FILES ----- terrestrial_worlds.config weather.config ai\ai.config biomes\oredistributions.configfunctions biomes\surface\alien\alien.biome biomes\surface_detached\eyepatch\eyepatch.biome biomes\surface_detached\giantflowers\giantflowers.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\luminouscaves\luminouscaves.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\abandonedmines\abandonedmines.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\abandonedmines\abandonedmines.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\abandonedmines\abandonedminesbg.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\abandonedmines\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\cellcave\cellcave.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\cellcave\cellcave.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\cellcave\cellcaveunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\cellcave\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\colorful\colorfulcave.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\colorful\colorfulcave.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\colorful\colorfulunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\colorful\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\coralcave\coralcave.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\coralcave\coralcave.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\coralcave\coralcavebg.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\coralcave\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\crystalcave\crystalcave.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\crystalcave\crystalcave.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\crystalcave\crystalcaveunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\crystalcave\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\fleshcave\fleshcave.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\fleshcave\fleshcave.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\fleshcave\fleshcavebg.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\fleshcave\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\frozenfire\frozenfireunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\heck\heck.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\heck\heck.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\heck\heckunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\heck\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\hive\hive.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\hive\hive.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\hive\hiveunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\hive\rockdivider.png biomes\underground_detached\old\slime\slime.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\zen\rockdivider.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\zen\zen.biome [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\zen\zen.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\old\zen\zenunderground.png [NEW] biomes\underground_detached\stonecaves\stonecaves.biome humanoid\novakid\hair\fem2.png 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objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine1.object objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine2.object objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine3.object objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine4.object objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine5.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavebed\cavebed.frames [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavebed\cavebed.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavebed\cavebed.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavebed\cavebedicon.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechair\cavechair.frames [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechair\cavechair.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechair\cavechair.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechair\cavechairicon.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechest\cavechest.frames [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechest\cavechest.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\cavechest\cavechest.png [NEW] 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objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite3\ceilingstalactite3.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite3\ceilingstalactite3.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite3\ceilingstalactiteicon.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactite4.frames [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactite4.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactite4.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactiteicon.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactite5.frames [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactite5.object [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactite5.png [NEW] objects\minibiome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactiteicon.png objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike1\ceilingspike1.object objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.object objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.object objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.object objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.object objects\ship\humantechstationtier0\humantechstationtier0.object objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.object objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.object objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporter.object objects\ship\novakidteleportertier0\novakidteleportertier0.object objects\ship\techstation\techstation.object objects\ship\techstationtier0\techstationtier0.object recipes\biomes\giantflower\giantflowerlamp.