FILES ----- dungeon_worlds.config interface.config player.config terrestrial_worlds.config unique_worlds.config weather.config ai\mission3.aimission [NEW] ai\mission4.aimission [NEW] biomes\surface\alien\alien.biome [NEW] biomes\surface\alien\alien.parallax [NEW] biomes\surface\alien\alien.undergroundparallax [NEW] biomes\surface\alien\alienunderground.png [NEW] biomes\surface\alien\rockdivider.png biomes\surface\ocean\ocean.biome [NEW] celestial\system\bluestar.png [NEW] celestial\system\orangestar.png [NEW] celestial\system\redstar.png [NEW] celestial\system\whitestar.png [NEW] celestial\system\yellowstar.png dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission1.dungeon dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission1.png [NEW] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission2-objects.png [NEW] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission2-wires.png [NEW] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission2.dungeon [NEW] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission2.png 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[NEW] items\generic\crafting\glowfibregreen.png items\generic\crafting\glowfibreorange.item items\generic\crafting\glowfibreyellow.item [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltpistol.gun [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltpistol.png [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltrifle.gun [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltrifle.png [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltshotgun.gun [NEW] items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltshotgun.png items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier4revolver.gun items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier8revolver.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier0rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier10rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier1rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier2rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier3rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier4rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier6rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier7rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier8rifle.gun items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier9rifle.gun [NEW] 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plants\trees\alien\stem\alienstriped\crown3.png plants\trees\alien\stem\alienstriped\middle4.png plants\trees\alien\stem\alienstriped\saplingicon.png plants\trees\desert\foliage\cocopalm\cocopalm.modularfoliage plants\trees\desert\stem\coconut\coconut.modularstem player\stat_primary.animation [NEW] projectiles\boss\robotshock.frames [NEW] projectiles\boss\robotshock.png [NEW] projectiles\boss\robotshock.projectile projectiles\npcs\moontantgoop\moontantgoop.projectile [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchscratch.frames [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchscratch.png [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchscratch.projectile [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchtear.frames [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchtear.png [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\glitch\glitchtear.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\fryingpanswoosh\fryingpanswoosh1.projectile [NEW] projectiles\throwable\glowstick\glowstick.frames [NEW] projectiles\throwable\glowstick\glowstick.png [NEW] projectiles\throwable\glowstick\glowstick.projectile [NEW] quests\outpost\heatskin1.questtemplate [NEW] quests\outpost\heatskin2.questtemplate quests\outpost\penguinmission2.questtemplate quests\outpost\endgame\hylotlperformere2part1.questtemplate quests\outpost\endgame\hylotlperformere2part2.questtemplate quests\outpost\phase1optional\underside1.questtemplate quests\outpost\phase2optional\humanexcon2.questtemplate quests\tutorial\tutorial2.questtemplate recipes\alloyfurnace\steelbar.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\alpine\stonebed.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\alpine\stonechair.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\alpine\stonechest.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\alpine\stonedoor.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\alpine\stonetable.recipe [NEW] recipes\biomes\bioluminescentcave\glowstick.recipe [NEW] recipes\campfire\cookedfish.recipe recipes\plain\torch.recipe [NEW] recipes\plain\woodencraftingtable.recipe recipes\unsorted\flare.recipe [NEW] 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[NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\floran-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\floran-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\glitch-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\glitch-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\human-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\human-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\hylotl-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\hylotl-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\novakid-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\breathprotection\suits\novakid-male.png tech\skins\coldprotection\ [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\apex-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\apex-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\avian-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\avian-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\floran-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\floran-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\glitch-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\glitch-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\human-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\human-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\hylotl-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\hylotl-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\novakid-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\coldprotection\suits\novakid-male.png tech\skins\heatprotection\ [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\apex-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\apex-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\avian-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\avian-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\floran-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\floran-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\glitch-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\glitch-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\human-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\human-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\hylotl-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\hylotl-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\novakid-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\heatprotection\suits\novakid-male.png tech\skins\radiationprotection\ [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\apex-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\apex-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\avian-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\avian-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\floran-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\floran-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\glitch-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\glitch-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\human-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\human-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\hylotl-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\hylotl-male.