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monsters\skills\ranged\acidsprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\barbsprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\beamburstattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\beetleswarmattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\bloodvomitattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\blueflameattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\bonerainattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\bubbleblastattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\cellblastattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\darkgasattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\darkgravityballattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\darkplasmaattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\doublebarbsprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\dragonbreathattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\explosivephlegmattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\eyeballshotattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\eyeballsprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\fireballattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\fireswirlattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\fishbreathattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\flameburstattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\flyswarmattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\gasbelchattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\glitterattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\iceblastattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\iceshotattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\inksprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\jellybossexplodeattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\leafygustattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\lightballattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\mightyroarattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\minidragonbreathattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\moonantgoopattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\mudballattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\orbofzotsattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\plasmaburstattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\plasmasweepattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\plasmatorpedoattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\rainbowvomitattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\rangedchompattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\rockrollattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\rockshotattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\seedspitattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\shardsprayattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\shockballattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\shockingboltattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\smokeringattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\snotbubbleattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\snotshotattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\sonicscreamattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\sonicwaveattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\spicecloudattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\spinslashattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\twistingpulseattack.monsterskill monsters\skills\ranged\watergunattack.monsterskill monsters\swimming\swimmingmonster.lua 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[NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\crown3.png [NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\middle1.png [NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\middle2.png [NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\middle3.png [NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\middle4.png [NEW] plants\trees\cacti\stem\cactusold\saplingicon.png plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowbrains\snowbrains.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowbubbles\snowbubbles.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowcloudy\snowcloudy.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowfrumpy\snowfrumpy.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowgreenleaves\snowgreenleaves.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowhanging\snowhanging.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowleafy\snowleafy.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowlotus\snowlotus.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowpine\snowpine.modularfoliage plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowredleaves\snowredleaves.modularfoliage 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species\penguin.species stats\player_primary.lua [NEW] tech\groundsmash.png [NEW] tech\regeneration.png tech\automobile\car.lua [NEW] tech\automobile\humancar\humancar.animation [NEW] tech\automobile\humancar\ [NEW] tech\automobile\humancar\humancar.techitem [NEW] tech\automobile\humancar\humancarforeground.frames [NEW] tech\automobile\humancar\humancarforeground.png [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeep.animation [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\ [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeep.techitem [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeepbackground.frames [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeepbackground.png [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeepforeground.frames [NEW] tech\automobile\humanjeep\jeep\humanjeepforeground.png tech\blink\blink.lua tech\blink\ tech\blink\ tech\booster\bubbleboost.animation tech\booster\ tech\booster\bubbleboost.techitem [NEW] tech\booster\particlethrust.animation [NEW] tech\booster\ [NEW] tech\booster\particlethrust.techitem tech\dash\dash.lua tech\dash\ [NEW] tech\dash\ftlboost.animation [NEW] tech\dash\ [NEW] tech\dash\ftlboost.techitem [NEW] tech\groundsmash\groundsmash.animation [NEW] tech\groundsmash\groundsmash.lua [NEW] tech\groundsmash\ [NEW] tech\groundsmash\groundsmash.techitem [NEW] tech\jetpack\gravitybubble.animation [NEW] tech\jetpack\ [NEW] tech\jetpack\gravitybubble.techitem [NEW] tech\jetpack\rocketboots.animation [NEW] tech\jetpack\ [NEW] tech\jetpack\rocketboots.techitem tech\mech\apexmech\ tech\mech\glitchmech\ tech\mech\humanmech\ tech\morphball\ tech\multijump\ tech\multijump\multijump.animation tech\multijump\multijump.lua [NEW] tech\regeneration\regeneration.animation [NEW] tech\regeneration\regeneration.lua [NEW] tech\regeneration\ [NEW] tech\regeneration\regeneration.techitem tech\superjump\rocketjump.animation tech\superjump\ tech\superjump\superjump.lua treasure\biome.treasurepools treasure\default.treasurechests DIFFS ----- interface.config 40,41d39 < "healthPos" : [30, 22], < "energyPos" : [30, 32], player.config 68,70d67 < { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" }, < { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" }, < { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" }, 76c73,74 < // TIER 1 COOKING RECIPES --- > // STARTING COOKING RECIPES > { "item" : "bread"}, 78,143d75 < { "item" : "boiledpearlpeas" }, < { "item" : "bread" }, < { "item" : "corncob" }, < { "item" : "fishdumplings" }, < { "item" : "fishfingers" }, < { "item" : "fishnchips" }, < { "item" : "fishpie" }, < { "item" : "fishstew" }, < { "item" : "mashedpotato" }, < { "item" : "meatdumplings" }, < { "item" : "meatpie" }, < { "item" : "meatstew" }, < { "item" : "pearlpeabroth" }, < { "item" : "pearlpearisotto" }, < < // TIER 2 COOKING RECIPES < { "item" : "applecrumble"}, < { "item" : "avianceremonialfood" }, < { "item" : "baconpancakes" }, < { "item" : "beakseedbread"}, < { "item" : "beakseedjam" }, < { "item" : "beakseedtart" }, < { "item" : "bonbons"}, < { "item" : "bonbonbonbons" }, < { "item" : "cake" }, < { "item" : "candiedcorn"}, < { "item" : "candyapple" }, < { "item" : "carrotbread" }, < { "item" : "carrotcake"}, < { "item" : "carrotjuice" }, < { "item" : "carrotsoup" }, < { "item" : "cheeseburger"}, < { "item" : "chocolatecake" }, < { "item" : "choconut" }, < { "item" : "coffeecake" }, < { "item" : "cornpeckers"}, < { "item" : "feathercrownjam" }, < { "item" : "flatwhite" }, < { "item" : "fluffyruffs"}, < { "item" : "gardensalad" }, < { "item" : "hamburger" }, < { "item" : "kiwijam"}, < { "item" : "kiwijuice" }, < { "item" : "mocha" }, < { "item" : "mushroombread"}, < { "item" : "mushroomquiche" }, < { "item" : "mushroomrice" }, < { "item" : "omelette"}, < { "item" : "pasty" }, < { "item" : "pearlpeajam" }, < { "item" : "pearlpeapancakes"}, < { "item" : "pizza" }, < { "item" : "pizzaslice" }, < { "item" : "porridge"}, < { "item" : "quichelorraine" }, < { "item" : "relish" }, < { "item" : "ricepudding"}, < { "item" : "specialrice" }, < { "item" : "spikycookies" }, < { "item" : "stickyribs"}, < { "item" : "stuffedtomato" }, < { "item" : "sweetmeat" }, < { "item" : "sweetpopcorn"}, < { "item" : "tomatojuice" }, < { "item" : "tomatosoup" }, < world_template.config 4c4,7 < "defaultGravity" : 80 --- > "defaultGravity" : 80, > > "customTerrainBlendSize" : 40, > "customTerrainBlendWeight" : 20 ai\upgradeship1.aicommand 18a19,22 > }, > { > "action" : "showTech", > "techName" : [ "doublejumpTech" ] biomes\surface\desert\desert.surfacebiome 348,367d347 < "priority" : 2.0, < "variants" : 1, < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rareClumpyLarge", < < "type" : "bush", < "bushes" : [ < { < "name" : "cactus1", < "baseHueShiftMax" : 40, < "modHueShiftMax" : 180 < }, < { < "name" : "cactus2", < "baseHueShiftMax" : 40, < "modHueShiftMax" : 180 < } < ] < }, < { < "mode" : "floor", 370c350 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rareClumpyLarge", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall", 373c353 < "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180, --- > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 35, 375,376c355,356 < "treeStemList" : [ "desertpalm", "alienpalm", "bark", "beach", "blank", "cactus", "cross", "palm", "plain", "twirl" ], < "treeFoliageList" : [ "palmleaves", "palmy", "roseleaves", "lushleaves", "palmlush", "elegant" ] --- > "treeStemList" : [ "cactus" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "cactusflowers" ] biomes\surface\savannah\savannah.surfacebiome 377a378,394 > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildcurrentcornseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 2 > } > } > ] biomes\surface\snow\snow.surfacebiome 275c275 < "priority" : 1.0, --- > "priority" : 0.5, 277c277 < "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:potsRare", --- > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rare", 308c308 < "treasureBoxSets" : [ "basicChest" ] --- > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "snowChest" ] 412a413,429 > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildautomatoseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 > } > } > ] 429c446 < "treasureBoxSets" : [ "basicChest" ] --- > "treasureBoxSets" : [ "snowChest" ] biomes\surface_detached\desertdetached\bones\bones.surfacebiome 53a54,70 > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildbonebooseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 > } > } > ] biomes\surface_detached\desertdetached\colourful\colourful.surfacebiome 62a63,79 > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:surfaceCrops", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "wildgrapesseed" ] ], > "parameters" : { > "startingStage" : 3 > } > } > ] biomes\underground_detached\minivillage\minivillage.undergroundbiome 8,9c8,9 < "mainBlock" : "fadedblocks", < "subBlocks" : [ "rock19", "rock02" ], --- > "mainBlock" : "dirt", > "subBlocks" : [ "fadedblocks" ], 30a31,33 > > "grassMod" : [ "grass" ], > "grassModDensity" : 0.9, 41c44 < "pool" : [ [0.1, "smallclocktower" ], [0.15, "smallhouse1" ], [0.15, "smallhouse2" ], [0.15, "smallhouse3" ], [0.15, "smallhouse3" ], [0.15, "smallhouse4" ], [0.15, "smallhouse5" ], [0.15, "smallhouse6" ], [0.15, "smallhouse7" ], [0.15, "smallhouse8" ], [0.15, "smallhouse9" ], [0.15, "smallhouse10" ] ], --- > "pool" : [ [0.13, "smallclocktower" ], [0.15, "smallhouse1" ], [0.15, "smallhouse2" ], [0.15, "smallhouse3" ], [0.15, "smallhouse3" ], [0.15, "smallhouse4" ], [0.15, "smallhouse5" ], [0.15, "smallhouse6" ], [0.15, "smallhouse7" ], [0.15, "smallhouse8" ], [0.15, "smallhouse9" ], [0.15, "smallhouse10" ], [0.14, "smallhouse11" ], [0.14, "smallchurch" ] ], 45a49,69 > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 3.