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\stonecave\cavebed.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\stonecave\cavechair.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\stonecave\cavechest.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\stonecave\cavelamp.recipe recipes\kitchen\tier2\cheeseburger.recipe recipes\kitchen\tier2\hamburger.recipe [NEW] recipes\tiles\eyepiles.recipe stats\effects\thorns\nova.statuseffect stats\effects\thorns\thorns.statuseffect [NEW] tech\hoverbike\hoverbike.lua tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbike.animation tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\ tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbike.techitem tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikebackground.frames tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikebackground.png tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikeforeground.frames tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikeforeground.png tiles\materials\alienrock.material [NEW] tiles\materials\limestone.material [NEW] tiles\materials\limestone.png tiles\mods\plutonium.matmod tiles\mods\solarium.matmod tiles\mods\uranium.matmod treasure\biome.treasurepools treasure\default.treasurechests DIFFS ----- terrestrial_worlds.config 350c350 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 353c353 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 356c356 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 359c359 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 362c362 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 365c365 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 379c379 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 382c382 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 385c385 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 388c388 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 391c391 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 394c394 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 408c408 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 411c411 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 414c414 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 417c417 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 420c420 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 423c423 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "luminouscaves", "stonecaves", "bonecaves", "icecaves" ] 432a433 > "secondaryRegion" : [ "giantflowers" ], 453a455 > "secondaryRegion" : [ "eyepatch" ], 870a873,888 > "giantflowers" : { > "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "giantflowers" ]] > ] > }, > > "eyepatch" : { > "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "eyepatch" ]] > ] > }, > 953a972 > "caveLiquid" : [ "tarliquid" ], 973a993,1008 > ] > }, > > "stonecaves" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "water" ], > "caveLiquidChanceRange" : [5, 5], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "stonecaves"]] > ] > }, > > "luminouscaves" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "poison" ], > "caveLiquidChanceRange" : [5, 5], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "luminouscaves"]] weather.config 85,86c85 < [0.4, "clear"], < [0.1, "fog"], --- > [0.8, "clear"], ai\ai.config 86c86 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 127c127 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 168c168 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 209c209 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 250c250 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 291c291 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 332c332 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 373c373 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need core fragments from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", biomes\oredistributions.configfunctions 7c7 < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "titanium", 0.20], [ "uranium", 0.20] ] ], --- > [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.40], [ "uranium", 0.50], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 0.20], [ "silverore", 0.20], [ "gold", 0.20], [ "platinum", 0.20], [ "diamond", 0.20], [ "titanium", 0.20] ] ], 13,30d12 < "subsurfaceOres" : [ < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.05], [ "silverore", 0.95], [ "gold", 0.90], [ "platinum", 0.80], [ "diamond", 0.00], [ "iron", 1.10] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.10], [ "silverore", 1.05], [ "gold", 0.95], [ "platinum", 0.85], [ "diamond", 0.80], [ "iron", 1.20] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.15], [ "silverore", 1.10], [ "gold", 1.05], [ "platinum", 0.90], [ "diamond", 0.85], [ "titanium", 1.10] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.15], [ "gold", 1.10], [ "platinum", 0.95], [ "diamond", 0.90], [ "titanium", 1.20], [ "uranium", 1.20] ] ], < [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.20], [ "gold", 1.15], [ "platinum", 1.05], [ "diamond", 0.95], [ "aegisalt", 1.10], [ "rubium", 1.10], [ "violium", 1.10] ] ], < [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.10], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.20], [ "gold", 1.20], [ "platinum", 1.10], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "aegisalt", 1.20], [ "rubium", 1.20], [ "violium", 1.20], [ "solarium", 1.20] ] ] < ], < < "deepsurfaceOres" : [ < [0.