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\novakid-female.png [NEW] tech\skins\radiationprotection\suits\novakid-male.png tiles\materials\reeds.material [NEW] tiles\mods\aliengrass.matmod [NEW] tiles\mods\aliengrass.png treasure\biome.treasurepools treasure\default.treasurechests treasure\harvest.treasurepools treasure\missions\miningtreasure1.treasurepools DIFFS ----- dungeon_worlds.config 48a49,59 > }, > > "penguinmission2" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "penguinmission2", > "threatLevel" : 0, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "biome" : "arctic", > "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle2.ogg" interface.config 343a344,358 > "cursorTooltip" : { > "offset" : [ -2, 4 ], > "fontSize" : 8, > "color" : "white", > "background" : "/interface/rightBarTooltipBg.png", > "inventoryText" : "Inventory", > "craftingText" : "Crafting", > "codexText" : "Codex", > "beamUpText" : "Beam Up", > "beamDownText" : "Beam Down", > "disabledText" : "Disabled", > "inspectText" : "Inspect", > "questsText" : "Quests" > }, > player.config 37c37 < { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" }, --- > { "item" : "woodencraftingtable" }, 109a110,112 > { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltrifle" }, > { "item" : "aegisaltshotgun" }, 176c179 < --- > terrestrial_worlds.config 315a316,318 > "subsurface" : { > "primaryRegion" : [ "desertsubsurface" ] > }, 396c399 < // "primaryRegion" : [ "alien" ], --- > "primaryRegion" : [ "alien" ], 613c616,621 < // TODO --- > "caveLiquid" : [ "milk" ], > "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "alien" ]] > ] 806a815,822 > ] > }, > > "desertsubsurface" : { > "caveLiquid" : [ "tarliquid" ], > "caveLiquidChanceRange" : [10, 20], > "biome" : [ > [1, [ "underground1d" ]] unique_worlds.config 384a385,490 > }, > > "penguinmission2" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "penguinmission2", > "seed" : 1234, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > }, > > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ] > } weather.config 51,52c51,52 < [0.8, "clear"], < [0.2, "sandstorm"] --- > [0.9, "clear"], > [0.1, "sandstorm"] ai\mission3.aimission 3c3 < "icon" : "floranmission1.png", --- > "icon" : "floranmission1icon.png", 20c20 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", 31c31 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", 42c42 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", 53c53 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", 64c64 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", 75c75 < "repeatButtonText" : "", --- > "repeatButtonText" : "Revisit Mysterious Party", biomes\surface\ocean\ocean.biome 268,269c268,269 < "treeStemList" : [ "desertpalm", "alienpalm", "bark", "beach", "blank", "cactus", "cross", "palm", "plain", "twirl" ], < "treeFoliageList" : [ "palmleaves", "palmy", "roseleaves", "lushleaves", "palmlush", "elegant" ] --- > "treeStemList" : [ "coconut" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "cocopalm" ] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission1.dungeon 2553c2553 < "def" : [ "image", [ "penguinmission1.png", "penguinmission1-objects.png", "penguinmission1-wires1.png", "penguinmission1-liquids.png" ] ] --- > "def" : [ "image", [ "penguinmission1.png", "penguinmission1-objects.png", "penguinmission1-liquids.png" ] ] dungeons\other\ancientgateway\ancientgateway.dungeon 6a7 > "protected" : true, interface\ai\ai.config 25a26,28 > "defaultSuitBase" : "/interface/ai/suits/-.png", > "techStaticSpecies" : "apex", > 127a131 > "tabButtonSpacing" : [-1, 0], 218c222 < "position" : [1, 1] --- > "position" : [3, 3] 233c237 < "file" : "/interface/ai/male.png", --- > "file" : "/interface/ai/suits/human-male.png", 236,238c240,243 < "techSuitOverlay" : { < "type" : "image", < "position" : [22, 92] --- > "staticCanvas" : { > "zlevel" : 1, > "type" : "canvas", > "rect" : [7, 75, 97, 169] 242c247 < "position" : [70, 142], --- > "position" : [72, 144], 247c252 < "position" : [70, 114], --- > "position" : [72, 116], 252c257 < "position" : [70, 86], --- > "position" : [72, 88], 272a278 > "tabButtonSpacing" : [-1, 0], interface\cockpit\cockpit.config 159c159 < "garden" : "A ^orange;lush ^white;planet teeming with life.", --- > "garden" : "A ^#76fe68;lush ^white;planet teeming with life.", 161,162c161,162 < "forest" : "Dense ^orange;forest ^white;plant life produces plenty of oxygen.", < "desert" : "The majority of the planet's surface is covered in ^orange;desert ^white;with little plant life.", --- > "forest" : "Dense ^#15ce02;forest ^white;plant life produces plenty of oxygen.", > "desert" : "The majority of the planet's surface is covered in ^#e6c801;desert ^white;with little plant life.", 164,166c164,166 < "snow" : "The majority of the planet is covered in ^orange;snow, ^white;with little plant life.", < "savannah" : "An ^orange;arid ^white;landscape prone to dust storms.", < "ocean" : "The planet's surface is covered in ^orange;ocean.", --- > "snow" : "The majority of the planet is covered in ^#69f1fd;snow, ^white;with little plant life.", > "savannah" : "An ^#ffe21d;arid ^white;landscape prone to dust storms.", > "ocean" : "The planet's surface is covered in ^#008aff;ocean.", 168,170c168,170 < "toxic" : " Planet is covered in ^orange;poisonous ^white;oceans. ^red;High levels of radiation. Non breathable atmosphere.", < "jungle" : "Warm and wet climate sustains ^orange;tropical ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation.", < "alien" : "Planet is covered in ^orange;alien ^white;plant life.^red; Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;High levels of radiation.", --- > "toxic" : " Planet is covered in ^#06ff00;poisonous oceans. ^red;High levels of radiation. Non breathable atmosphere.", > "jungle" : "Warm and wet climate sustains ^#12a003;tropical ^white;plant life. ^red;High levels of radiation.", > "alien" : "Planet is covered in ^#7800ff;alien ^white;plant life.^red; Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;High levels of radiation.", 172,173c172,173 < "arctic" : "Planet is covered in ^orange;frigid oceans. ^red;Temp is dangerously low.", < "tundra" : "A vast expanse of ^orange;ice ^white;and snow. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", --- > "arctic" : "Planet is covered in ^#00ffe4;frigid oceans. ^red;Temp is dangerously low.", > "tundra" : "A vast expanse of ^#61ffe3;ice ^white;and snow. ^red;Temp dangerously low.", 175,177c175,177 < "volcanic" : "Unforgiving ^orange;volcanic ^white;terrain. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "scorched" : "A ^orange;dead planet ^white;cooked by it's sun. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", < "magma" : "Planet surface is covered in ^orange;magma. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", --- > "volcanic" : "Unforgiving ^#e11212;volcanic ^white;terrain. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", > "scorched" : "A ^#b24301;dead planet ^white;cooked by it's sun. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", > "magma" : "Planet surface is covered in ^#ff1818;magma. ^red;Non breathable atmosphere. ^red;Temp dangerously high.", 179,181c179,181 < "moon" : "^orange;A moon. ^white;A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "asteroids" : "A cluster of ^orange;asteroids. ^red;Temp is dangerously cold. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", < "ancientgateway" : "A strange ^orange;gate ^white;of incalculably ancient origin." --- > "moon" : "^#949493;A moon. ^white;A great source of fuel. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", > "asteroids" : "A cluster of ^#d7711e;asteroids. ^red;Temp is dangerously cold. ^red;No breathable atmosphere.", > "ancientgateway" : "A strange ^#571cff;gate ^white;of incalculably ancient origin." interface\windowconfig\charcreation.config 260a261 > "regex" : "[a-zA-Z0-9 '-]{0,24}", items\armors\apex\apex-tier5\apextier5.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\apex\apex-tier6\apextier6.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\apex\apex-tier7\apextier7.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\aqua\aqua-tier5\aquatier5.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\aqua\aqua-tier6\aquatier6.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\aqua\aqua-tier7\aquatier7.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\avian\avian-tier7\aviantier7.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\avian\avian-tier8\aviantier8.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\avian\avian-tier9\aviantier9.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\floran\floran-tier5\florantier5.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\floran\floran-tier6\florantier6.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\floran\floran-tier7\florantier7.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\human\human-tier5\humantier5.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\human\human-tier8\humantier8.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\human\human-tier9\humantier9.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\novakid\novatier5\novatier5.chest 38a39,40 > > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], items\armors\novakid\novatier7\novatier7.chest 38a39,40 > > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], items\armors\novakid\novatier9\novatier9.chest 38a39,40 > > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], items\armors\robot\robo-tier5\glitchtier5.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\robot\robo-tier6\glitchtier6.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\armors\robot\robo-tier7\glitchtier7.chest 39a40,41 > "triggerKeys" : [ "tier5armor" ], > items\generic\crafting\glowfibreblue.item 6c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Fibre" --- > "shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Fibre", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "glowvinelamp" ] items\generic\crafting\glowfibreorange.item 6c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "Orange Glow Fibre" --- > "shortdescription" : "Orange Glow Fibre", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "glowbushlamp" ] items\generic\crafting\glowfibreyellow.item 6c6,7 < "shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Fibre" --- > "shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Fibre", > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "glowflowerlamp" ] items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier4revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "No problem is too big or too small for The Doc.", items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier8revolver.gun 7c7 < "description" : "A rich history of accolades has earnt this revolver it's title.", --- > "description" : "A history of accolades has earnt this revolver it's title.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier0rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A gun only as accurate as the one pulling the trigger.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier10rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Finally, the power of pure energy in your hands!", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier1rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "An interstellar take on a fabled Earth rifle.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier2rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "This rifle has a bad attitude.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier3rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "The gun that won't be tamed.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier4rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A favourite of many, this gun has a rich and vibrant history.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier6rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "No one really knows how this gun works, or why its so remarkably pink.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier7rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "The real deal when it comes to delivering justice.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier8rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A loyal and trustworthy friend indeed.", items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier9rifle.gun 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Behold! The power of the sun, in a gun!", leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions 12,14c12 < [10, 512], < [11, 1024], < [12, 2048] --- > [10, 512] 40,42c38 < [10, 512], < [11, 1024], < [12, 2048] --- > [10, 512] 55,57c51 < [10, 50.0], < [11, 56.0], < [12, 62.0] --- > [10, 50.0] 70,72c64 < [10, 255], < [11, 511], < [12, 1023] --- > [10, 255] 77,85c69,77 < [2, 1], < [3, 2], < [4, 3], < [5, 4], < [6, 5], < [7, 6], < [8, 7], < [9, 8], < [10, 9] --- > [2, 0.2], > [3, 0.6], > [4, 1.2], > [5, 2], > [6, 3], > [7, 5], > [8, 8], > [9, 12], > [10, 17] 95c87,90 < [7, 17] --- > [7, 17], > [8, 23], > [9, 31], > [10, 39] 108,110c103 < [10, 255], < [11, 511], < [12, 1023] --- > [10, 255] 120c113,116 < [7, 21.8] --- > [7, 21.8], > [8, 32], > [9, 47], > [10, 55.5] 130c126,129 < [7, 21.8] --- > [7, 21.8], > [8, 32], > [9, 47], > [10, 55.5] monsters\boss\bossmonster.lua 8a9 > --Movement 10a12,15 > self.jumpTimer = 0 > self.isBlocked = false > self.willFall = false > 15,19d19 < self.state.enteringState = function(stateName) < rangedAttack.aim(entity.configParameter("beamSourceOffset"), { 0, -1 }) < world.logInfo("!!!! ENTERING STATE %s !!!", stateName) < end < 21d20 < rangedAttack.stopFiring() 23d21 < world.logInfo("!!!! LEAVING STATE %s !!!", stateName) 40,41c38,39 < if phase.enterState then < table.insert(self.phaseSkills[i], 