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"petalcritter", > "monsterParameters" : { > "aggressive" : false > } > }, terrestrial_worlds.config 788a789,809 > "toxic" : { > //TODO: unsuckify > "oceanLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedIslandTowersSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "caveLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "toxic" ]] > ] > }, > > "toxicoceanfloor" : { > "oceanLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "oceanLevelOffset" : 9999, > "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "toxicoceanfloor" ]] > ] > }, > 812,832d832 < ] < }, < "toxic" : { < //TODO: unsuckify < "oceanLiquid" : [ "poison" ], < "blockSelector" : [ "remixedIslandTowersSurface" ], < "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], < "caveLiquid" : [ "poison" ], < "caveLiquidChanceRange" : [100, 100], < "biome" : [ < [0, [ "toxic" ]] < ] < }, < < "toxicoceanfloor" : { < "oceanLiquid" : [ "poison" ], < "oceanLevelOffset" : 9999, < "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], < "fgCaveSelector" : [ "empty" ], < "biome" : [ < [0, [ "toxicoceanfloor" ]] universe_server.config 36c36 < "terrestrialBiome" : "jungle", --- > "terrestrialBiome" : "toxic", behaviors\npc\idle.behavior 2a3 > "description": "", 7c8,9 < "/scripts/behavior/bdata.lua" --- > "/scripts/behavior/bdata.lua", > "/scripts/actions/reaction.lua" biomes\oredistributions.configfunctions 13,18c13,18 < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.85], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.90], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.20], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.20], [ "titanium", 1.25] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.15], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 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1.35], [ "platinum", 1.35], [ "diamond", 1.20], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.20], [ "titanium", 1.20], [ "aegisalt", 1.35], [ "rubium", 1.35], [ "violium", 1.35] ] ] 31,36c31,36 < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.30] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.35], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.00], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.05], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.30] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.35], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.10], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.20], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], < [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.30], [ "diamond", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.15], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.30], [ "rubium", 1.30], [ "violium", 1.30] ] ], < [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.15], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.25], [ "platinum", 1.35], [ "diamond", 1.25], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.15], [ "titanium", 1.20], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ] --- > [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], > [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.40], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.00], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], > [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.05], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], > [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.40], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.10], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], > [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.30], [ "diamond", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ], > [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.40], [ "platinum", 1.40], [ "diamond", 1.25], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ] 40,45c40,45 < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], [ "corefragment", 1.50], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.30] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.35], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.30] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.20], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], < [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.30], [ "diamond", 1.15], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.15], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.30], [ "rubium", 1.30], [ "violium", 1.30] ] ], < [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.15], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.35], [ "platinum", 1.35], [ "diamond", 1.25], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.15], [ "titanium", 1.20], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ] --- > [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], [ "corefragment", 1.50], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], > [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.40], [ "silverore", 0.00], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.40] ] ], > [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], > [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.40], [ "gold", 0.00], [ "platinum", 0.00], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.40] ] ], > [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.30], [ "diamond", 1.15], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ], > [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.40], [ "platinum", 1.40], [ "diamond", 1.25], [ "corefragment", 1.15], ["fossil", 0.79], [ "iron", 1.25], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "aegisalt", 1.40], [ "rubium", 1.40], [ "violium", 1.40] ] ] biomes\core\blaststonecorelayer.biome 49,62d48 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:veryRare", < < "type" : "object", < "objectSets" : [ < { < "pool" : [ [0.3, "silverrocksmall" ], [0.2, "silverrock" ], [0.2, "goldrocksmall" ], [0.8, "goldrock" ], [0.1, "platinumrocksmall" ], [0.05, "platinumrock" ], [0.05, "diamondrocksmall" ], [0.02, "diamondrock" ] ], < "parameters" : { } < } < ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", < "priority" : 1.0, < "variants" : 1, biomes\core\magmarockcorelayer.biome 49,62d48 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:veryRare", < < "type" : "object", < "objectSets" : [ < { < "pool" : [ [0.3, "silverrocksmall" ], [0.2, "silverrock" ], [0.2, "goldrocksmall" ], [0.8, "goldrock" ], [0.1, "platinumrocksmall" ], [0.05, "platinumrock" ], [0.05, "diamondrocksmall" ], [0.02, "diamondrock" ] ], < "parameters" : { } < } < ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", < "priority" : 1.0, < "variants" : 1, biomes\core\obisidiancorelayer.biome 49,62d48 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:veryRare", < < "type" : "object", < "objectSets" : [ < { < "pool" : [ [0.3, "silverrocksmall" ], [0.2, "silverrock" ], [0.2, "goldrocksmall" ], [0.8, "goldrock" ], [0.1, "platinumrocksmall" ], [0.05, "platinumrock" ], [0.05, "diamondrocksmall" ], [0.02, "diamondrock" ] ], < "parameters" : { } < } < ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", < "priority" : 1.0, < "variants" : 1, biomes\surface\jungle.biome 359,360c359,363 < "grassMod" : [ "grass" ], < "grassModDensity" : 0.2, --- > "grassMod" : [ "junglegrass" ], > "grassModDensity" : 0.4, > > "ceilingGrassMod" : [ "roots" ], > "ceilingGrassModDensity" : 0.6, biomes\surface\toxic.biome 46c46 < // light reddish --- > // sunny green day, darkgreen/yellow sunrise and purple/blue sunset 49,66c49,52 < "morningColors" : [ [255, 224, 129], [252, 230, 164] ], < "dayColors" : [ [255, 152, 107], [255, 183, 152] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [254, 121, 69], [254, 165, 129] ], < "nightColors" : [ [40, 17, 17, 60], [40, 17, 17, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [202, 177, 100], < "dayLightColor" : [202, 138, 100], < "eveningLightColor" : [202, 100, 100], < "nightLightColor" : [40, 17, 17] < }, < { < // slight overcast < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [140, 140, 180], [120, 120, 180] ], < "dayColors" : [ [190, 190, 210], [170, 170, 210] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [160, 120, 180], [140, 100, 180] ], < "nightColors" : [ [26, 26, 31, 60], [26, 26, 31, 160] ], --- > "morningColors" : [ [120, 164, 84], [243, 201, 115] ], > "dayColors" : [ [68, 164, 84], [243, 201, 115] ], > "eveningColors" : [ [43, 17, 118], [244, 161, 231] ], > "nightColors" : [ [24, 38, 53, 80], [58, 42, 70, 160] ], 68,69c54,55 < "morningLightColor" : [140, 140, 180], < "dayLightColor" : [190, 190, 210], --- > "morningLightColor" : [20, 91, 100], > "dayLightColor" : [120, 180, 120], 71,184c57 < "nightLightColor" : [26, 26, 31] < }, < { < // light aqua with yellow sunrise < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [227, 209, 123], [244, 196, 66] ], < "dayColors" : [ [197, 236, 246], [133, 185, 235] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [246, 220, 186], [246, 177, 88] ], < "nightColors" : [ [26, 26, 31, 60], [26, 26, 31, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [192, 174, 126], < "dayLightColor" : [190, 202, 204], < "eveningLightColor" : [192, 125, 80], < "nightLightColor" : [26, 26, 31] < }, < { < // light aqua with pinkish sunrise/sunset < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [219, 119, 184], [246, 153, 177] ], < "dayColors" : [ [197, 236, 246], [133, 185, 235] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [189, 143, 172], [255, 194, 192] ], < "nightColors" : [ [29, 26, 31, 60], [29, 26, 31, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [200, 158, 169], < "dayLightColor" : [190, 202, 204], < "eveningLightColor" : [163, 134, 134], < "nightLightColor" : [29, 26, 31] < }, < { < // pinkish all around < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [255, 167, 152], [255, 163, 208] ], < "dayColors" : [ [228, 152, 169], [243, 205, 193] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [221, 186, 235], [247, 73, 121] ], < "nightColors" : [ [28, 14, 14, 60], [10, 0, 20, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [195, 156, 149], < "dayLightColor" : [197, 184, 182], < "eveningLightColor" : [197, 98, 126], < "nightLightColor" : [28, 14, 14] < }, < { < // light greenish all around < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [167, 255, 152], [163, 255, 208] ], < "dayColors" : [ [152, 228, 169], [205, 243, 193] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [186, 221, 235], [73, 247, 121] ], < "nightColors" : [ [24, 28, 24, 60], [24, 28, 24, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [156, 195, 149], < "dayLightColor" : [184, 197, 182], < "eveningLightColor" : [126, 166, 138], < "nightLightColor" : [24, 28, 24] < }, < < { < // very green < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [224, 255, 129], [230, 255, 164] ], < "dayColors" : [ [152, 255, 107], [183, 255, 152] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [121, 254, 69], [165, 254, 129] ], < "nightColors" : [ [40, 17, 17, 60], [40, 17, 17, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [202, 240, 100], < "dayLightColor" : [202, 240, 100], < "eveningLightColor" : [202, 240, 100], < "nightLightColor" : [40, 17, 17] < }, < { < // dark peachy massacre < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [200, 24, 0], [252, 30, 0] ], < "dayColors" : [ [200, 52, 7], [255, 83, 52] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [200, 21, 0], [254, 65, 29] ], < "nightColors" : [ [40, 17, 17, 60], [40, 17, 17, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [100, 77, 0], < "dayLightColor" : [100, 38, 0], < "eveningLightColor" : [100, 0, 0], < "nightLightColor" : [40, 17, 17] < }, < { < // I am a banana! < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [200, 200, 0], [252, 252, 0] ], < "dayColors" : [ [200, 200, 7], [255, 255, 52] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [200, 200, 0], [254, 254, 29] ], < "nightColors" : [ [40, 40, 17, 60], [40, 40, 17, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [100, 100, 0], < "dayLightColor" : [100, 100, 0], < "eveningLightColor" : [100, 100, 0], < "nightLightColor" : [40, 40, 17] < }, < { < // cool mint < "mainColor" : [255, 255, 255], < < "morningColors" : [ [129, 230, 204], [164, 230, 210] ], < "dayColors" : [ [107, 230, 132], [152, 230, 163] ], < "eveningColors" : [ [69, 230, 101], [129, 230, 145] ], < "nightColors" : [ [17, 17, 40, 60], [17, 17, 40, 160] ], < < "morningLightColor" : [100, 240, 202], < "dayLightColor" : [100, 240, 202], < "eveningLightColor" : [100, 240, 202], < "nightLightColor" : [17, 17, 40] --- > "nightLightColor" : [40, 20, 60] 247a121,143 > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeMicrodungeon", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "toxicmicrodungeons" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "toxicgasprimer" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] biomes\surface_detached\eyepatch.biome 