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.10], [ "silverore", 1.00], [ "gold", 0.95], [ "platinum", 0.85], [ "diamond", 0.80], [ "iron", 1.15] ] ], < [1.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.15], [ "silverore", 1.10], [ "gold", 1.00], [ "platinum", 0.90], [ "diamond", 0.85], [ "iron", 1.25] ] ], < [2.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.20], [ "silverore", 1.15], [ "gold", 1.10], [ "platinum", 0.95], [ "diamond", 0.90], [ "titanium", 1.15] ] ], < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.20], [ "gold", 1.15], [ "platinum", 1.00], [ "diamond", 0.95], [ "titanium", 1.25], [ "uranium", 1.25] ] ], < [4.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.20], [ "platinum", 1.10], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "aegisalt", 1.15], [ "rubium", 1.15], [ "violium", 1.15] ] ], < [5.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.25], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.25], [ "platinum", 1.15], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "aegisalt", 1.25], [ "rubium", 1.25], [ "violium", 1.25] ] ] < ], < 35c17 < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.20], [ "platinum", 1.05], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "titanium", 1.30], [ "uranium", 1.30], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], --- > [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 1.30], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.30], [ "silverore", 1.25], [ "gold", 1.20], [ "platinum", 1.05], [ "diamond", 1.00], [ "titanium", 1.30], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], 44c26 < [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.35], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 1.25], [ "platinum", 1.10], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "titanium", 1.35], [ "uranium", 1.35], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], --- > [3.5, [ [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 1.35], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.35], [ "silverore", 1.30], [ "gold", 1.25], [ "platinum", 1.10], [ "diamond", 1.05], [ "titanium", 1.35], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], 53c35 < [3.5, [ [ "corefragment", 1.15], [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 0.00], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.40], [ "silverore", 1.35], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.15], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "titanium", 1.40], [ "uranium", 1.40], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], --- > [3.5, [ [ "corefragment", 1.15], [ "coal", 1.15], [ "uranium", 1.40], [ "plutonium", 0.00], [ "solarium", 0.00], [ "copper", 1.40], [ "silverore", 1.35], [ "gold", 1.30], [ "platinum", 1.15], [ "diamond", 1.10], [ "titanium", 1.40], ["fossil", 0.79] ] ], biomes\surface\alien\alien.biome 195a196 > biomes\surface_detached\eyepatch\eyepatch.biome 15a16,17 > "hueShiftOptions" : [-180, -135, -90, -45, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180], > 17c19 < "subBlocks" : [ "rock02" ], --- > "subBlocks" : [ "eyepiles", "rock02" ], 21c23 < "grassMod" : [ "grass" ], --- > "grassMod" : [ "aliengrass" ], 53a56,72 > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildoculemonseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 2 > } > } > ] biomes\surface_detached\giantflowers\giantflowers.biome 15a16,17 > "hueShiftOptions" : [-180, -135, -90, -45, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180], > 58a61,104 > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 2.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "bush", > "bushes" : [ > { > "name" : "testbush", > "baseHueShiftMax" : 40, > "modHueShiftMax" : 180 > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 3.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseSmall", > > "type" : "grass", > "grasses" : [ "jungleflower1", "jungleflower2", "jungleflower3" ] > } > ] > }, > > "undergroundPlaceables" : { > "grassMod" : [ "junglegrass" ], > "grassModDensity" : 0.3, > > "items" : [ > { > "mode" : "ceiling", > "priority" : 2.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "tree", > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180, > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 180, > "treeStemList" : [ "vine", "vine2", "vine3", "vine4" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "flowery", "starry", "dreamy" ] biomes\underground_detached\old\slime\slime.biome 2,3c2,3 < "name" : "slime", < "friendlyName" : "Slime", --- > "name" : "slimecaves", > "friendlyName" : "Slime Caves", 17,18c17,122 < "subBlocks" : [ "rock15" ], < "ores" : "depth3", --- > "subBlocks" : [ "dirt", "sewage" ], > "ores" : "depth2", > > "ambientNoises" : { > "day" : { > "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/desert_underground.ogg" ] > }, > "night" : { > "tracks" : [ "/sfx/environmental/desert_underground.ogg" ] > } > }, > > "musicTrack" : { > "day" : { > "tracks" : [ "/music/epsilon-indi.ogg", "/music/hymn-to-the-stars.ogg", "/music/planetarium.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/stellarformation.ogg", "/music/vastimmortalsuns.ogg", "/music/atlas.ogg", "/music/blue-straggler.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] > }, > "night" : { > "tracks" : [ "/music/jupiter.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mercury.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/procyon.