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:rare", > > "type" : "grass", > "grasses" : [ "smallvillage" ] > }, > > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 3.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredSmall", > > "type" : "grass", > "grasses" : [ "grass" ] > }, > interface\ai\ai.config 3c3 < "disabledTechText" : "This tech has not been unlocked yet.", --- > "disabledTechText" : "\n\n^green;Unlock this tech with a blank tech card.", interface\windowconfig\kitchen.config 84c84 < "position" : [51, 83], --- > "position" : [46, 83], 86c86 < "value" : "MATERIALS AVAILABLE" --- > "value" : "INGREDIENTS AVAILABLE" interface\windowconfig\teambar.config 23a24,45 > "healthBar" : { > "zlevel" : 7, > "type" : "progress", > "position" : [30, -22], > "background" : "/interface/emptybar.png", > "progressSet" : { > "inner" : "/interface/healthbar.png", > "type" : "repeat" > }, > "direction" : "horizontal" > }, > "energyBar" : { > "zlevel" : 8, > "type" : "progress", > "position" : [30, -32], > "background" : "/interface/emptybar.png", > "progressSet" : { > "inner" : "/interface/energybar.png", > "type" : "repeat" > }, > "direction" : "horizontal" > }, items\generic\meat\cookedalienmeat.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "meatdumplings" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\meat\rawfish.consumable 20,21c20,22 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishdumplings", "fishfingers" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\produce\corn.consumable 9c9,10 < ] ] --- > ] ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "corncob" ] items\generic\produce\pearlpea.consumable 10c10,11 < ] ] --- > ] ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "boiledpearlpeas" ] items\generic\produce\potato.consumable 9,10c9,11 < ] ] < } --- > ] ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "mashedpotato" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\produce\rice.consumable 9c9,10 < ] ] --- > ] ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpearisotto" ] items\generic\tier1\boiledpearlpeas.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpeabroth" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\tier1\bread.consumable 20c20,21 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishdumplings", "meatdumplings", "fishfingers" ] items\generic\tier1\fishdumplings.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishstew" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\tier1\fishfingers.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishnchips" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\tier1\fishpie.consumable 23c23,24 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishnchips" ] items\generic\tier1\fishstew.consumable 19c19,20 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "fishpie", "mashedpotato" ] items\generic\tier1\meatdumplings.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "meatstew" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\tier1\meatstew.consumable 19c19,20 < ] --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "meatpie", "mashedpotato" ] items\generic\tier1\pearlpeabroth.consumable 19,20c19,21 < ] < } --- > ], > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "pearlpearisotto" ] > } \ No newline at end of file items\generic\tier2\cactusjuice.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Rosie you're doing a great job!", --- > "description" : "Cool as a cactus.", 8c8,15 < "wellfed" --- > { > "effect" : "thorns", > "duration" : 60 > }, > { > "effect" : "wellfed", > "duration" : 180 > } 10c17,19 < "emote" : "", --- > "blockingEffects" : [ > "wellfed" > ], items\generic\tier2\cake.consumable 13c13 < "effect" : "foodheal70", --- > "effect" : "foodheal170", items\generic\tier2\porridge.consumable 19c19,20 < ] --- > ], > "emitters" : [ "drinking" ] items\generic\tier4\reefjuice.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A fruity juice.", --- > "description" : "A pleasantly sweet and fruity juice. Refreshing!", items\generic\tier6\coralcreepcurry.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A mildly spicy curry made with the coralcreep plant.", --- > "description" : "A mildly spicy curry made with the coralcreep fruit.", items\instruments\microphone.instrument 8c8 < "shortdescription" : "Microphone", --- > "shortdescription" : "Microphone (Male)", items\instruments\microphonefem.instrument 3c3 < "inventoryIcon" : "microphone.png", --- > "inventoryIcon" : "microphonefem.png", 9,10c9,10 < "largeImage" : "microphone.png", < "image" : "microphone.png", --- > "largeImage" : "microphonefem.png", > "image" : "microphonefem.png", 12c12 < "activeImage" : "microphone.png", --- > "activeImage" : "microphonefem.png", items\throwables\snowball.thrownitem 21a22 > "snowball", items\throwables\snowballgigantic.thrownitem 19c19,23 < } --- > }, > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "snowman" > ] monsters\boss\dragonboss\dragonboss.animation 449a450,453 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\boss\dragonboss\dragonboss.monstertype 7d6 < 57,58d55 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\boss\jellyboss\jellyboss.animation 645a646,649 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\boss\jellyboss\jellyboss.monstertype 40,42d39 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 45d41 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 50d45 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 144,149d138 < < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], monsters\boss\jellyboss\organic\head\jellyboss\jellyboss.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\boss\missile\behavior.lua 4c4 < entity.setDeathSound(entity.randomizeParameter("deathNoise")) --- > entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") monsters\boss\missile\missile.monstertype 39,40d38 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\boss\penguinminiufo\penguinminiufo.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\boss\penguintank\penguintank.monstertype 44,45d43 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 90d87 < monsters\boss\penguinufo\behavior.lua 61d60 < -- entity.playSound("/sfx/npc/unique/ufo_hover_loop.wav") monsters\boss\penguinufo\penguinufo.monstertype 39,40d38 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 85d82 < monsters\boss\robotboss\robotboss.animation 641a642,645 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\boss\robotboss\robotboss.monstertype 43,45d42 < "idleSoundTime" : [5.0, 10.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 48d44 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 53d48 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 136d130 < 148,153d141 < < "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], monsters\boss\robotboss\organic\head\robotboss\robothead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_turnhostile.wav" ], < "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_attack2.wav" ], < "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_pain2.wav", "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_pain3.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/unique/robotboss_death.wav" ] monsters\boss\skeyejelly\skeyejelly.animation 641a642,645 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\boss\skeyejelly\skeyejelly.monstertype 38,40d37 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 43d39 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 48d43 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 131d125 < 143,148d136 < < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], monsters\boss\skeyejelly\organic\head\skeyejelly\skeyejelly.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\crawling\crawlingmonster.lua 30,32d29 < self.painSoundTimer = 0 < self.idleSoundTimer = 0 < 545d541 < self.idleSoundTimer = self.idleSoundTimer - dt 548d543 < self.painSoundTimer = self.painSoundTimer - dt monsters\flying\flyingmonster.lua 60c60 < entity.setDeathSound(entity.randomizeParameter("deathNoise")) --- > entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") 193c193 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("turnHostileNoise")) --- > entity.playSound("turnHostile") monsters\flying\bonebird\bonebird.animation 449a450,453 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\flying\bonebird\bonebird.monstertype 65,66d64 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 111d108 < monsters\flying\largeflying\largeflying.animation 449a450,453 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\flying\largeflying\largeflying.monstertype 63,64d62 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 109d106 < monsters\flying\minibossflying\minibossflying.animation 480a481,484 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\flying\minibossflying\minibossflying.monstertype 61,62d60 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 107d104 < monsters\flying\smallflying\smallflying.animation 449a450,453 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\flying\smallflying\smallflying.monstertype 63,64d62 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], 109d106 < monsters\ground\aggrohopstate.lua 12c12 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("turnHostileNoise")) --- > entity.playSound("turnHostile") monsters\ground\groundmonster.lua 40,43c40 < < self.painSoundTimer = 0 < self.idleSoundTimer = 0 < --- > 114c111 < entity.setDeathSound(entity.randomizeParameter("deathNoise")) --- > entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") 186,190d182 < if self.painSoundTimer <= 0 then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("painNoise")) < self.painSoundTimer = entity.configParameter("painSoundTimer") < end < 355d346 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("jumpNoise")) 776d766 < self.idleSoundTimer = self.idleSoundTimer - dt 780d769 < self.painSoundTimer = self.painSoundTimer - dt monsters\ground\wanderstate.lua 67,71d66 < if self.idleSoundTimer <= 0 then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("idleNoise")) < self.idleSoundTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("idleSoundTime") < end < monsters\ground\largebiped\largebiped.animation 663a664,667 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\largebiped\largebiped.monstertype 48,50d47 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 53d49 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 62d57 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 198d192 < monsters\ground\largebiped\largebiped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\largebiped\head\backwardsfin\largebackwardsfinhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\banana\largebananahead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/beastiehead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\bladed\largebladedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\boredbug\largeboredbughead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\cauldron\largecauldronhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\coffee\largecoffeehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\curl\largecurlhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\fan\largefanhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\finned\largefinnedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\floaty\largefloatyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\flower\largeflowerhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\froggish\largefroggishhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\fuzzy\largefuzzyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\grumpy\largegrumpyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\happy\largehappyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\horned\largehornedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\monkey\largemonkeyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\mouse\largemousehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\onehorn\largeonehornhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\owl\largeowlhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\papermask\largepapermaskhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\pig\largepighead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\plain\largeplainhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\rabbit\largerabbithead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\rhino\largerhinohead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\shark\largesharkhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\sharpteeth\largesharpteethhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\shellplate\largeshellplatehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\sphereear\largesphereearshead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\stacked\largestackedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\star\largestarhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\stupid\largestupidhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\sucky\largesuckyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largebiped\head\sun\largesunhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.animation 700a701,705 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, > monsters\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.monstertype 40,42d39 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 45d41 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 54d49 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\ground\largequadruped\largequadruped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\arrow\largearrowhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\bear\largebearhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, -0.7], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, -0.7] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\bigfin\largebigfinhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.6], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.6] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\bill\largebillhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.35, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.35, 0] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\bladed\largebladedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\buffalo\largebuffalohead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, -0.9], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, -0.9] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\centaur\largecentaurhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, 0.6], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, 0.6] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\chainsaw\largechainsawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\claw\largeclawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bugthinghead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\crazy\largecrazyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\creepy\largecreepyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\crownhead\largecrownhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\curled\largecurledhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\curlednose\largecurlednosehead.monsterpart 12,17c12 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\cutestripey\largecutestripeyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.7] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\dogsnake\largedogsnakehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.45, 0.9], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.45, 0.9] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\domeplate\largedomeplatehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\doublejaw\largedoublejawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [0.8, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [0.8, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\dragon\largedragonhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.4, -0.2], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.4, -0.2] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\droopy\largedroopyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\eyeball\largeeyeballhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\eyentler\largeeyentlerhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.4, 0.3], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.4, 0.3] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\eyestalk\largeeyestalkhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/crazyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\fancybird\largefancybirdhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, 0.35], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, 0.35] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\fangedshadowy\largefangedshadowy.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\floppy\largefloppyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\gator\largegatorhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\gorilla\largegorillahead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\guarded\largeguardedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/lion_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\horniest\largehorniesthead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.45, -1.2], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/horse_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.45, -1.2] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\insomniac\largeinsomniachead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\lizardshell\largelizardshellhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\minicroc\largeminicrochead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\petal\largepetalhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/bulbouseyehead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\plated\largeplatedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\raptor\largeraptorhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/powlhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\relaxed\largerelaxedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\sandworm\largesandwormhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\scrabhead\largescrabhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.2, 0] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\shadowy\largeshadowy.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/canine_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\skullbuffalo\largeskullbuffalohead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/angstyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\soulless\largesoullesshead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\squoid\largesquoidhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.9], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.9] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\tapir\largetapirhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.9], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/goathead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.9] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\teethy\largeteethyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/teethyhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\thintusk\largethintuskhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/tiger_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.8] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\toad\largetoadhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.5] monsters\ground\largequadruped\head\verticaleye\largeverticaleyehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.3], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/quadruped/doublejawhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.3] monsters\ground\minibossbiped\minibossbiped.animation 693a694,697 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\minibossbiped\minibossbiped.monstertype 46,48d45 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 51d47 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 60d55 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 140d134 < monsters\ground\minibossbiped\minibossbiped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\minibossquadruped\minibossquadruped.animation 726a727,730 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\minibossquadruped\minibossquadruped.monstertype 40,42d39 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 45d41 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 54d49 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], 153a149,151 > "maxShield" : { > "baseValue" : 0.0 > }, 158a157,159 > }, > "shieldRegen" : { > "baseValue" : 0.0 165a167,171 > "defaultPercentage" : 100 > }, > "shieldHealth" : { > "maxStat" : "maxShield", > "deltaStat" : "shieldRegen", monsters\ground\minibossquadruped\minibossquadruped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\moontant\moontant.animation 534a535,538 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\moontant\moontant.monstertype 8d7 < 50,52d48 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 55d50 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 66d60 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\ground\moontant\moontant.