29c29 < "grassMod" : [ "aliengrass" ], --- > "grassMod" : [ "aridgrass" ], 57a58,66 > "priority" : 1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:mainBiomeMicrodungeon", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "eyepatchmicrodungeons" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", 73c82 < "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 15, --- > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 0, 97a107,112 > "grassMod" : [ "aridgrass" ], > "grassModDensity" : 0.6, > > "ceilingGrassMod" : [ "roots" ], > "ceilingGrassModDensity" : 0.8, > 120a136,147 > }, > { > "mode" : "ceiling", > "priority" : 2.5, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "tree", > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 0, > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 0, > "treeStemList" : [ "eyevein" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "eyeveiny" ] biomes\surface_detached\giantflowers.biome 8c8 < "extraSpawns" : [ "beebug" ], --- > "extraSpawns" : [ "beebug", "petalcritter" ], 15c15 < "extraSpawns" : [ "beebug" ], --- > "extraSpawns" : [ "beebug", "petalcritter" ], 98c98 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseLarge", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredLarge", 110c110 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseSmall", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredLarge", biomes\surface_detached\swamp.biome 8c8 < "extraSpawns" : [ "flyspawner", "fireflyspawner", "frog", "snakecritter", "frogpolecritter" ], --- > "extraSpawns" : [ "flyspawner", "fireflyspawner", "frog", "snakecritter", "frogpolecritter", "tinycrocodilecritter" ], 21c21 < "extraSpawns" : [ "flyspawner", "fireflyspawner", "frog", "snakecritter", "frogpolecritter" ], --- > "extraSpawns" : [ "flyspawner", "fireflyspawner", "frog", "snakecritter", "frogpolecritter", "tinycrocodilecritter" ], dialog\eyepatch.config 9c9 < "Intimidating. None escape the gaze of the All-Seeing Knights!" --- > "Intimidating. None can escape the gaze of the All-Seeing Knights!" 41,42c41,45 < "Courageous. You have returned to be defeated, foe!", < "Hardy. None can defeat a Rainbow Rogue in a duel!" --- > "Aggressive. I SEE YOU!", > "Observant. I spy a foe approaching!", > "Intimidating. You cannot escape my gaze!", > "Hostile. Observe your own defeat at my hands!", > "Angry. I have SEEN our next target!" interface\cockpit\cockpit.config 196c196 < "moon" : "^#949493;A moon. ^white;A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", --- > "moon" : "A rocky, ^#949493;airless^white; world. A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", interface\games\fossilgame\fossilgame.lua 42,45d41 < self.dirtBackground = TileLayer:new(vec2.add(self.level.size, 2), 16, 8) < self.dirtBackground.position = vec2.sub(self.level.position, 16) < self.dirtBackground:fill() < 97c93 < function update() --- > function update(dt) 112,116c108 < if self.level.changed then < save() < end < < self.dirtBackground:draw() --- > activeTool():update(dt) 122,123d113 < activeTool():draw() < 136a127,128 > > activeTool():draw() 141,143c133,135 < local position = self.dirtBackground.position < local tileSize = self.dirtBackground.tileSize < local size = {self.dirtBackground.size[1] * tileSize, self.dirtBackground.size[2] * tileSize} --- > local position = self.level.position > local tileSize = self.level.tileSize > local size = {self.level.size[1] * tileSize, self.level.size[2] * tileSize} 181a174,177 > end > > function uninit() > save() interface\games\fossilgame\level.lua 13,16c13,19 < rockLayer = TileLayer:new(vec2.add(size, {2,2}), tileSize, rockMaterial), < dirtLayer = TileLayer:new(size, tileSize, dirtMaterial), < boneLayer = TileLayer:new(size, tileSize, boneMaterial), < background = TileLayer:new(size, tileSize, dirtMaterial) --- > dirtMaterial = dirtMaterial, > rockMaterial = rockMaterial, > boneMaterial = boneMaterial, > rockLayer = TileLayer:new(size, tileSize), > dirtLayer = TileLayer:new(vec2.add(size, 2), tileSize), > boneLayer = TileLayer:new(size, tileSize), > background = TileLayer:new(vec2.add(size, 2), tileSize) 23c26 < self.background:fill() --- > self.background:fill(self.dirtMaterial) 25c28 < self.background.position = self.position --- > self.background.position = vec2.sub(self.position, self.tileSize) 28,29c31,32 < self.dirtLayer:fill() < self.dirtLayer.position = self.position --- > self.dirtLayer:fill(self.dirtMaterial) > self.dirtLayer.position = vec2.sub(self.position, self.tileSize) 31c34 < self.rockLayer.position = vec2.sub(self.position, self.tileSize) --- > self.rockLayer.position = self.position 45a49 > tilePos = vec2.sub(tilePos, 1) 57,59c61,63 < dirtMaterial = self.dirtLayer.materialId, < rockMaterial = self.rockLayer.materialId, < boneMaterial = self.boneLayer.materialId, --- > dirtMaterial = self.dirtMaterial, > rockMaterial = self.rockMaterial, > boneMaterial = self.boneMaterial, 87,88d90 < self.changed = false < 96,97c98 < tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) < return self.rockLayer:tile(tilePosition) --- > return self.rockLayer:tile(tilePosition) == self.rockMaterial 101,103c102 < tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) < self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, false) < self.changed = true --- > self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, 0) 107,108c106 < tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) < self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) --- > self.rockLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.rockMaterial) 112c110,111 < return self.dirtLayer:tile(tilePosition) --- > tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) > return self.dirtLayer:tile(tilePosition) == self.dirtMaterial 116,117c115,116 < self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, false) < self.changed = true --- > tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) > self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, 0) 121c120,121 < self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) --- > tilePosition = vec2.add(tilePosition, 1) > self.dirtLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.dirtMaterial) 125,126c125 < self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, false) < self.changed = true --- > self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, 0) 139c138 < self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, true) --- > self.boneLayer:setTile(tilePosition, self.boneMaterial) 