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/psyche.ogg", "/music/accretion-Disc.ogg", "/music/cygnus-x1.ogg", "/music/eridanus-supervoid.ogg", "/music/horsehead-nebula.ogg", "/music/large-magellanic-cloud.ogg", "/music/M54.ogg", "/music/Nomads.ogg", "/music/on-the-beach-at-night.ogg" ] > } > }, > > "undergroundPlaceables" : { > "grassMod" : [ "aridgrass" ], > "grassModDensity" : 1, > > "items" : [ > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [0.35, "capsulesmall" ], [0.35, "capsulemed" ], [0.35, "capsulebig" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", > > "type" : "treasureBox", > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "basicChest" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundtechChests", > > "type" : "treasureBox", > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "techChest" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", > > "type" : "treasureBox", > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "weaponChest" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChests", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "statuspod" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseSmall", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [0.35, "slimeblob1" ], [0.35, "slimeblob2" ], [0.35, "slimeblob3" ], [0.35, "slimeblob4" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall", > > "type" : "grass", > "grasses" : [ "sticky" ] > } > > ] > }, items\armors\backitems\eye\eye.back 6c6 < "description" : "A cape that sees all. Hold the ctrl key to see further than ever!", --- > "description" : "A cape that allows you to see what's behind you.", 37,47d36 < /* < { "ffca8a" : "d4c398", "e0975c" : "bda67a", "a85636" : "9c7f54", "6f2919" : "755937" }, < { "ffca8a" : "d5595f", "e0975c" : "a32c2c", "a85636" : "71291b", "6f2919" : "4c1e10" }, < { "ffca8a" : "46b3e8", "e0975c" : "1a7bb5", "a85636" : "0e427e", "6f2919" : "072655" }, < { "ffca8a" : "b0e944", "e0975c" : "78b618", "a85636" : "3f7f0d", "6f2919" : "255606" }, < { "ffca8a" : "eef055", "e0975c" : "d3bb1c", "a85636" : "9c8011", "6f2919" : "644807" }, < { "ffca8a" : "fd8d30", "e0975c" : "ca6705", "a85636" : "8c5d00", "6f2919" : "5c4400" }, < { "ffca8a" : "c260ff", "e0975c" : "931ad0", "a85636" : "710587", "6f2919" : "52015b" }, < { "ffca8a" : "717171", "e0975c" : "505050", "a85636" : "363636", "6f2919" : "181818" }, < { "ffca8a" : "e6e9ea", "e0975c" : "c6d2d4", "a85636" : "97abac", "6f2919" : "627677" } < */ items\generic\produce\oculemon.consumable 16a17 > 20c21,22 < "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "cyanider", "oculemonmeringue" ] --- > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "cyanider", "oculemonmeringue", "eyepiles" ] items\materials\alienrock.matitem 6c6 < "description" : "This rock come from an Alien world.", --- > "description" : "This strange rock comes from an Alien world.", items\tools\grapplinghook.grapplinghook 12c12 < "fireTime" : 0.3, --- > "fireTime" : 0, 16,17c16,17 < "minLength" : -40, < "maxLength" : 45, --- > "minLength" : -100, > "maxLength" : 75, 19c19,20 < "springCoefficient" : 5, --- > "stretchable" : false, > // "springCoefficient" : 100, 21,23c22,24 < "launchSpeed" : 1.5, < "windRate" : 0.5, < "energyConsumeRateAnchored" : 0.5, --- > "launchSpeed" : 3, > "windRate" : 2.0, > "energyConsumeRateAnchored" : 0.0, items\tools\hoe.tillingtool 7,9c7,9 < "rarity" : "Common", < "description" : "A hoe. Time for some gardening.", < "shortdescription" : "Hoe", --- > "rarity" : "Uncommon", > "description" : "This hoe allows me to prepare soil. I can then farm all sorts of crops!", > "shortdescription" : "^orange;Hoe^white;", items\tools\iceaxe.grapplinghook 10c10 < "fireTime" : 0.1, --- > "fireTime" : 0.0, items\tools\rope.grapplinghook 10c10 < "fireTime" : 0.3, --- > "fireTime" : 0.0, items\tools\swingingvine.grapplinghook 10c10 < "fireTime" : 0.3, --- > "fireTime" : 0.0, objects\crafting\ironanvil\ironanvil.object 5c5 < "description" : "This Iron Anvil allows me to forge Armor and Weapons.", --- > "description" : "This Iron Anvil allows me to forge armor, tools and weapons.", objects\glitch\sewerflooddoor\sewerflooddoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ] > } > }, objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom1.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom2.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom3.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom4.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom5.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroomtable\bioshroomtable.object 20c20 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 22c22 < "orientations" : [ --- > "orientations" : [ 30c30,31 < "lightPosition" : [0, 2] --- > "lightPosition" : [0, 2], > "collision" : "platform" 38,39c39,40 < "lightPosition" : [0, 2] < --- > "lightPosition" : [0, 2], > "collision" : "platform" objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine1.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 27c27 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -21], 29c29 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -21], 37c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine2.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 27c27 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -13], 29c29 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -13], 37c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine3.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 27c27 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -14], 29c29 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -14], 37c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine4.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 27c27 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -16], 29c29 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -16], 37c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine5.