1, phase.enterState) --- > if phase.enterPhase then > table.insert(self.phaseSkills[i], 1, phase.enterPhase) 185c183,280 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > function move(delta, run, jumpThresholdX) > checkTerrain(delta[1]) > > mcontroller.controlMove(delta[1], run) > > if self.jumpTimer > 0 and not self.onGround then > mcontroller.controlHoldJump() > else > if self.jumpTimer <= 0 then > if jumpThresholdX == nil then jumpThresholdX = 4 end > > -- We either need to be blocked by something, the target is above us and > -- we are about to fall, or the target is significantly high above us > local doJump = false > if isBlocked() then > doJump = true > elseif (delta[2] >= 0 and willFall() and math.abs(delta[1]) > 7) then > doJump = true > elseif (math.abs(delta[1]) < jumpThresholdX and delta[2] > entity.configParameter("jumpTargetDistance")) then > doJump = true > end > > if doJump then > self.jumpTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("jumpTime") > mcontroller.controlJump() > end > end > end > > if delta[2] < 0 then > mcontroller.controlDown() > end > end > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > --TODO: this could probably be further optimized by creating a list of discrete points and using sensors... project for another time > function checkTerrain(direction) > --normalize to 1 or -1 > direction = direction > 0 and 1 or -1 > > local reverse = false > if direction ~= nil then > reverse = direction ~= mcontroller.facingDirection() > end > > local boundBox = mcontroller.boundBox() > > -- update self.isBlocked > local blockLine, topLine > if not reverse then > blockLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[4]}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3] + 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} > else > blockLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[4]}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3] - 0.25, boundBox[2] - 1.0})} > end > > local blockBlocks = world.collisionBlocksAlongLine(blockLine[1], blockLine[2]) > self.isBlocked = false > if #blockBlocks > 0 then > --check for basic blockage > local topOffset = blockBlocks[1][2] - blockLine[2][2] > if topOffset > 2.75 then > self.isBlocked = true > elseif topOffset > 0.25 then > --also check for that stupid little hook ledge thing > self.isBlocked = not world.pointCollision({blockBlocks[1][1] - direction, blockBlocks[1][2] - 1}) > > if not self.isBlocked then > --also check if blocks above prevent us from climbing > topLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[1], boundBox[4] + 0.5}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[4] + 0.5})} > self.isBlocked = world.lineCollision(topLine[1], topLine[2]) > end > end > end > > -- update self.willFall > local fallLine > if reverse then > fallLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({-0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} > else > fallLine = {entity.toAbsolutePosition({0.5, boundBox[2] - 0.75}), entity.toAbsolutePosition({-boundBox[3], boundBox[2] - 0.75})} > end > self.willFall = > world.lineCollision(fallLine[1], fallLine[2]) == false and > world.lineCollision({fallLine[1][1], fallLine[1][2] - 1}, {fallLine[2][1], fallLine[2][2] - 1}) == false > end > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > function isBlocked() > return self.isBlocked > end > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > function willFall() > return self.willFall > end monsters\boss\missile\behavior.lua 7c7 < = 0 --- > self.targetId = 0 14c14 < self.rotateSpeed = 0.06 --- > self.rotateSpeed = entity.configParameter("rotateSpeed") 17a18,19 > script.setUpdateDelta(1) > 19c21 < if #nearbyPlayers > 0 then = nearbyPlayers[1] end --- > if #nearbyPlayers > 0 then self.targetId = nearbyPlayers[1] end 24,27c26,28 < < if ~= 0 then < if not world.entityExists( then < = 0 --- > if self.targetId ~= 0 then > if not world.entityExists(self.targetId) then > self.targetId = 0 30c31 < local tarDelta = world.distance(world.entityPosition(, mcontroller.position()) --- > local tarDelta = world.distance(world.entityPosition(self.targetId), mcontroller.position()) 40c41 < local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -self.rotateSpeed, self.rotateSpeed) --- > local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -self.rotateSpeed * dt, self.rotateSpeed * dt) 45c46 < entity.rotateGroup("body", visualAngle) --- > entity.rotateGroup("body", visualAngle, true) 79a81,83 > if self.dead then > world.spawnProjectile("bomb", mcontroller.position(),, {math.cos(self.angle), math.sin(self.angle)}, true, { timeToLive = 0, universalDamage = false }) > end 84c88 < = targetId --- > self.targetId = targetId 88d91 < world.spawnProjectile("zbomb", mcontroller.position(),, {math.cos(self.angle), math.sin(self.angle)}, true, { timeToLive = 0 }) monsters\boss\missile\missile.monstertype 21a22,24 > "timeToLive" : 10, > "rotateSpeed" : 2.5, > 28c31 < "jumpSpeed" : 5, --- > "jumpSpeed" : 5, 36c39 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0, monsters\boss\penguinufo\idlestate.lua 6c6,10 < return {} --- > return { > timer = 0, > bobInterval = 4, > bobHeight = 2 > } 10,12c14,17 < mcontroller.controlParameters({ < gravityEnabled = false < }) --- > stateData.timer = stateData.timer + dt > if stateData.timer > stateData.bobInterval then > stateData.timer = stateData.timer - stateData.bobInterval > end 14c19,23 < mcontroller.controlFly({0, 0}) --- > local bobOffset = math.sin((stateData.timer / stateData.bobInterval) * math.pi * 2) * stateData.bobHeight > local targetPosition = {self.spawnPosition[1], self.spawnPosition[2] + bobOffset} > local toTarget = world.distance(targetPosition, mcontroller.position()) > > mcontroller.controlApproachVelocity(vec2.mul(toTarget, 1/dt), 30) monsters\boss\penguinufo\penguinufo.animation 154a155,189 > "falling" : { > "emissionRate" : 100.0, > "offsetRegion" : [-10, 4, 10, 4], > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" }, > { "particle" : "fallingair" } > ] > }, > "landing" : { > "emissionRate" : 1.0, > "offsetRegion" : [-8, -4, 8, -2], > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" }, > { "particle" : "dust4" } > ] > }, 342a378,381 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "landing" : [ "/sfx/gun/grenadeblast2.wav" ] monsters\boss\penguinufo\penguinufo.monstertype 33c33 < "enterState" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", --- > "enterPhase" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", 39c39 < "enterState" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", --- > "enterPhase" : "ufoSpawnTanksAttack", 125,136d124 < < "moveUpBlockedRegions" : [ < [-14.0, 4.0, -4.0, 5.0], < [-4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0], < [4.0, 4.0, 14.0, 5.0] < ], < < "slamAttackBlockedRegions" : [ < [-14.0, -6.0, -4.0, -4.0], < [-4.0, -6.0, 4.0, -4.0], < [4.0, -6.0, 14.0, -4.0] < ], monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufomovefireattack.lua 6a7,8 > rangedAttack.setConfig(entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.type"), entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.config"), entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.fireInterval")) > 14,16c16 < cruiseDistance = entity.configParameter("cruiseDistance"), < fireInterval = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.fireInterval"), < fireTimer = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.fireInterval") --- > cruiseDistance = entity.configParameter("cruiseDistance") 19a20,23 > function ufoMoveFireAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName(nil) > end > 23,28c27,31 < stateData.fireTimer = stateData.fireTimer - dt < if stateData.fireTimer <= 0 then < local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(self.targetPosition, mcontroller.position())) < world.spawnProjectile(entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.type"), entity.toAbsolutePosition(entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectileOffset")),, toTarget, false, entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectile.config")) < stateData.fireTimer = stateData.fireTimer + stateData.fireInterval < end --- > local projectileOffset = entity.configParameter("ufoMoveFireAttack.projectileOffset") > > local toTarget = vec2.norm(world.distance(self.targetPosition, entity.toAbsolutePosition(projectileOffset))) > rangedAttack.aim(projectileOffset, toTarget) > rangedAttack.fireContinuous() monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufopulsecannonattack.lua 17a18,21 > function ufoPulseCannonAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoPulseCannonAttack") > end > 34c38 < rangedAttack.fireContinuous() --- > rangedAttack.fireContinuous(true) monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufopulsecannonattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "CIRCLE", --- > "label" : "PULSE CANNON", monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\uforeinforcementsattack.lua 43a44,47 > function ufoReinforcementsAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoReinforcementsAttack") > end > monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\uforeinforcementsattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "CIRCLE", --- > "label" : "REINFORCEMENTS", monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoslamattack.lua 17a18,21 > function ufoSlamAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSlamAttack") > end > 59a64 > entity.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", true) 70a76,80 > if not stateData.landed then > entity.playSound("landing") > entity.burstParticleEmitter("landing") > end > stateData.landed = true 71a82 > entity.setParticleEmitterActive("falling", false) monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoslamattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "CIRCLE", --- > "label" : "SLAM", 14c14 < "slamSpeed" : 50, --- > "slamSpeed" : 70, monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufospawntanksattack.lua 22a23,26 > function ufoSpawnTanksAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSpawnTanksAttack") > end > monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufospawntanksattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "CIRCLE", --- > "label" : "ARTILLERY CALL", monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoswoopattack.lua 13a14,17 > function ufoSwoopAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoSwoopAttack") > end > monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoswoopattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "SWOOP", --- > "label" : "MEGA SWOOP", monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoteleportattack.lua 12a13,16 > function ufoTeleportAttack.enteringState(stateData) > entity.setActiveSkillName("ufoTeleportAttack") > end > monsters\boss\penguinufo\skills\ufoteleportattack.monsterskill 3c3 < "label" : "SWOOP", --- > "label" : "TELEPORT", monsters\boss\robotboss\robotboss.monstertype 18c18 < "/monsters/ground/groundMonster.lua", --- > "/monsters/boss/bossMonster.lua", 23,29c23,24 < "/monsters/ground/aggroHopState.lua", < "/monsters/ground/approachState.lua", < "/monsters/ground/fleeState.lua", < "/monsters/ground/stunState.lua", < "/monsters/ground/wanderState.lua", < < "/monsters/ground/skills/createGroundRangedAttack.lua" --- > "/monsters/boss/robotboss/dieState.lua", > "/monsters/boss/robotboss/idleState.lua" 32,36c27,28 < "territoryDistance" : 40.0, < "territorialTargetRadius" : 20.0, < "minimalTargetRadius" : 6.0, < "targetSearchTime" : 40.5, < "targetHoldTime" : 40.0, --- > "skillCount" : 5, > "skills" : [ "robotMissileBarrageAttack", "robotPunchAttack", "robotElectricBurstAttack", "robotFlamethrowerAttack", "robotDashAttack" ], 38c30,52 < "closeDistance" : 1.5, --- > "phases" : [ > { > "skills" : [ "robotPunchAttack", "robotMissileBarrageAttack" ] > }, > { > "trigger" : "healthPercentage", > "healthPercentage" : 0.8, > "enterPhase" : "robotElectricBurstAttack", > "skills" : [ "robotFlamethrowerAttack", "robotMissileBarrageAttack", "robotDashAttack" ] > }, > { > "trigger" : "healthPercentage", > "healthPercentage" : 0.5, > "enterPhase" : "robotElectricBurstAttack", > "skills" : [ "robotFlamethrowerAttack", "robotMissileBarrageAttack", "robotDashAttack" ] > }, > { > "trigger" : "healthPercentage", > "healthPercentage" : 0.25, > "enterPhase" : "robotElectricBurstAttack", > "skills" : [ "robotMissileBarrageAttack", "robotFlamethrowerAttack", "robotDashAttack", "robotFlamethrowerAttack", "robotElectricBurstAttack" ] > } > ], 40,44c54,55 < "wanderTime" : [4.0, 6.0], < "wanderMovementTime" : [2.0, 3.0], < < "jumpTargetDistance" : 4, < "jumpTime" : [0.8, 1.4], --- > "trackTargetDistance" : 50.0, > "switchTargetDistance" : 10.0, 50,52c61 < "exhaustionTimer" : 3.0, < "exhaustionTimeout" : 3.0, < "exhaustionDistanceLimit" : 1.0, --- > "alwaysAggressive" : true, 54c63 < "wanderJumpProbability" : 0.1, --- > "scale" : 1.0, 56,57c65,74 < "alwaysAggressive" : true < }, --- > "movementSettings" : { > "collisionPoly" : [ [-1, -5.6], [1, -5.6], [1, 3], [-1, 3] ], > "mass" : 0.6, > "walkSpeed" : 5, > "runSpeed" : 13, > "jumpSpeed" : 20, > "airForce" : 10 > }, > "jumpTargetDistance" : 4, > "jumpTime" : [0.4, 0.7], 59,63c76,126 < "familyParameters" : [ < [ < { < "skillCount" : 3, < "skills" : [ "meleeAttack", "flameBurstAttack", "missileBarrageAttack" ] --- > "metaBoundBox" : [-1, -5.6, 1, 3], > > "blockedSensors" : [ [1.5, -4.5], [1.5, -3.5], [1.5, -2.5], [1.5, -1.5], [1.5, -0.5], [1.5, 0.5] ], > "fallSensors" : [ [2, -3.5], [2, -5.5], [2, -6.5], [4, -4.5], [4, -5.5], [4, -6.5] ], > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1, -2.6], [1, -2.6], [1, 4], [-1, 4] ], > "damage" : 15, > > "teamType" : "enemy", > "damageSourceKind" : "default", > "statusEffects" : [ ] > }, > > "statusSettings" : { > "statusProperties" : { > "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" > }, > > "appliesEnvironmentStatusEffects" : false, > "minimumLiquidStatusEffectPercentage" : 0.1, > > "primaryScriptSources" : [ > "/stats/monster_primary.lua" > ], > "primaryScriptDelta" : 0, > > "stats" : { > "maxHealth" : { > "baseValue" : 750 > }, > "protection" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "healthRegen" : { > "baseValue" : 0.0 > }, > "poisonImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > }, > "fireImmunity" : { > "baseValue" : 1.0 > } > }, > > "resources" : { > "health" : { > "maxStat" : "maxHealth", > "deltaStat" : "healthRegen", > "defaultPercentage" : 100 > } 65,66c128 < ] < ], --- > }, 68,134c130,132 < "variantParameters" : [ < [ < [1.0, { < "scale" : 1.0, < < "movementSettings" : { < "collisionPoly" : [ [-1, -5.6], [1, -5.6], [1, 3], [-1, 3] ], < "mass" : 0.6, < "walkSpeed" : 5, < "runSpeed" : 13, < "jumpSpeed" : 20, < "airForce" : 10 < }, < < "metaBoundBox" : [-1, -5.6, 1, 3], < < "blockedSensors" : [ [1.5, -4.5], [1.5, -3.5], [1.5, -2.5], [1.5, -1.5], [1.5, -0.5], [1.5, 0.5] ], < "fallSensors" : [ [2, -3.5], [2, -5.5], [2, -6.5], [4, -4.5], [4, -5.5], [4, -6.5] ], < < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1, -2.6], [1, -2.6], [1, 4], [-1, 4] ], < "damage" : 15, < < "teamType" : "enemy", < "damageSourceKind" : "default", < "statusEffects" : [ ] < }, < < "statusSettings" : { < "statusProperties" : { < "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" < }, < < "appliesEnvironmentStatusEffects" : false, < "minimumLiquidStatusEffectPercentage" : 0.1, < < "primaryScriptSources" : [ < "/stats/monster_primary.lua" < ], < "primaryScriptDelta" : 0, < < "stats" : { < "maxHealth" : { < "baseValue" : 750 < }, < "protection" : { < "baseValue" : 1.0 < }, < "healthRegen" : { < "baseValue" : 0.0 < } < }, < < "resources" : { < "health" : { < "maxStat" : "maxHealth", < "deltaStat" : "healthRegen", < "defaultPercentage" : 100 < } < } < }, < < "mouthOffset" : [1.0, -1.5], < "feetOffset" : [0, -21] < } ] < ] < ], --- > "mouthOffset" : [1.0, -1.5], > "feetOffset" : [0, -21] > }, monsters\ground\moontant\moontant.monstertype 124c124 < "baseValue" : 48 --- > "baseValue" : 55 127c127 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 12.0 npcs\airshipcaptain.npctype 238c238 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\airshipcrew.npctype 893c893 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\airshipquartermaster.npctype 222c222 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\apexslave.npctype 607c607 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\apexslaver.npctype 238c238 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\bandit.npctype 213c213 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\bunkerguard.npctype 130c130 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\bunkerpyro.npctype 90c90 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\castleguard.npctype 120c120 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\castlelord.npctype 118c118 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\castleroyalguard.npctype 93c93 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\chefmerchant.npctype 271c271 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\clanleader.npctype 395c395 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\colourfulvillager.npctype 606c606 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\cultist.npctype 128c128 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\default.npctype 133c133 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\doctormerchant.npctype 284c284 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\eyeguard.npctype 118c118 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\follower.npctype 765c765 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\friendlyguard.npctype 268c268 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\friendlypirateguard.npctype 219c219 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\guard.npctype 180c180 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\hellguard.npctype 116c116 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\hellprisoner.npctype 105c105 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\knight.npctype 69c69 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\labguard.npctype 121c121 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\labscientist.npctype 126c126 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\merchant.npctype 2034c2034 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\nakedvillager.npctype 1837c1837 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\prisonberserker.npctype 124c124 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\prisonbruiser.npctype 119c119 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\prisongunman.npctype 119c119 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\pyramidguard.npctype 132c132 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\scifiguard.npctype 125c125 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\servant.npctype 677c677 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\shroomguard.npctype 283c283 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\shroommerchant.npctype 151c151 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\stimmerchant.npctype 278c278 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\templeguard.npctype 122c122 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\tombzombie.npctype 118c118 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\toolmerchant.npctype 273c273 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\towerascendant.npctype 210c210 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\villageguard.npctype 8c8 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "levelVariance" : [0.5, 0.5], 1189c1189 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\villageguardcaptain.npctype 681c681 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\villager.npctype 2138c2138 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\wildhunter.npctype 120c120 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\wildhunterveteran.npctype 65c65 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\mission\florangladiator.npctype 14c14 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "levelVariance" : [4, 4], 107c107 < "baseValue" : 400.0 --- > "baseValue" : 100.0 113c113 < "baseValue" : 7.0 --- > "baseValue" : 1.0 116c116 < "baseValue" : 20.0 --- > "baseValue" : 7.0 npcs\mission\floranpredator.npctype 14c14 < "levelVariance" : [0, 0], --- > "levelVariance" : [4, 4], 227c227 < "baseValue" : 100.0 --- > "baseValue" : 75.0 233c233 < "baseValue" : 15.0 --- > "baseValue" : 3.0 236c236 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\mission\floransniper.npctype 14c14 < "levelVariance" : [0, 1], --- > "levelVariance" : [4, 4], 127c127 < "baseValue" : 70.0 --- > "baseValue" : 40.0 133c133 < "baseValue" : 32.0 --- > "baseValue" : 4.0 136c136 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 1.0 npcs\mission\mutantminer.npctype 209c209 < "baseValue" : 1.0 --- > "baseValue" : 2.0 npcs\outpost\outpostapexmechanic.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostapexrefugee.npctype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostapexscientist.npctype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostavianexplorer.npctype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostavianmercenary.npctype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostavianrefugee.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostbountyhunter.npctype 86c86 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostcivilian.npctype 372c372 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostfloranfan.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostfloranhunter.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostfloranscholar.npctype 6c6 < "offeredQuests" : [ "floranscholar2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "floranscholar2.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmechanic.npctype 83c83 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmercenary.npctype 83c83 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostglitchsilenttype.npctype 86c86 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthumanexcon.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthumanscientist.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthumansurvivor.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthylotlfloranhater.npctype 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthylotlperformer.npctype 6c6 < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], 84c84 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outposthylotlwarrior.npctype 86c86 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostpenguinpromoter.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "penguinmission3.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "penguinmission3.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], 73c73 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 npcs\outpost\outpostundersideman.npctype 85c85 < "baseValue" : 10.0 --- > "baseValue" : 0.0 objects\apex\apexoven\apexoven.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\apex\classiccandlestick\classiccandlestick.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\avian\birdgroundlantern\birdgroundlantern.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\floran\floranchandelier\floranchandelier.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\floran\floranstove\floranstove.object 12c12 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\floran\huntinggroundtorch\huntinggroundtorch.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\floran\planttorch\planttorch.object 7c7 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\3dprinter\3dprinter.object 22c22 < "inventoryIcon" : "woodencraftingtable1icon.png", --- > "inventoryIcon" : "woodencraftingtableicon.png", objects\generic\burningcoals\burningcoals.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\campfire\campfire.object 13c13 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\ironlight\ironlight.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\nanostove\nanostove.object 13c13 < "hydrophobic" : false, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\poop\poop.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\rusticoven\rusticoven.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\torch\torch.object 12c12 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\generic\woodentalllantern\woodentalllantern.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievalcandle\medievalcandle.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievalchandelier\medievalchandelier.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievalfireplace\medievalfireplace.object 12c12 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievalfurnace\medievalfurnace.object 16c16 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievallargecookingpot\medievallargecookingpot.object 12c12 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievalstreetlamp\medievalstreetlamp.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\medievaltorch\medievaltorch.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\glitch\royalcandles\royalcandles.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\holiday\menorah\menorah.object 12c12 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\human\bunkerheater1\bunkerheater1.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\human\oven1\oven1.object 11c11 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\human\prisonbarrelfire\prisonbarrelfire.object 9c9 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\minibiome\alpine\stonebed\stonebed.object 5c5 < "description" : "A bed made of stone.", --- > "description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", 23c23 < "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/tiered/tier3bed/stonebedcover.png", --- > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/minibiome/alpine/stonebed/stonebedcover.png", objects\minibiome\alpine\stonechair\stonechair.frames 4c4 < "size" : [24, 24], --- > "size" : [16, 24], objects\minibiome\alpine\stonechair\stonechair.object 5c5 < "description" : "A chair made of stone.", --- > "description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", 24c24 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-4, 0], 36c36 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-6, 0], objects\minibiome\alpine\stonechest\stonechest.object 9c9 < "description" : "A treasure chest made of stone.", --- > "description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", objects\minibiome\alpine\stonedoor\stonedoor.object 8c8 < "description" : "A door made of stone.", --- > "description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", objects\minibiome\alpine\stonetable\stonetable.object 5c5 < "description" : "A table made of stone.", --- > "description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush1.object 17c17,19 < "objectItem" : "glowfibreorange", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreorange", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush2.object 17c17,19 < "objectItem" : "glowfibreorange", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreorange", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush3.object 17c17,19 < "objectItem" : "glowfibreorange", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreorange", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush4.object 17c17,19 < "objectItem" : "glowfibreorange", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreorange", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush5.object 17c17,19 < "objectItem" : "glowfibreorange", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreorange", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowtree\glowtree1.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 6, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowtree\glowtree2.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 6, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowtree\glowtree3.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 6, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowtree\glowtree4.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 6, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowtree\glowtree5.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 6, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowvine\glowvine1.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowvine\glowvine2.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowvine\glowvine3.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowvine\glowvine4.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowvine\glowvine5.object 17c17,19 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", --- > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 3, { } ] ] > ], objects\minibiome\sandstone\sandstonetorch\sandstonetorch.