143c142 < return { --- > local tile = { 146a146,150 > if tile[1] < 0 or tile[1] >= self.size[1] or tile[2] < 0 or tile[2] >= self.size[2] then > return false > else > return tile > end interface\games\fossilgame\tileset.lua 19c19 < function TileLayer:new(size, tileSize, materialId) --- > function TileLayer:new(size, tileSize) 27,29d26 < materialId = materialId, < material = Materials[materialId], < outerEdge = false, 34c31 < table.insert(newSet.tiles, false) --- > table.insert(newSet.tiles, 0) 40c37 < function TileLayer:fill() --- > function TileLayer:fill(materialId) 42c39 < self.tiles[i] = 1 --- > self.tiles[i] = materialId 55c52 < function TileLayer:setTile(tilePosition, filled) --- > function TileLayer:setTile(tilePosition, materialId) 57,60c54,59 < if tile and not filled then < for _,callback in pairs(self.onTileRemoved) do callback(tilePosition) end < elseif not tile and filled then < for _,callback in pairs(self.onTileAdded) do callback(tilePosition) end --- > if tile ~= materialId then > if materialId == 0 then > for _,callback in pairs(self.onTileRemoved) do callback(tilePosition) end > else > for _,callback in pairs(self.onTileAdded) do callback(tilePosition) end > end 62c61 < self.tiles[self:index(tilePosition)] = filled --- > self.tiles[self:index(tilePosition)] = materialId 77c76 < return self.outerEdge --- > return false 87c86 < for i,filled in ipairs(self.tiles) do --- > for i,materialId in ipairs(self.tiles) do 91,92c90,91 < if filled then < self:drawTile(x, y) --- > if materialId ~= 0 then > self:drawTile(x, y, materialId) 94c93 < self:renderEmpty(x, y) --- > math.random() 105c104,106 < local variant = self:variant() --- > local material = Materials[materialId] > > local variant = math.floor(math.random() * material.variants) 108a110 > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, texCoords, quad, self.color) 110,124c112,133 < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, texCoords, quad, self.color) < end < < function TileLayer:variant() < return math.floor(math.random() * self.material.variants) < end < < function TileLayer:renderEmpty(x, y) < local right = self:tile({x + 1, y}) < local top = self:tile({x, y + 1}) < local left = self:tile({x - 1, y}) < local bottom = self:tile({x, y - 1}) < < local variant = self:variant() < local scale = self.tileSize / 8 --- > local right = self:tile({x + 1, y}) == materialId > local top = self:tile({x, y + 1}) == materialId > local left = self:tile({x - 1, y}) == materialId > local bottom = self:tile({x, y - 1}) == materialId > local topright = self:tile({x + 1, y + 1}) == materialId > local topleft = self:tile({x - 1, y + 1}) == materialId > local bottomleft = self:tile({x - 1, y - 1}) == materialId > local bottomright = self:tile({x + 1, y - 1}) == materialId > > if not top then > if not topright and not topleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge > elseif not topright then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 4, texCoords[1], 8}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge > elseif not topleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], 4, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --edge > else > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 4, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1], quad[4], quad[3], quad[4] + 4*scale}, self.color) --corner > end > end 126,129c135,147 < local screenX = x * self.tileSize + self.position[1] < local screenY = y * self.tileSize + self.position[2] < local texCoords = {4 + (16 * variant), 12, 12 + (16 * variant), 20} < local quad = {screenX, screenY, screenX + self.tileSize, screenY + self.tileSize} --- > if not bottom then > if not bottomright and not bottomleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) > elseif not bottomright then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1], 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge > elseif not bottomleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[2]}, self.color) -- edge > else > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] - 4*scale, quad[3], quad[2]}, self.color) -- corner > end > end 131,132c149,156 < if not right and not top and not left and not bottom then < return --- > if not right then > if not bottomright and not topright then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) > elseif not topright then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[3], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) > elseif not bottomright then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[3], quad[2], quad[3] + 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) > end 135,179c159,166 < if right and top and left and bottom then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, quad, self.color) < return < end < < --Right side < if right and top and bottom then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2], quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif right and top then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], 0, texCoords[1] + 4, 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2], quad[3], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < elseif right and bottom then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], 4, texCoords[1] + 4, 8}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2], quad[3], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif right then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2], quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < end < < --Left side < if left and top and bottom then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1], 8}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif left and top then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 0, texCoords[1], 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < elseif left and bottom then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, 4, texCoords[1], 8}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] - 4, quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif left then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[3], texCoords[2], texCoords[3] + 4, texCoords[4]}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) < end < < if top and not left and not right then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif top and not left then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[4], texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1], quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4]}, self.color) < elseif