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [35, 255, 87], --- > "lightColor" : [16, 114, 39], 27c27 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -25], 29c29 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, -25], 37c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "anchors" : [ "top" ], objects\obstacles\arid\ceilingspike1\ceilingspike1.object 38d37 < objects\ship\aviantechstation\aviantechstation.object 12c12 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 16,21c16,21 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\florantechstation\florantechstation.object 12c12 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 16,21c16,21 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\glitchtechstation\glitchtechstation.object 12c12 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 16,21c16,21 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\humantechstation\humantechstation.object 12c12 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 16,21c16,21 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\humantechstationtier0\humantechstationtier0.object 16c16 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", 20,25c20,25 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here when it's working again.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I need to reboot this tech station. With a little help I could repair my thrusters.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station will hopefully bring my ship AI back online.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix tech ssstation, Floran wake shipp up.", > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rebooting this tech station should repair communication with my ship AI.", > "humanDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "I need to talk to my ship AI, time to reboot this tech station.", objects\ship\hylotltechstation\hylotltechstation.object 10c10 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 15,20c15,20 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\novakidtechstation\novakidtechstation.object 12c12 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 16,21c16,21 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\novakidteleporter\novakidteleporter.object 5c5 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of -todo- design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", objects\ship\novakidteleportertier0\novakidteleportertier0.object 6c6 < "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of -todo- design.", --- > "description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would I do without you? Of Novakid design..I think.", objects\ship\techstation\techstation.object 10c10 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "This tech station allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", 17,22c17,22 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs!", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here!", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A tech station. I can enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L through this.", > "avianDescription" : "I can use this station to enable tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran use thisss for magiccc and talk to sshhip S.A.I.L!", > "glitchDescription" : "Informative. This tech station allows me to choose tech and talk to S.A.I.L.", > "humanDescription" : "A tech station. Allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L and enable tech!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station enables tech and allows me to communicate with S.A.I.L.", objects\ship\techstationtier0\techstationtier0.object 10c10 < "description" : "A tech station. For creating awesome tech!", --- > "description" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online.", 21,26c21,26 < "apexDescription" : "A tech station. Useful but not powered on.", < "avianDescription" : "I can use this tech station to make things if it was on.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran create magic bang bangs! But off...", < "glitchDescription" : "Admiration. An extremely advanced tech station that is not powered.", < "humanDescription" : "A tech station. I can create awesome stuff here when it's not off.", < "hylotlDescription" : "This tech station looks decent enough, though not powered.", --- > "apexDescription" : "I need to reboot this tech station. With a little help I could repair my thrusters.", > "avianDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station will hopefully bring my ship AI back online.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran fix tech ssstation, Floran wake shipp up.", > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. Rebooting this tech station should repair communication with my ship AI.", > "humanDescription" : "Rebooting this tech station should bring my ship AI back online!", > "hylotlDescription" : "I need to talk to my ship AI, time to reboot this tech station.", recipes\biomes\giantflower\giantflowerlamp.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "giantflowerpetal", "count" : 2 }, --- > { "item" : "giantflowerpetal", "count" : 10 }, recipes\kitchen\tier2\cheeseburger.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedalieanmeat", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 }, recipes\kitchen\tier2\hamburger.