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\skills\chargeattack.lua 65c65 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("chargeAttack.crashSounds")) --- > entity.playSound("chargeCrash") 83d82 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("attackNoise")) monsters\ground\skills\chargeattack.monsterskill 17c17 < "crashSounds" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_organic.wav" ], --- > 23a24,29 > } > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "chargeCrash" : [ "/sfx/melee/blunt_hit_organic.wav" ] monsters\ground\skills\creategroundrangedattack.lua 17d16 < rangedAttack.fireSound = params.fireSound 147,149c146 < if rangedAttack.fireSound then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter(rangedAttack.fireSound)) < end --- > entity.playSound("rangedAttack") monsters\ground\skills\gravityslamattack.lua 38d37 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("gravitySlamAttack.sounds")) 56d54 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("gravitySlamAttack.sounds")) monsters\ground\skills\gravityslamattack.monsterskill 13,19c13 < "startRects" : [ [-15, 5, -4, -2.0], [15, 5, 4, -2.0] ], < < "sounds" : [ < "/sfx/npc/unique/gust1.wav", < "/sfx/npc/unique/gust2.wav", < "/sfx/npc/unique/gust3.wav" < ] --- > "startRects" : [ [-15, 5, -4, -2.0], [15, 5, 4, -2.0] ] monsters\ground\skills\gustattack.lua 53c53 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("gustAttack.sounds")) --- > entity.playSound("gust") monsters\ground\skills\gustattack.monsterskill 13c13,15 < "startRects" : [ [-4.5, 1.5, -2.5, -1.5], [4.5, 1.5, 2.5, -1.5] ], --- > "startRects" : [ [-4.5, 1.5, -2.5, -1.5], [4.5, 1.5, 2.5, -1.5] ] > } > }, 15c17,19 < "sounds" : [ --- > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "gust" : [ monsters\ground\skills\meleeattack.lua 18,20c18 < if entity.setAnimationState("attack", "melee") then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("attackNoise")) < end --- > entity.setAnimationState("attack", "melee") monsters\ground\skills\missilebarrageattack.lua 29c29 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("missileBarrageAttack.sounds")) --- > entity.playSound("missile") monsters\ground\skills\missilebarrageattack.monsterskill 16c16,18 < "requireLos" : false, --- > "requireLos" : false > } > }, 18c20,22 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/rocket_shot.wav" ] --- > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "missile" : [ "/sfx/gun/rocket_shot.wav" ] monsters\ground\skills\pounceattack.lua 58d57 < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("attackNoise")) monsters\ground\skills\rushattack.lua 11,13d10 < if entity.setAnimationState("attack", "melee") then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("attackNoise")) < end monsters\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.animation 788a789,792 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.monstertype 51,53d50 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 56d52 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 67d62 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\ground\smallbiped\smallbiped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\backwardsfin\smallbackwardsfinhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\banana\smallbananahead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\boredbug\smallboredbughead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\cauldron\smallcauldronhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\coffee\smallcoffeehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\curl\smallcurlhead.monsterpart 11,15d10 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\fan\smallfanhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\finned\smallfinnedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\floaty\smallfloatyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\flower\smallflowerhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\froggish\smallfroggishhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_turnhostile.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/crazyhead_small/arrowhead_death.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\fuzzy\smallfuzzyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\grumpy\smallgrumpyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\happy\smallhappyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\horned\smallhornedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\monkey\smallmonkeyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\mouse\smallmousehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\onehorn\smallonehornhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\owl\smallowlhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\papermask\smallpapermaskhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\pig\smallpighead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\plain\smallplainhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/beastiehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\rabbit\smallrabbithead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\rhino\smallrhinohead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\shark\smallsharkhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\sharpteeth\smallsharpteethhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\shellplate\smallshellplatehead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\smallbladed\smallbladedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\sphereear\smallsphereearshead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\stacked\smallstackedhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\star\smallstarhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\stupid\smallstupidhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\sucky\smallsuckyhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallbiped\head\sun\smallsunhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.animation 700a701,704 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.monstertype 42,44d41 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 47d43 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 58d53 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\arrowhead\smallarrowhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.4], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.4] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\bearhead\smallbearhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\bigfinhead\smallbigfinhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\billhead\smallbillhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\bladedhead\smallbladedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\buffalohead\smallbuffalohead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\centaurhead\smallcentaurhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\chainsawhead\smallchainsawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\clawhead\smallclawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bugthinghead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\crazyhead\smallcrazyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\creepyhead\smallcreepyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\crownhead\smallcrownhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\curledhead\smallcurledhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\curlednosehead\smallcurlednosehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1.5, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\cutestripeyhead\smallcutestripeyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\dogsnakehead\smalldogsnakehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\domeplatehead\smalldomeplatehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\doublejawhead\smalldoublejawhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\dragonhead\smalldragonhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\droopyhead\smalldroopyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\eyeballhead\smalleyeballhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.1], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.1] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\eyentlerhead\smalleyentlerhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\eyestalkhead\smalleyestalkhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/crazyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\fancybirdhead\smallfancybirdhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, 0] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\fangedshadowyhead\smallfangedshadowyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\floppyhead\smallfloppyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\gatorhead\smallgatorhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\gorillahead\smallgorillahead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.1], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.1] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\guardedhead\smallguardedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/lion_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\horniesthead\smallhorniesthead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/horse_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\insomniachead\smallinsomniachead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\lizardshellhead\smalllizardshellhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\minicrochead\smallminicrochead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\petalhead\smallpetalhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/bulbouseyehead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\platedhead\smallplatedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\raptorhead\smallraptorhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.75], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/powlhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -0.75] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\relaxedhead\smallrelaxedhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\sandwormhead\smallsandwormhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\scrabhead\smallscrabhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\shadowyhead\smallshadowyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/canine_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\simplehead\smallsimplehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\skullbuffalohead\smallskullbuffalohead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/angstyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\soullesshead\smallsoullesshead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\squoidhead\smallsquoidhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/sandworm_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\tapirhead\smalltapirhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/goathead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\teeth\smallteethyhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/teethyhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\thintuskhead\smallthintuskhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/tiger_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\toadhead\smalltoadhead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/arrowhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallquadruped\head\verticaleyehead\smallverticaleyehead.monsterpart 13,18c13 < "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25], < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/doublejawhead_small_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] --- > "projectileSourcePosition" : [1, -1.25] monsters\ground\smallshroom\smallshroom.animation 717a718,721 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\ground\smallshroom\smallshroom.monstertype 8d7 < 52,54d50 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 57d52 < "jumpNoise" : [ ], 68d62 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\ground\smallshroom\smallshroom.partparams 8,13d7 < // "idleNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < // "painNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < "deathNoise" : [ "merge", [ ] ], < monsters\ground\smallshroom\head\flower\flowerhead.monsterpart 12,16d11 < // "idleNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_idle2.