top and not right then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[4], texCoords[3], texCoords[4] + 4}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[3], quad[4]}, self.color) < end < < if bottom and not left and not right then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < elseif bottom and not left then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1], texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3] - 4, texCoords[2]}, {quad[1], quad[2], quad[3] - 4*scale, quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) < elseif bottom and not right then < console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.material.path, {texCoords[1] + 4, texCoords[2] - 4, texCoords[3], texCoords[2]}, {quad[1] + 4*scale, quad[2], quad[3], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) --- > if not left then > if not bottomleft and not topleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) > elseif not topleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2], texCoords[1], texCoords[4] - 4}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2] + 4*scale, quad[1], quad[4]}, self.color) > elseif not bottomleft then > console.canvasDrawImageRect(material.path, {texCoords[1] - 4, texCoords[2] + 4, texCoords[1], texCoords[4]}, {quad[1] - 4*scale, quad[2], quad[1], quad[4] - 4*scale}, self.color) > end interface\games\fossilgame\tools.lua 6a7,8 > Tool.animationCycle = 0.25 > 9d10 < firing = false, 11c12,14 < uses = uses or -1 --- > uses = uses or -1, > animationTimer = 0, > triggerPosition = {0,0} 22a26,36 > function Tool:update(dt) > if self.animationTimer > 0 then > self.animationTimer = self.animationTimer - dt > end > end > > function Tool:triggerAnimation() > self.animationTimer = self.animationCycle > self.triggerPosition = mousePosition() > end > 27,28c41,42 < local screenTilePos = vec2.add(mousePosition(), screenOffset) < local tilePos = self.level.dirtLayer:tilePosition(screenTilePos) --- > local screenTilePos = vec2.add(self:position(), screenOffset) > local tilePos = self.level:tilePosition(screenTilePos) 49a64,75 > function Tool:position() > if self.animationTimer > 0 then > return self.triggerPosition > else > return mousePosition() > end > end > > function Tool:canUse() > return self.uses > 0 or self.uses == -1 > end > 51c77 < if self.uses > 0 or self.uses == -1 then --- > if self:canUse() then 57a84,98 > > if self.toolImage and (self:canUse() or self.animationTimer > 0) then > local scale = self.level.tileSize / 8 > local mouse = self:position() > local quad = { > mouse[1] -[1] * scale, mouse[2] -[2] * scale, > mouse[1] + (self.imageSize[1][1]) * scale, mouse[2] + (self.imageSize[2][2]) * scale > } > local texCoords = {0, 0, self.imageSize[1], self.imageSize[2]} > if self.animationTimer and self.animationTimer > 0 then > texCoords[1] = self.imageSize[1] > texCoords[3] = self.imageSize[1] * 2 > end > console.canvasDrawImageRect(self.toolImage, texCoords, quad, {255,255,255}) > end 61a103,106 > BrushTool.animationCycle = 0.1 > BrushTool.toolImage = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/brushtool.png" > BrushTool.imageSize = {16,16} > = {8,8} 64,66c109,122 < for _,tile in ipairs(self:hoverTiles()) do < if not self.level:rockAt(tile) then < self.level:removeDirt(tile) --- > self.firing = true > end > > > function BrushTool:update(dt) > self.triggerPosition = mousePosition() > Tool.update(self, dt) > > if self.firing then > for _,tile in ipairs(self:hoverTiles()) do > if not self.level:rockAt(tile) and self.level:dirtAt(tile) then > self:triggerAnimation() > self.level:removeDirt(tile) > end 70a127,130 > function BrushTool:release() > self.firing = false > end > 74a135,137 > HammerTool.toolImage = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/hammertool.png" > HammerTool.imageSize = {32,32} > = {12,12} 77c140 < if self.uses > 0 or self.uses == -1 then --- > if self:canUse() then 82a146 > self:triggerAnimation() 85,86c149,153 < self.level:removeDirt(tile) < self.level:damageBone(tile) --- > if self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then > self:triggerAnimation() > self.level:removeDirt(tile) > self.level:damageBone(tile) > end 96a164,166 > PickaxeTool.toolImage = "/interface/games/fossilgame/images/picktool.png" > PickaxeTool.imageSize = {32,32} > = {12,12} 99c169 < if self.uses > 0 or self.uses == -1 then --- > if self:canUse() then 104a175 > self:triggerAnimation() 107,108c178,182 < self.level:removeDirt(tile) < self.level:damageBone(tile) --- > if self.level:dirtAt(tile) or self.level:fossilAt(tile) then > self:triggerAnimation() > self.level:removeDirt(tile) > self.level:damageBone(tile) > end items\armors\backitems\batwings\batwings.back 15,16c15,16 < /* GREEN */ < { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, --- > /* RED */ > { "ffca8a" : "f4988c", "e0975c" : "d93a3a", "a85636" : "932625", "6f2919" : "601119" }, items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.chest 7,9c7,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "I've heard of eyes in the back of your head but this is ridiculous.", < "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Chest", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", > "description" : "And shirt composed of optic flesh.", > "shortdescription" : "Optic Nerve Shirt", items\armors\biome\eyepatch\eyeball\eyeball.legs 7c7 < "rarity" : "Common", --- > "rarity" : "Rare", 9c9 < "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Legs", --- > "shortdescription" : "Eyeball Pants", items\generic\crafting\aegisaltore.item 9a10 > "refinedaegisalt", items\generic\crafting\ceruliumcompound.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Cerulium Compound" --- > "shortdescription" : "Cerulium Compound", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier7bed", > "tier7chair", > "tier7door", > "tier7light", > "tier7switch", > "tier7table" > ] items\generic\crafting\copperore.item 8,10c8,9 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "copperbar", < "steelbar" --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "copperbar" items\generic\crafting\durasteelbar.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bar" --- > "shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bar", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier4bed", > "tier4chair", > "tier4door", > "tier4light", > "tier4switch", > "tier4table" > ] items\generic\crafting\feroziumcompound.