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "cookedalieanmeat", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "cookedalienmeat", "count" : 1 }, stats\effects\thorns\nova.statuseffect 13c13 < "damageMultiplier" : 0.0, --- > "damageMultiplier" : 1.0, 16c16 < "cooldown" : 5, --- > "cooldown" : 1, stats\effects\thorns\thorns.statuseffect 15c15 < "damageMultiplier" : 0.2, --- > "damageMultiplier" : 1, 17c17 < "cooldown" : 5 --- > "cooldown" : 1 tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbike.animation 8a9,23 > "jump" : { > "frames" : 2, > "cycle" : 0.5, > "mode" : "end", > "properties" : { > "immediateSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_doublejump.wav" > } > }, > > "fall" : { > "frames" : 2, > "cycle" : 0.5, > "mode" : "end" > }, > 10c25 < "frames" : 6, --- > "frames" : 3, 16c31 < "frames" : 6, --- > "frames" : 3, 38a54,63 > "jump" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "humanhoverbikebackground.png:jump." > } > }, > "fall" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "humanhoverbikebackground.png:fall." > } > }, 65a91,100 > "jump" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "humanhoverbikeforeground.png:jump." > } > }, > "fall" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : "humanhoverbikeforeground.png:fall." > } > }, 83c118 < "carHorn" : ["/sfx/tech/honk.wav"] --- > "hoverbikeHorn" : ["/sfx/tech/honk.wav"] tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\ 7c7 < "/tech/automobile/car.lua" --- > "/tech/hoverbike/hoverbike.lua" 10,11c10,11 < "actions" : [ "carActivate", "carDeactivate", "carHorn" ], < "animator" : "hoverbike.animation", --- > "actions" : [ "hoverbikeActivate", "hoverbikeDeactivate", "hoverbikeHorn" ], > "animator" : "humanhoverbike.animation", 18c18 < "normalGroundFriction" : 50.0, --- > "normalGroundFriction" : 20.0, 29c29 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, --- > "jumpSpeed" : 1, 36,37c36,37 < "jumpSpeed" : 8.0, < "jumpControlForce" : 400.0, --- > "jumpSpeed" : 1, > "jumpControlForce" : 500.0, tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbike.techitem 4,5c4,5 < "inventoryIcon" : "/tech/humanhoverbike.png", < "description" : "Press F to use this. Traverses rough terrain quicker.", --- > "inventoryIcon" : "/tech/humanhoverbikeicon.png", > "description" : "Press F to use this. Traverses rough terrain quicker. It can also jump!", tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikebackground.frames 3,4c3,4 < "size" : [41, 75], < "dimensions" : [6, 1], --- > "size" : [75, 35], > "dimensions" : [3, 3], 7c7,9 < [ "move.1", "move.2", "move.3", "move.4", "move.5", "move.6" ], --- > [ "move.1", "move.2", "move.3" ], > [ "fall.1", "fall.2", "idle.1" ], > [ "jump.1", "jump.2" ] 13,19c15,17 < "bmove.6" : "move.1", < "bmove.5" : "move.2", < "bmove.4" : "move.3", < "bmove.3" : "move.4", < "bmove.2" : "move.5", < "bmove.1" : "move.6", < --- > "bmove.3" : "move.1", > "bmove.2" : "move.2", > "bmove.1" : "move.3" tech\hoverbike\humanhoverbike\humanhoverbikeforeground.frames 3,4c3,4 < "size" : [41, 75], < "dimensions" : [6, 1], --- > "size" : [75, 35], > "dimensions" : [3, 3], 7c7,9 < [ "move.1", "move.2", "move.3", "move.4", "move.5", "move.6" ], --- > [ "move.1", "move.2", "move.3" ], > [ "fall.1", "fall.2", "idle.1" ], > [ "jump.1", "jump.2" ] 13,19c15,17 < "bmove.6" : "move.1", < "bmove.5" : "move.2", < "bmove.4" : "move.3", < "bmove.3" : "move.4", < "bmove.2" : "move.5", < "bmove.1" : "move.6", < --- > "bmove.3" : "move.1", > "bmove.2" : "move.2", > "bmove.1" : "move.3" tiles\materials\alienrock.material 11,13c11,12 < "health" : 2, < "soil" : true, < --- > "health" : 4, > tiles\mods\plutonium.matmod 15c15,16 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 0, > "radiantLight" : [0.15, 0, 0.15] tiles\mods\solarium.matmod 15c15,16 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 0, > "radiantLight" : [0.15, 0.15, 0] tiles\mods\uranium.matmod 15c15,16 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 0, > "radiantLight" : [0, 0.15, 0] treasure\biome.treasurepools 14,15c14,16 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 40,41c41,43 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 70,71c72,74 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 104,105c107,109 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 135,136c139,141 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 166,167c171,173 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 202,203c208,210 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 235,236c242,244 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 266,267c274,276 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 303,304c312,314 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 349,350c359,361 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 386,387c397,399 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 422,423c434,436 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 457,458c470,472 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 494,495c508,510 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 550,551c565,567 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 589,590c605,607 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 618,619c635,637 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 646a665,732 > "giantflowerChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "giantflowerTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "giantflowerTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["giantflowerpetal", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bananahead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "strawberryhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "berryhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "butterflywingsback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowerbed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowerchair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowerchest-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowerdoor-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowerlamp-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "giantflowertable-recipe"} > ] > }] > ], > > "eyeChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "eyeTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "eyeTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["oculemon", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyebed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyechair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyechest-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyedoor-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyetable-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyehead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyehead2"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "eyeback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyeaxe" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedshield", 