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\minibiome\tar\tarlight\tarlight.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\minibiome\toxicplains\toxiclamp1\toxiclamp1.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\minibiome\toxicplains\toxiclamp2\toxiclamp2.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\mission\skulltorch\skulltorch.object 10c10 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, objects\outpost\outpostmicrowave\outpostmicrowave.object 13,14d12 < // "hydrophobic" : true, < objects\outpost\terramart\terramart.object 11c11 < "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/frogmerchant.config", --- > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/terramart.config", objects\tiered\tier1light\tier1light.object 8c8 < "hydrophobic" : true, --- > "maximumLiquidLevel" : 0.2, plants\trees\alien\foliage\alienbigleaf\alienbigleaf.modularfoliage 7c7 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "alienfruit" } ] plants\trees\desert\foliage\cocopalm\cocopalm.modularfoliage 7c7 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "coconut", "count" : 3 } ] plants\trees\desert\stem\coconut\coconut.modularstem 9c9 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] player\stat_primary.animation 4c4 < "outOfEnergy" : ["/sfx/interface/energy_out2.wav"], --- > "outOfEnergy" : ["/sfx/interface/energy_out1.wav"], projectiles\npcs\moontantgoop\moontantgoop.projectile 8c8 < "power" : 30, --- > "power" : 90, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\fryingpanswoosh\fryingpanswoosh1.projectile 13,16c13 < "damageKind" : "fryingpan", < < "knockback" : 100, < "knockbackDirectional" : true --- > "damageKind" : "fryingpan" quests\outpost\penguinmission2.questtemplate 8c8 < { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "dreadwreckage", 1] } --- > { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "dreadwreckage", 1], "consume" : false } quests\outpost\endgame\hylotlperformere2part1.questtemplate 14c14 < "followUp" : "", --- > "followUp" : "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup", quests\outpost\endgame\hylotlperformere2part2.questtemplate 6c6 < "text" : "Did you speak to my attendee? What did they say?", --- > "text" : "I should probably give the feedback back to the performer. Maybe I better spare his feelings...", 11c11 < [ [ "accordian", 1 ] ] --- > [ [ "accordion", 1 ] ] quests\outpost\phase1optional\underside1.questtemplate 3d2 < "prerequisites" : [ "outpost3.gearup" ], quests\outpost\phase2optional\humanexcon2.questtemplate 6c6 < "text" : "I've come here after being released from a USCM prison and everyone has accepted me. I want to show them how much they mean to me. ^green;Bring me ^orange;5 gunpowder ^green;so I can make fireworks ^white;and I'll show you how to make them too!", --- > "text" : "I've come here after being released from a USCM prison and everyone has accepted me. I want to show them how much they mean to me. ^green;Bring me ^orange;five gunpowder ^green;so I can make fireworks ^white;and I'll show you how to make them too!", quests\tutorial\tutorial2.questtemplate 7c7 < { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "woodencraftingtable1", 1], "consume" : false } --- > { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "woodencraftingtable", 1], "consume" : false } recipes\alloyfurnace\steelbar.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "silverbar", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "liquidoil", "count" : 3 } recipes\plain\torch.recipe 8c8 < "count" : 1 --- > "count" : 2 recipes\unsorted\flare.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "coalore", "count" : 1 }, --- > { "item" : "gunpowder", "count" : 2 }, stats\monster_primary.lua 1a2,5 > if world.getProperty("nonCombat") then > return {} > end > stats\player_primary.lua 13c13,17 < if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 or world.getProperty("nonCombat") then --- > if world.getProperty("invinciblePlayers") then > return {} > end > > if damageRequest.damageSourceKind ~= "falling" and (self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 or world.getProperty("nonCombat")) then tech\jetpack\gravitybubble.animation 83a84,87 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "activate" : [] tech\jetpack\hover.animation 56a57,60 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "activate" : [] tech\jetpack\jetpack.lua 2a3 > = false 26a28,32 > > if not then > tech.playSound("activate") > end > = true 27a34 > = false tech\jetpack\rocketboots.animation 17c17 < "persistentSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_jetpack.wav", --- > "persistentSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_rocketboots.wav", 142a143,146 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "activate" : [ "/sfx/tech/tech_rocketboots_thrust1.wav" ] tech\skins\breathprotection\ 4c4 < "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/breathprotection/overlay.png", --- > "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/breathprotection/suits/-.png", tech\skins\coldprotection\ 4c4 < "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/coldprotection/overlay.png", --- > "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/coldprotection/suits/-.png", tech\skins\heatprotection\ 4c4 < "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/heatprotection/overlay.png", --- > "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/heatprotection/suits/-.png", tech\skins\radiationprotection\ 4c4 < "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/radiationprotection/overlay.png", --- > "suitOverlay" : "/tech/skins/radiationprotection/suits/-.png", tiles\materials\reeds.material 5c5 < "itemDrop" : "reeds", --- > "itemDrop" : "reedblock", treasure\biome.treasurepools 155a156,183 > "alienChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "alienTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.7, 2], > [0.2, 3] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "alienTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "corrosivegun"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "corrosivegrenade"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "alienlaser"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "beachcreeperhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "beachcreeperchest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "beachcreeperlegs"} > ] > }] > ], > treasure\default.treasurechests 68a69,75 > "alienChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "alienchest" ], > "treasurePool" : "alienChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 1 > } > ], treasure\harvest.treasurepools 18a19,33 > "swordstoneHarvest" : [ > [0, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : "cobblestonematerial"} > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : "stonesword"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "legendblade"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1.0, 1] > ] > } ] > ], > treasure\missions\miningtreasure1.treasurepools 6c6 < {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : [ "rope", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.20, "item" : [ "climbingrope", 1]},