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Ferozium Compound" --- > "shortdescription" : "Ferozium Compound", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier6bed", > "tier6chair", > "tier6door", > "tier6light", > "tier6switch", > "tier6table" > ] items\generic\crafting\goldore.item 8c8 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ items\generic\crafting\imperviumcompound.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Impervium Compound" --- > "shortdescription" : "Impervium Compound", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier10bed", > "tier10chair", > "tier10door", > "tier10light", > "tier10switch", > "tier10table" > ] items\generic\crafting\ironbar.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Iron Bar" --- > "shortdescription" : "Iron Bar", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier1bed", > "tier1chair", > "tier1door", > "tier1light", > "tier1switch", > "tier1table" > ] items\generic\crafting\plutoniumore.item 11c11 < "fuelAmount" : 20 --- > "fuelAmount" : 40 items\generic\crafting\plutoniumrod.item 6c6 < "description" : "It's a plutonium rod.", --- > "description" : "It's a plutonium rod. These are an excellent source of fuel", 8c8 < "fuelAmount" : 50 --- > "fuelAmount" : 100 items\generic\crafting\processor.item 10,11c10 < "roboticcraftingtable", < "processor" --- > "roboticcraftingtable" items\generic\crafting\refinedaegisalt.item 10c10,16 < "acceleratortable" --- > "acceleratortable", > "tier5bed", > "tier5chair", > "tier5door", > "tier5light", > "tier5switch", > "tier5table" items\generic\crafting\refinedrubium.item 10c10,16 < "manipulatortable" --- > "manipulatortable", > "tier9bed", > "tier9chair", > "tier9door", > "tier9light", > "tier9switch", > "tier9table" items\generic\crafting\refinedviolium.item 10c10,16 < "separatortable" --- > "separatortable", > "tier8bed", > "tier8chair", > "tier8door", > "tier8light", > "tier8switch", > "tier8table" items\generic\crafting\rubiumore.item 9a10 > "refinedrubium", items\generic\crafting\silverore.item 8,10c8,9 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ < "silverbar", < "durasteelbar" --- > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "silverbar" items\generic\crafting\steelbar.item 7c7,16 < "shortdescription" : "Steel Bar" --- > "shortdescription" : "Steel Bar", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "tier2bed", > "tier2chair", > "tier2door", > "tier2light", > "tier2switch", > "tier2table" > ] items\generic\crafting\titaniumbar.item 10,11c10 < "roboticcraftingtable", < "composite01material", --- > "tier3bed", 16d14 < "tier3bed", items\generic\crafting\titaniumore.item 10,17d9 < "roboticcraftingtable", < "composite01material", < "tier3chair", < "tier3door", < "tier3light", < "tier3switch", < "tier3bed", < "tier3table", items\generic\crafting\violiumore.item 9a10 > "refinedviolium", monsters\boss\crystalboss\crystalboss.monstertype 109c109 < "baseValue" : 2300 --- > "baseValue" : 4400 npcs\eyeguard.npctype 9,37c9,15 < "attack" : { < "default" : { < "default" : [ < "Intruder!" < ] < }, < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "I... see... you!", < "You can't escape our gaze!", < "Death comes for us all... today it comes for you.", < "Your blood will appease our lords...", < "Something wicked this way comes... me!", < "Abandon hope, pitiable explorer.", < "I will show you the true meaning of fear.", < "We will tear your soul apart!", < "The Universe is a cruel place, as you will see.", < "Birds, fish, monkeys... they're all just meat to us.", < "The dread lords thank you in advance for your sacrifice.", < "We shall reap what you sow!", < "The universe will burn, and we shall watch.", < "Prepare to embrace the darkness.", < "Your soul smells tasty.", < "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.", < "Your story ends here, little traveller.", < "I don't know who these guys are, I'm just going with the flow, sorry!" < ] < } < } --- > "attack" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:attack", > "reattack" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:reattack", > "killedTarget" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:killedTarget", > "lostTarget" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:lostTarget", > "outOfSight" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:outOfSight", > "cheerOn" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:cheerOn", > "cantReach" : "/dialog/eyepatch.config:cantReach" 45,49c23,34 < < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier4chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier4pants" } ], < "head" : [ "eyehead2" ], < "back" : [ "batwingsback" ], --- > "head" : [ > { "name" : "eyehead2", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyehead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } }, { "name" : "eyeballhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } > ], > "back" : [ > { "name" : "batwingsback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } > ], > "chest" : [ > { "name" : "aviantier4chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } > ], > "legs" : [ > { "name" : "aviantier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } > ], 51c36 < [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyesword" } ] --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyesword" } } npcs\merchantpools.config 135,139c135 < { "item" : { "name" : "silverbar" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "goldbar" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "platinumbar" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "diamond" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "plutoniumrod" } }, --- > 140a137,138 > { "item" : { "name" : "plutoniumrod" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "outpostMission1.gearup" } ] }, > 141a140,141 > { "item" : { "name" : "silverbar" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "penguinmission2.gearup" } ] }, > 143c143,144 < { "item" : { "name" : "uraniumrod" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "coldskin2.gearup" } ] }, --- > { "item" : { "name" : "diamond" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "coldskin2.gearup" } ] }, > 146c147,149 < { "item" : { "name" : "refinedviolium" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "refinedviolium" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] }, > { "item" : { "name" : "goldbar" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] }, > { "item" : { "name" : "platinumbar" }, "conditions" : [ { "type" : "prerequisite", "quest" : "heatskin2.gearup" } ] } npcs\outpost\outposthumanscientist.