = BData:getNumber(args.damageTeam) > if entityId == nil then return false end > > return world.isNpc(entityId, team) > end > > -- param entity 312,318c327 < local projectileConfig = copy(args.projectileConfig) < if projectileConfig.timeToLive then < projectileConfig.timeToLive = BData:getNumber(projectileConfig.timeToLive) < end < if projectileConfig.animationCycle then < projectileConfig.animationCycle = BData:getNumber(projectileConfig.animationCycle) < end --- > local projectileConfig = {} 326c335,337 < if projectileConfig.speed then projectileConfig.speed = BData:getNumber(projectileConfig.speed) end --- > if args.projectileConfig.speed then projectileConfig.speed = BData:getNumber(args.projectileConfig.speed) end > if args.projectileConfig.timeToLive then projectileConfig.timeToLive = BData:getNumber(args.projectileConfig.timeToLive) end > if args.projectileConfig.animationCycle then projectileConfig.animationCycle = BData:getNumber(args.projectileConfig.animationCycle) end scripts\actions\movement.lua 10a11,17 > function controlFace(direction) > mcontroller.controlFace(direction) > if entity.setAimPosition then > entity.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction, -1})) > end > end > 35a43 > if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(direction) end 137,138c145,146 < world.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") < world.debugPoint(position, "yellow") --- > util.debugLine(mcontroller.position(), position, "yellow") > util.debugPoint(position, "yellow") 142,144c150 < if not self.setFacingDirection then < mcontroller.controlFace(pather.deltaX) < end --- > if not self.setFacingDirection then controlFace(pather.deltaX) end 206,209c212,213 < mcontroller.controlFace(direction) < if entity.setAimPosition then < entity.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction, -1})) < end --- > controlFace(direction) > 222,225c226 < mcontroller.controlFace(direction) < if entity.setAimPosition then < entity.setAimPosition(vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), {direction, -1})) < end --- > controlFace(direction) species\glitch.species 156,163c156,163 < { "d9c189" : "74665b", "a38d59" : "524840", "735e3a" : "231f1b" }, < { "d9c189" : "536a7c", "a38d59" : "3a4b58", "735e3a" : "181e25" }, < { "d9c189" : "805b4e", "a38d59" : "5b4037", "735e3a" : "271c17" }, < { "d9c189" : "868148", "a38d59" : "5f5b32", "735e3a" : "292915" }, < { "d9c189" : "80704e", "a38d59" : "5b5037", "735e3a" : "272317" }, < { "d9c189" : "6a7c53", "a38d59" : "4b583a", "735e3a" : "1e2518" }, < { "d9c189" : "77537c", "a38d59" : "553a58", "735e3a" : "251825" }, < { "d9c189" : "696969", "a38d59" : "434343", "735e3a" : "0f0f0f" } --- > { "f7e7b2" : "a7978a", "d9c189" : "74665b", "a38d59" : "524840", "735e3a" : "231f1b" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "7f99ae", "d9c189" : "536a7c", "a38d59" : "3a4b58", "735e3a" : "181e25" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "b08677", "d9c189" : "805b4e", "a38d59" : "5b4037", "735e3a" : "271c17" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "b9b36d", "d9c189" : "868148", "a38d59" : "5f5b32", "735e3a" : "292915" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "b4a179", "d9c189" : "80704e", "a38d59" : "5b5037", "735e3a" : "272317" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "9fb385", "d9c189" : "6a7c53", "a38d59" : "4b583a", "735e3a" : "1e2518" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "ae83b4", "d9c189" : "77537c", "a38d59" : "553a58", "735e3a" : "251825" }, > { "f7e7b2" : "9c9c9c", "d9c189" : "696969", "a38d59" : "434343", "735e3a" : "0f0f0f" } stats\npc_primary.lua 56c56 < drawDebugResources() --- > --drawDebugResources() stats\effects\damageflash\damageflash.statuseffect 2a3,4 > "blockingStat" : "damageflashimmunity", > treasure\monster.treasurepools 49a50,64 > "weaklingMonsterTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.96, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "upgradeComponentTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.75, 0], > [0.25, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], >