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], < // "attackNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_attack2.wav" ], < // "painNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain1.wav", "/sfx/npc/smallbiped/spidermonkey_pain2.wav" ], < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] monsters\skills\ranged\acidicspitattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\acidsprayattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\barbsprayattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\beamburstattack.monsterskill 15,16d14 < "fireSound" : "beamBurstAttack.fireSounds", < "fireSounds" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper_charge1.wav" ], 20a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper_charge1.wav" ] > } 22a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\beetleswarmattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\bloodvomitattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\blueflameattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\bonerainattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\bubbleblastattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\cellblastattack.monsterskill 14a15,20 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 16a23 > monsters\skills\ranged\darkgasattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\darkgravityballattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\darkplasmaattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\doublebarbsprayattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\dragonbreathattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\explosivephlegmattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\eyeballshotattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\eyeballsprayattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\fireballattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19c25 < } \ No newline at end of file --- > } monsters\skills\ranged\fireswirlattack.monsterskill 20a21,26 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 22a29 > monsters\skills\ranged\fishbreathattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\flameburstattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\flyswarmattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\gasbelchattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\glitterattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\iceblastattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\iceshotattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\inksprayattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\jellybossexplodeattack.monsterskill 14a15,20 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 16a23 > monsters\skills\ranged\leafygustattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\lightballattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\mightyroarattack.monsterskill 13,14c13,19 < "winddownTime" : 0.6, < "fireSound" : "turnHostileNoise" --- > "winddownTime" : 0.6 > } > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] 17a23 > monsters\skills\ranged\minidragonbreathattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\moonantgoopattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\mudballattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\orbofzotsattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\plasmaburstattack.monsterskill 19a20,25 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 21a28 > monsters\skills\ranged\plasmasweepattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\plasmatorpedoattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\rainbowvomitattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\rangedchompattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\rockrollattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\rockshotattack.monsterskill 20a21,26 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 22a29 > monsters\skills\ranged\seedspitattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\shardsprayattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\shockballattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\shockingboltattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\smokeringattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\snotbubbleattack.monsterskill 17a18,23 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 19a26 > monsters\skills\ranged\snotshotattack.monsterskill 19a20,25 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 21a28 > monsters\skills\ranged\sonicscreamattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\sonicwaveattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\skills\ranged\spicecloudattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\spinslashattack.monsterskill 18a19,24 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 20a27 > monsters\skills\ranged\twistingpulseattack.monsterskill 15a16,21 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 17a24 > monsters\skills\ranged\watergunattack.monsterskill 16a17,22 > }, > > "animationParameters" : { > "sounds" : { > "rangedAttack" : [ ] > } 18a25 > monsters\swimming\swimmingmonster.lua 19c19 < entity.setDeathSound(entity.randomizeParameter("deathNoise")) --- > entity.setDeathSound("deathPuff") monsters\swimming\largefish\largefish.animation 434a435,438 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\swimming\largefish\largefish.monstertype 68d67 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\swimming\smallfish\fish.animation 312a313,316 > "sounds" : { > "turnHostile" : [ ], > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ] > }, monsters\swimming\smallfish\fish.monstertype 38d37 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], monsters\unique\allergen\allergen.monstertype 41,42d40 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\apexbrainmutant\apexbrainmutant.monstertype 53,55d52 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 82,83d78 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\apexmutant\apexmutant.monstertype 52,54d51 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 86,87d82 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\aviansentry\aviansentry.monstertype 43,44d42 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\chesttrapper\chesttrapper.monstertype 40,41d39 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\chicken\chicken.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\cleaningbot\cleaningbot.monstertype 42,43d41 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\giftmonster\giftmonster.monstertype 41,42d40 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\giftmonster\giftmonstersmall.monstertype 41,42d40 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\glitchknight\glitchknight.monstertype 43,44d42 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\glitchspider\glitchspider.monstertype 73,74d72 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\heckblob\heckblob.monstertype 47,48d46 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\pinfriend\pinfriend.monstertype 43,44d42 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\po\megapo.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\po\micropo.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\po\po.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\pogolem\pogolem.monstertype 48,50d47 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 74,75d70 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\poptop\poptop.animation 203,204c203,209 < } < , --- > }, > > "sounds" : { > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], > "turnHostile" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ] > }, > monsters\unique\poptop\poptop.monstertype 43,45d42 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 64,65d60 < "deathNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.wav" ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/monster_surprise.wav" ], monsters\unique\poptop\wanderskipstate.lua 66,70d65 < if self.idleSoundTimer <= 0 then < entity.playSound(entity.randomizeParameter("idleNoise")) < self.idleSoundTimer = entity.randomizeParameterRange("idleSoundTime") < end < monsters\unique\repairbot\repairbot.monstertype 41,42d40 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\robotchicken\robotchicken.monstertype 45,46d44 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\serpentdroid\serpentdroid.monstertype 45,47d44 < "idleSoundTime" : [45.0, 60.0], < "painSoundTimer" : 2.0, < 69,70d65 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\sewerfly\sewerfly.monstertype 28d27 < 68d66 < 89,90d86 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\swarpion\swarpion.monstertype 43,44d42 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet.monstertype 48,49d47 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\tentaclecometspore\tentaclecometspore.monstertype 41,42d40 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\toxicfly\toxicfly.monstertype 87,88d86 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], monsters\unique\toxicgolem\toxicgolem.monstertype 42,43d41 < "deathNoise" : [ ], < "turnHostileNoise" : [ ], objects\apex\apexconsole1\apexconsole1.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 37,40c43 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexconsolekeyboard\apexconsolekeyboard.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole1on.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole1off.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexcooldoor\apexcooldoor.object 40a41,46 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 47,50c53 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexslidingdoor1\apexslidingdoor1.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexslidingdoor2\apexslidingdoor2.