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientist1.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientist1.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], npcs\subbiometenants\eyepatch.npctype 56c56 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyesword" } }, { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshortsword" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyesword" } }, { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshortsword" } }, { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "eyeaxe" } } objects\generic\flagapex\flagapex.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 19a20,22 > > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flagavian\flagavian.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The Avian flag. Adorned with wings.", --- > "description" : "The Avian flag. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 19a20,22 > > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flagfloran\flagfloran.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The Floran flag. Adorned with an adorable flower.", --- > "description" : "The Floran flag. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 20a21,22 > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flagglitch\flagglitch.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Not made of metal.", --- > "description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 20a21,22 > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flaghuman\flaghuman.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The flag of the USCM. Salute!", --- > "description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 20a21,22 > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flaghylotl\flaghylotl.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The Hylotl flag. Show your allegiance to this peace-loving species.", --- > "description" : "The Hylotl flag. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 20a21,22 > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", objects\generic\flagnovakid\flagnovakid.object 6c6 < --- > "objectType" : "teleporter", 10c10 < "description" : "The Novakid flag. There's a new sheriff in town!", --- > "description" : "The Novakid flag. Bookmarks a teleportation location.", 20a21,22 > "interactAction" : "OpenTeleportDialog", > "interactData" : "/interface/warping/destinationonly.config", parallax\surface\toxic.parallax 90a91 > // Day Clouds 95c96 < "offset" : [0, 120], --- > "offset" : [0, 240], 97,99c98,102 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.15 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 104c107 < "offset" : [0, 140], --- > "offset" : [0, 280], 106,108c109,113 < "minSpeed" : 2000, < "maxSpeed" : 5000, < "fadePercent" : 0.06 --- > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 113c118 < "offset" : [0, 150], --- > "offset" : [0, 300], 115,117c120,124 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.04 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 122c129 < "offset" : [0, 60], --- > "offset" : [0, 120], 124,126c131,135 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.15 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 131c140 < "offset" : [0, 80], --- > "offset" : [0, 160], 133c142,153 < "minSpeed" : 2000, --- > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 200], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 1000, 135c155,179 < "fadePercent" : 0.06 --- > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 2], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 40], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 140c184 < "offset" : [0, 100], --- > "offset" : [0, 80], 142,144c186,190 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.04 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : true, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "dayCloudVisible" 145a192,194 > > // Night Clouds > 149c198 < "offset" : [0, 1], --- > "offset" : [0, 240], 151,153c200,204 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.15 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" 158c209 < "offset" : [0, 20], --- > "offset" : [0, 280], 160c211,233 < "minSpeed" : 2000, --- > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 300], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 120], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 1000, 162c235,248 < "fadePercent" : 0.06 --- > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 160], > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" 166a253,274 > "offset" : [0, 200], > "parallax" : 6, > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds3", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 2], > "parallax" : 9, > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds2", > "baseCount" : 2, 167a276,286 > "parallax" : 14, > "minSpeed" : 500, > "maxSpeed" : 2500, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" > }, > { > "kind" : "clouds1", > "baseCount" : 2, > "offset" : [0, 80], 169,171c288,292 < "minSpeed" : 5000, < "maxSpeed" : 10000, < "fadePercent" : 0.04 --- > "minSpeed" : 1000, > "maxSpeed" : 5000, > "fadePercent" : 0.0, > "unlit" : false, > "timeOfDayCorrelation" : "nightCloudVisible" plants\trees\eyepatch\foliage\eyefoliage\eyefoliage.modularfoliage 7c7 < [ { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\eyepatch\stem\eyestem\eyestem.modularstem 4a5,6 > "middleMinSize" : 2, > "middleMaxSize" : 7, 7c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fleshstrand", "count" : 1 } ] projectiles\weather\glowing\glowingrain.projectile 10c10 < "emitters" : [ "sparkles" ], --- > "emitters" : [ "sparks" ], quests\fuel.questtemplate 4c4 < "text" : "^green;To fuel an FTL drive you need ^orange;Liquid Erchius. ^green;This pink liquid can be found in pools underground on moon planets. I should pick up at least ^orange;20 units of Liquid Erchius ^green;to fuel my ship. ^white;It should enable me to travel to a nearby system.", --- > "text" : "^green;To fuel an FTL drive you need ^orange;Liquid Erchius. ^green;This pink liquid can be found in pools underground on airless planets. I should pick up at least ^orange;20 units of Liquid Erchius ^green;to fuel my ship. ^white;It should enable me to travel to a nearby system.", quests\outpost\outpost0.questtemplate 4,5c4,5 < "text" : "I hate finding bugs! Can you help me find some? If you can ^orange;catch