1, { "definition" : "eyeshield" } ]} > ] > }] > ], > 669,670c755,757 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 710,711c797,799 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 746,747c834,836 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 792,793c881,883 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 830,831c920,922 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 867,868c958,960 < [0.7, 2], < [0.2, 3] --- > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 891,893c983,997 < // ============================================================================================== < // !!! OLD AND BUSTED !!! < // ============================================================================================== --- > "stoneCaveChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "stoneCaveTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], 895c999 < "eyeTreasure" : [ --- > "stoneCaveTreasure" : [ 898,906c1002,1021 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyebed-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyechair-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyechest-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyedoor-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "eyetable-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "eyehead-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "eyeback"}, < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyeaxe" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "generatedshield", 1, { "definition" : "eyeshield" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["limestone", 15]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavebed-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavechair-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavechest-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavelamp-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rockhat"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rockhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rockchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "rocklegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavebow"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "cavehammer"} > ] > }] > ], > > "luminousCaveChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.8, "pool" : "luminousCaveTreasure"} 909,910c1024,1027 < [0.5, 1], < [0.5, 2] --- > [0.1, 1], > [0.5, 2], > [0.3, 3], > [0.1, 4] 915a1033,1051 > "luminousCaveTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["glowfibregreen", 5]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["shroom", 10]}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["glowstickgreen", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["glowstickblue", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["glowstickyellow", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : ["glowstickorange", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "bioshroomtable-recipe"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "biostaff"} > ] > }] > ], > > // ============================================================================================== > // !!! OLD AND BUSTED !!! > // ============================================================================================== > 979,996d1114 < ], < "poolRounds" : [ < [0.5, 1], < [0.5, 2] < ], < "allowDuplication" : false < }] < ], < < "giantflowerTreasure" : [ < [1, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowerbed-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowerchair-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowerchest-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowerdoor-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowerlamp-recipe"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "giantflowertable-recipe"} treasure\default.treasurechests 167a168,183 > "giantflowerChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "giantflowerchest" ], > "treasurePool" : "giantflowerChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > > "eyeChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "eyechest" ], > "treasurePool" : "eyeChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > 217a234,249 > "stoneCaveChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "cavechest" ], > "treasurePool" : "stoneCaveChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > > "luminousCaveChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "glowchest" ], > "treasurePool" : "luminousCaveChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 0 > } > ], > 235,241d266 < "giantflowerChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "giantflowerchest" ], < "treasurePool" : "giantflowerTreasure", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], 270,276c295 < "eyeChest" : [ < { < "containers" : [ "eyechest" ], < "treasurePool" : "eyeTreasure", < "minimumLevel" : 0 < } < ], --- >