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\apexstatue3\apexstatue3.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexstatue3_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexstatue3_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 38,41c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexstatue3_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexstatue3_switchoff.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicbardoor\classicbardoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\apex\classicdoor\classicdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor\bardoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor2\bardoor2.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\bardoor3\bardoor3.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\avian\birddoor\birddoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/birddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\avian\birdgroundlantern\birdgroundlantern.object 56a57,62 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] > } > }, 67,71c73 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] < --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 1] ] objects\avian\tribaldoor\tribaldoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\farmables\automato\automatoseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [110, 130] objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [110, 130] objects\farmables\avesmingo\avesmingoseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\avesmingo\wildavesmingoseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\banana\bananaseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\banana\wildbananaseed.object 34c34 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 37c37 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 41,42c41 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\boltbulb\boltbulbseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\boltbulb\wildboltbulbseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\boneboo\bonebooseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [215, 235] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [215, 235] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [860, 940] objects\farmables\boneboo\wildbonebooseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [215, 235] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [215, 235] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [860, 940] objects\farmables\chili\chiliseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\chili\wildchiliseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42,43c42 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\coffee\coffeeseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 42c42 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\coffee\wildcoffeeseed.object 37c37 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 40c40 < "duration" : [25, 35] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 44c44 < "duration" : [110, 130] --- > "duration" : [400, 440] objects\farmables\coralcreep\coralcreepseed.object 36c36 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 39c39 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 43,44c43 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [110, 130] objects\farmables\coralcreep\wildcoralcreepseed.object 36c36 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 39c39 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [25, 35] 43,44c43 < "duration" : [60, 60] < --- > "duration" : [110, 130] objects\farmables\currentcorn\currentcornseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\currentcorn\wildcurrentcornseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\diodia\diodiaseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\diodia\wilddiodaseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\dirturchin\dirturchinseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\dirturchin\wilddirturchinseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\eggshoot\eggshootseed.object 33c33 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 36c36 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\eggshoot\wildeggshootseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\grapes\grapesseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 105] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [100, 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470] objects\farmables\pineapple\pineappleseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] objects\farmables\pussplum\pussplumseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\reefpod\reefpodseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [465, 465] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [465, 465] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\reefpod\wildreefpodseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] 38c38 < "duration" : [225, 225] --- > "duration" : [200, 220] objects\farmables\toxictop\toxictopseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] 38c38 < "duration" : [450, 450] --- > "duration" : [430, 470] objects\farmables\wartweed\wartweedseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\farmables\wartweed\wildwartweedseed.object 35c35 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] 38c38 < "duration" : [60, 60] --- > "duration" : [55, 65] objects\floran\bamboodoor\bamboodoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\floranchandelier\floranchandelier.object 56a57,62 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] > } > }, 67,71c73 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] < --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\florandoor\florandoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\huntingdoor1\huntingdoor1.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\plantdoor1\plantdoor1.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/fleshdoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\plantdoor2\plantdoor2.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] objects\floran\plantpanel\plantpanel.object 41a42,47 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/plantpanel_interact.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/plantpanel_interact.wav" ] > } > }, 47,50c53 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plantpanel_interact.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plantpanel_interact.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\floran\planttorch\planttorch.object 106,110c106 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.wav", < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] < --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/torch.wav" objects\gate\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.animation 100a101,105 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] objects\gate\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.lua 20c20 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 24c24 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\generators\humangenerator\humangenerator.object 54c54,59 < --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 63,66c68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\generators\referencegenerator\referencegenerator.object 52a53,58 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 62,65c68 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\generic\floodlights\floodlights.object 44a45,50 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/floodlights_on.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/floodlights_off.wav" ] > } > }, 54,57c60 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/floodlights_on.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/floodlights_off.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] objects\generic\irondoor\irondoor.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -4] ] 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entity.playSound("use") 49c49 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\generic\statuspod\statuspod.object 40,41d39 < "useSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], < objects\generic\torch\torch.object 94a95,100 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] > } > }, 102,105c108 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\wooddoor\wooddoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodendoor\woodendoor.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodengate\woodengate.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\generic\woodentalllantern\woodentalllantern.object 64a65,70 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] > } > }, 71,74c77 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 2] ] objects\generic\wreckdoor\wreckdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\castledoor\castledoor.object 34a35,40 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 41,44c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/woodendoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\castledungeondoor\castledungeondoor.object 34a35,40 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 41,44c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\castlehiddendoor\castlehiddendoor.object 34a35,40 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ] > } > }, 41,44c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [1, 0] ] objects\glitch\castlehiddentrapdoor\castlehiddentrapdoor.object 23a24,29 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ] > } > }, 51,54c57 < "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_open_fast.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/stonedoor_close_fast.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [2, -1] ] objects\glitch\castleswitch\castleswitch.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/castleswitchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/castleswitchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 38,41c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/castleswitchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/castleswitchoff.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] 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"/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off2.wav" ] < --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalstreetlamp\medievalstreetlamp.object 55a56,61 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_on2.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off2.wav" ] > } > }, 66,70c72 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_on1.wav", "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/medievallamp_off2.wav" ] < --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\glitch\medievalswitchlever\medievalswitchlever.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 37,40c43 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < 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"/sfx/objects/torch_on2.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/torch_off1.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off2.wav", "/sfx/objects/torch_off3.wav" ] --- > // "interactive" : false objects\mission\trapchest\trapchest.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_large_open.