a bug ^green;for me in a bug net^white;, I can give you an ^green;iron crafting table ^white;and show you how to do it yourself!", < "completionText" : "One step closer to a universe without bugs! Here's the iron crafting table - And now you can make your own!", --- > "text" : "If you're serious about exploring the universe, you're going to need better equipment. Tell you what, if you ^green;bring me 8 iron bars^white; I'll give you an ^green;iron crafting table ^white;and show you how to make one yourself!", > "completionText" : "Great! Here's the iron crafting table - And now you can make your own! If you're interested, I have another task you might be able to help with.", 7c7 < { "type" : "gather", "tag" : "bug", "consume" : true } --- > { "type" : "gather", "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 8 } quests\outpost\endgame\humanscientiste1.questtemplate 3c3 < "prerequisites" : [ "license5.gearup" ], --- > "prerequisites" : [ "license5.gearup", "humanscientist1.gearup" ], quests\outpost\phase1optional\floranfan1.questtemplate 12c12 < [ [ "caphead" ], [ "manipulatormodule", 1 ] ] --- > [ [ "caphead" ] ] recipes\armor\other\halogenpack\halogenpack.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "upgradecomponent", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "upgrademodule", "count" : 1 } recipes\armor\other\xenonpack\xenonpack.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "upgradecomponent", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "upgrademodule", "count" : 1 } recipes\biomes\alien\alienbed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\alien\aliendoor.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "alienstripedwood", "count" : 75 } --- > { "item" : "alienstripedwood", "count" : 80 } recipes\biomes\alpine\stonebed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\bone\bonebed.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 5 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\bone\bonedoor.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "bone", "count" : 40 } --- > { "item" : "bone", "count" : 60 } recipes\biomes\colourful\rainbowbed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyebed.recipe 3,5c3,5 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 50 }, < { "item" : "goldbar", "count" : 2 }, < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 5 }, > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 50 }, > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyechair.recipe 3,4c3,4 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 25 }, < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 3 }, > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 30 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyechest.recipe 3c3,4 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 30 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 3 }, > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 30 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyedoor.recipe 3,4c3,4 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 35 }, < { "item" : "goldbar", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 4 }, > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 40 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyehead.recipe 3c3,4 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 60 } --- > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 100 }, > { "item" : "fleshstrand", "count" : 20 } recipes\biomes\eyes\eyetable.recipe 3,4c3,4 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 40 }, < { "item" : "monsterplating", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 4 }, > { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 40 } recipes\biomes\geometric\geometricbed.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\giantflower\giantflowerbed.recipe 7c7 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\rust\rustbed.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\biomes\sandstone\sandstonebed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\craftingtable\woodendoor.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 20 } --- > { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 12 } recipes\furniture\tier1\tier1bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier10\tier10bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier2\tier2bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier3\tier3bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier4\tier4bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier5\tier5bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier6\tier6bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier7\tier7bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier8\tier8bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\furniture\tier9\tier9bed.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "leather", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "fabric", "count" : 5 } recipes\roboticcraftingtable\scififurnace.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "silver", "count" : 10 } --- > { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 10 } recipes\tiles\eyepiles.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 3 } --- > { "item" : "oculemon", "count" : 1 } 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 2 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "eyepiles", "count" : 3 }, recipes\unsorted\kennel.recipe 3,4c3,4 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 25 }, < { "item" : "reddye", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 25 } > //{ "item" : "reddye", "count" : 1 } treasure\biome.treasurepools 807,809c807,813 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyehead"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyehead2"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeback"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "eyehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : "eyehead2"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : "eyeback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeballchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeballlegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeballhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeballback"}, treasure\monster.treasurepools 17c17 < [2, { --- > [1.9, { 46c46 < [2, { --- > [1.9, { 73c73 < [2, { --- > [1.9, { 100c100 < [2, { --- > [1.9, { 113c113 < [4, { --- > [3.9, { treasure\npc.treasurepools 113c113 < [4, { --- > [3.9, {