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_large_close.wav" ] > } > }, 37,40c43 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_large_open.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_large_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostairlock\outpostairlock.object 40a41,46 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 47,50c53 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] 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"/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 65,68c71 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\outpost\outpostslidingdoor\outpostslidingdoor.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bunkerslidingdoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\apexshipdoor\apexshipdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\avianshipdoor\avianshipdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\floranshipdoor\floranshipdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] 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"/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\ship\novakidshipdoor\novakidshipdoor.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 39,42c45 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexcooldoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier10door\tier10door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier10switch\tier10switch.object 37a38,43 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 43,46c49 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier1door\tier1door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier1switch\tier1switch.object 32a33,38 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 38,41c44 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier2door\tier2door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier2switch\tier2switch.object 46a47,52 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 51,54c57 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier3door\tier3door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier3switch\tier3switch.object 36a37,42 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 42,46c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier4door\tier4door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bardoor2_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier4switch\tier4switch.object 35a36,41 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 41,45c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier5door\tier5door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier5switch\tier5switch.object 35a36,41 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 41,45c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier6door\tier6door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier6switch\tier6switch.object 35a36,41 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 41,44c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier7door\tier7door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier7switch\tier7switch.object 35a36,41 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 41,45c47 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier8door\tier8door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier8switch\tier8switch.object 36a37,42 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 42,46c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier9door\tier9door.object 33a34,39 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], > "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wooddoor_close.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\tiered\tier9switch\tier9switch.object 36a37,42 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] > } > }, 42,46c48 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchon.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/console_generic_switchoff.wav" ] < --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] objects\wired\alarm\alarm.animation 41a42,45 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "alarm" : ["/sfx/objects/redalert.wav"] objects\wired\alarm\alarm.lua 18c18 < entity.playImmediateSound(entity.configParameter("alarmSound")) --- > entity.playSound("alarm") objects\wired\alarm\alarm.object 34d33 < "alarmSound" : "/sfx/objects/redalert.wav", objects\wired\door\animatedslidingdoor.animation 61a62,66 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "open" : [], > "close" : [] objects\wired\door\door.animation 61a62,66 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "open" : [], > "close" : [] objects\wired\door\door.lua 69c69 < entity.playSound("closeSounds") --- > entity.playSound("close") 82c82 < entity.playSound("openSounds") --- > entity.playSound("open") objects\wired\light\light.lua 45c45,47 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > if entity.hasSound("on") then > entity.playSound("on"); > end 51c53,55 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > if entity.hasSound("off") then > entity.playSound("off"); > end objects\wired\momentaryswitch\momentaryswitch.lua 19c19 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 29c29 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 32c32 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\wired\shieldgenerator\shieldgenerator.lua 48c48 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 52c52 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); 54c54 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end objects\wired\shieldgenerator\shieldgenerator.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 38,41c44 < "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 0] ] objects\wired\smallwallbutton\smallwallbutton.object 30c30,34 < --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallbutton.wav" ] > } > }, 38,40c42 < "interval" : 15, < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallbutton.wav" ] --- > "interval" : 15 objects\wired\smallwallswitch\smallwallswitch.object 29a30,35 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 37,40c43 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\wired\smallwallswitch\smallwallswitchlighttoggle.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\wired\smallwallswitch\smallwallswitchlit.object 31a32,37 > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] > } > }, 40,43c46 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/apexconsole2switch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, -1] ] objects\wired\standingturret\standingturret.animation 192a193 > 199a201,208 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "powerUp" : ["/sfx/tech/mech_jump3.wav"], > "powerDown" : ["/sfx/tech/mech_powerdown2.wav"], > "foundTarget" : ["/sfx/interface/nav_computer_on.wav"], > "scan" : ["/sfx/interface/scan.wav"], > "fire" : ["/sfx/gun/ar5.wav"] objects\wired\standingturret\standingturret.lua 20,21d19 < self.sounds = entity.configParameter("sounds") < 66c64 < gunStats["fireSound"] = getFireSound(gun) or self.sounds["fire"] --- > gunStats["fireSound"] = getFireSound(gun) 338c336 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.sounds["powerUp"]) --- > entity.playSound("powerUp") 408c406 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.sounds["powerDown"]) --- > entity.playSound("powerDown") 428c426 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.sounds["foundTarget"]) --- > entity.playSound("foundTarget") 451c449,452 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.gunStats.fireSound) --- > if self.gunStats.fireSound then > entity.setSoundPool("fire", {self.gunStats.fireSound}) > end > entity.playSound("fire") 524c525 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.sounds["powerDown"]) --- > entity.playSound("powerDown") 526c527 < entity.playImmediateSound(self.sounds["scan"]) --- > entity.playSound("scan") objects\wired\standingturret\standingturret.object 139,146d138 < "sounds" : { < "powerUp" : "/sfx/tech/mech_jump3.wav", < "powerDown" : "/sfx/tech/mech_powerdown2.wav", < "foundTarget" : "/sfx/interface/nav_computer_on.wav", < "scan" : "/sfx/interface/scan.wav", < "fire" : "/sfx/gun/ar5.wav" < }, < objects\wired\switch\persistentswitch.lua 27c27 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 32c32 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\wired\switch\switch.lua 21c21 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 26c26 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\wired\switch\switch3.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] objects\wired\switch\switch4.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle.animation 39a40,44 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle2.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle2lit.animation 65a66,70 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 68,70d72 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle2slow.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle3.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle3fast.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle4.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle4loop.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] objects\wired\switch\switchtoggle5.animation 41a42,46 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "on" : [], > "off" : [] 44,46d48 < < < objects\wired\switch\switchwithinput.lua 25c25 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 30c30 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\wired\switch\switchwithinputalwayslit.lua 24c24 < entity.playSound("onSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("on"); 28c28 < entity.playSound("offSounds"); --- > entity.playSound("off"); objects\wired\tinywallbutton\tinywallbutton.object 30c30,34 < --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallbutton.wav" ] > } > }, 38,40c42 < "interval" : 15, < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallbutton.wav" ] --- > "interval" : 15 objects\wired\tinywallswitch\tinywallswitch.object 30c30,35 < --- > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.wav" ], > "off" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.wav" ] > } > }, 36,39c41 < "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ], < < "onSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.wav" ], < "offSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/tinywallswitch.wav" ] --- > "outboundNodes" : [ [0, 0] ] particles\bubbleboost.particle 5c5 < "animation" : "/animations/bubbleboost/bubbleboost.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/blinkout/blinkout.animation", 7,8c7,9 < "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], < "approach" : [0, -4], --- > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 0.0], > "finalVelocity" : [30, 0], > "approach" : [5, -4], 10c11 < "destructionTime" : 7, --- > "destructionTime" : 2, 14c15 < "timeToLive" : 0.7, --- > "timeToLive" : 1.5, plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowbrains\snowbrains.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowbubbles\snowbubbles.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowcloudy\snowcloudy.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowfrumpy\snowfrumpy.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowgreenleaves\snowgreenleaves.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowhanging\snowhanging.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowleafy\snowleafy.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowlotus\snowlotus.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowpine\snowpine.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowredleaves\snowredleaves.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\foliage\snowscraggy\snowscraggy.modularfoliage 7c7,9 < [ { "item" : "sapling" } ] --- > [ { "item" : "sapling" }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 2 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowbirch\snowbirch.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowcocoa\snowcocoa.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowfleshy\snowfleshy.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowgrumpy\snowgrumpy.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowmetal\snowmetal.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowpine\snowpine.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowpinetree\snowpinetree.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowslimey\snowslimey.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowsomething\snowsomething.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowspikey\snowspikey.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowtwisted\snowtwisted.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > plants\trees\snow\stem\snowwood\snowwood.modularstem 9c9,11 < [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 } ] --- > [ { "item" : "fullwood1", "count" : 3 }, { "item" : "snowball", "count" : 1 } ] > > player\stat_primary.animation 1a2,4 > "sounds" : { > "ouch" : [] > } recipes\biomes\snow\snowman.recipe 11c11 < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "objects", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "plain", "objects", "all" ] recipes\kitchen\tier2\applecrumble.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "redredapple", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "redapple", "count" : 1 } recipes\kitchen\tier2\kiwijuice.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "carrotjuice", "count" : 1 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "kiwijuice", "count" : 1 }, recipes\weapons\tier3\giganticsnowball.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "plain", "weapons", "all" ] recipes\weapons\tier3\largesnowball.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "plain", "weapons", "all" ] recipes\weapons\tier3\mediumsnowball.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "plain", "weapons", "all" ] recipes\weapons\tier3\snowball.recipe 6c6 < "groups" : [ "craftingtable", "weapons", "all" ] --- > "groups" : [ "plain", "weapons", "all" ] species\penguin.species 3c3 < "index" : 6, --- > "index" : 7, stats\player_primary.lua 4a5,9 > > local ouchNoise = status.statusProperty("ouchNoise") > if ouchNoise then > animator.setSoundPool("ouch", {ouchNoise}) > end 23c28 < animator.playImmediateSound(status.statusProperty("ouchNoise")) --- > animator.playSound("ouch") tech\automobile\car.lua 3d2 < self.fireTimer = 0 5c4 < tech.rotateGroup("guns", 0, true) --- > self.honkTimer = 0 10,16c9 < local mechTransformPositionChange = tech.parameter("mechTransformPositionChange") < mcontroller.translate({-mechTransformPositionChange[1], -mechTransformPositionChange[2]}) < tech.setParentOffset({0, 0}) < = false < tech.setVisible(false) < tech.setParentState() < tech.setToolUsageSuppressed(false) --- > deactivate() 23c16 < return "mechDeactivate" --- > return "carDeactivate" 25c18 < return "mechActivate" --- > return "carActivate" 28c21 < return "mechFire" --- > return "carHorn" 36,37c29 < local mechCustomMovementParameters = tech.parameter("mechCustomMovementParameters") < local mechTransformPositionChange = tech.parameter("mechTransformPositionChange") --- > local carCustomMovementParameters = tech.parameter("carCustomMovementParameters") 39,60c31,39 < local mechCollisionTest = tech.parameter("mechCollisionTest") < local mechAimLimit = tech.parameter("mechAimLimit") * math.pi / 180 < local mechFrontRotationPoint = tech.parameter("mechFrontRotationPoint") < local mechFrontFirePosition = tech.parameter("mechFrontFirePosition") < local mechBackRotationPoint = tech.parameter("mechBackRotationPoint") < local mechBackFirePosition = tech.parameter("mechBackFirePosition") < local mechFireCycle = tech.parameter("mechFireCycle") < local mechProjectile = tech.parameter("mechProjectile") < local mechProjectileConfig = tech.parameter("mechProjectileConfig") < < if not and args.actions["mechActivate"] then < mechCollisionTest[1] = mechCollisionTest[1] + mcontroller.position()[1] < mechCollisionTest[2] = mechCollisionTest[2] + mcontroller.position()[2] < mechCollisionTest[3] = mechCollisionTest[3] + mcontroller.position()[1] < mechCollisionTest[4] = mechCollisionTest[4] + mcontroller.position()[2] < if not world.rectCollision(mechCollisionTest) then < tech.burstParticleEmitter("mechActivateParticles") < mcontroller.translate(mechTransformPositionChange) < tech.setVisible(true) < tech.setParentState("sit") < tech.setToolUsageSuppressed(true) < = true --- > > if not and args.actions["carActivate"] then > local carCollisionTest = tech.parameter("carCollisionTest") > carCollisionTest[1] = carCollisionTest[1] + mcontroller.position()[1] > carCollisionTest[2] = carCollisionTest[2] + mcontroller.position()[2] > carCollisionTest[3] = carCollisionTest[3] + mcontroller.position()[1] > carCollisionTest[4] = carCollisionTest[4] + mcontroller.position()[2] > if not world.rectCollision(carCollisionTest) then > activate() 64,71c43,44 < elseif and (args.actions["mechDeactivate"] or energyCostPerSecond * args.dt > args.availableEnergy) then < tech.burstParticleEmitter("mechDeactivateParticles") < mcontroller.translate({-mechTransformPositionChange[1], -mechTransformPositionChange[2]}) < tech.setVisible(false) < tech.setParentState() < tech.setToolUsageSuppressed(false) < tech.setParentOffset({0, 0}) < = false --- > elseif and (args.actions["carDeactivate"] or energyCostPerSecond * args.dt > args.availableEnergy) then > deactivate() 79c52 < mcontroller.controlParameters(mechCustomMovementParameters) --- > mcontroller.controlParameters(carCustomMovementParameters) 85,92d57 < < if aimAngle > 0 then < aimAngle = math.max(aimAngle, math.pi - mechAimLimit) < else < aimAngle = math.min(aimAngle, -math.pi + mechAimLimit) < end < < tech.rotateGroup("guns", math.pi - aimAngle) 98,105d62 < < if aimAngle > 0 then < aimAngle = math.min(aimAngle, mechAimLimit) < else < aimAngle = math.max(aimAngle, -mechAimLimit) < end < < tech.rotateGroup("guns", aimAngle) 116c73 < tech.setAnimationState("movement", "backWalk") --- > tech.setAnimationState("movement", "driveReverse") 118c75 < tech.setAnimationState("movement", "walk") --- > tech.setAnimationState("movement", "driveForward") 124,136c81,83 < if args.actions["mechFire"] then < if self.fireTimer <= 0 then < world.spawnProjectile(mechProjectile, vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), tech.anchorPoint("frontGunFirePoint")),, {math.cos(aimAngle), math.sin(aimAngle)}, false, mechProjectileConfig) < self.fireTimer = self.fireTimer + mechFireCycle < tech.setAnimationState("frontFiring", "fire") < else < local oldFireTimer = self.fireTimer < self.fireTimer = self.fireTimer - args.dt < if oldFireTimer > mechFireCycle / 2 and self.fireTimer <= mechFireCycle / 2 then < world.spawnProjectile(mechProjectile, vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), tech.anchorPoint("backGunFirePoint")),, {math.cos(aimAngle), math.sin(aimAngle)}, false, mechProjectileConfig) < tech.setAnimationState("backFiring", "fire") < end < end --- > if args.actions["carHorn"] and self.honkTimer <= 0 then > tech.playSound("carHorn") > self.honkTimer = tech.parameter("honkTime") 138a86,87 > if self.honkTimer > 0 then self.honkTimer = self.honkTimer - args.dt end > 142a92,108 > end > > function activate() > tech.burstParticleEmitter("carActivateParticles") > tech.setVisible(true) > tech.setParentState("sit") > tech.setToolUsageSuppressed(true) > = true > end > > function deactivate() > tech.burstParticleEmitter("carDeactivateParticles") > tech.setVisible(false) > tech.setParentState() > tech.setToolUsageSuppressed(false) > tech.setParentOffset({0, 0}) > = false tech\blink\blink.lua 77c77 < if doLiquidCheck and (world.visibleLiquidAt(position) or world.visibleLiquidAt({position[1], position[2] + blinkFootOffset})) then --- > if doLiquidCheck and (world.liquidAt(position) or world.liquidAt({position[1], position[2] + blinkFootOffset})) then tech\blink\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", tech\blink\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", tech\booster\bubbleboost.animation 24c24,25 < "particle" : "bubbleboost" --- > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, -1] 27c28,29 < "particle" : "bubbleboost" --- > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, -1] 30c32,33 < "particle" : "bubbleboost" --- > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, 0] 33c36,170 < "particle" : "bubbleboost" --- > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [-1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [0, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledot", > "offset" : [1, 1] > }, > // > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [-1, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [0, 1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, -1] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, 0] > }, > { > "particle" : "gravitybubbledotwhite", > "offset" : [1, 1] tech\booster\ 10,11c10,11 < "boostSpeed" : 40, < "energyUsagePerSecond" : 140 --- > "boostSpeed" : 10, > "energyUsagePerSecond" : 45 tech\booster\bubbleboost.techitem 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Press and hold Jump in the air to float around with this Bubble Boost tech.", < "shortdescription" : "Bubble Boost", --- > "description" : "Press and hold Jump plus a direction in the air to float around with this Particle Boost tech.", > "shortdescription" : "Particle Boost", tech\dash\dash.lua 2a3 > self.dashing = false 57a59,61 > local groundOnly = tech.parameter("groundOnly") > local groundValid = not groundOnly or mcontroller.onGround() > 59c63 < if args.actions["dashRight"] and self.dashTimer <= 0 and args.availableEnergy > energyUsage then --- > if args.actions["dashRight"] and groundValid and self.dashTimer <= 0 and args.availableEnergy > energyUsage then 64c68 < elseif args.actions["dashLeft"] and self.dashTimer <= 0 and args.availableEnergy > energyUsage then --- > elseif args.actions["dashLeft"] and groundValid and self.dashTimer <= 0 and args.availableEnergy > energyUsage then 72a77 > self.dashing = true 91a97,102 > > if self.dashing and tech.parameter("stopAfterDash") then > local movementParams = mcontroller.baseParameters() > mcontroller.controlApproachXVelocity(self.dashDirection * movementParams.runSpeed, dashControlForce) > end > self.dashing = false tech\dash\ 3c3 < "type" : "legs", --- > "type" : "body", tech\mech\apexmech\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", tech\mech\glitchmech\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", tech\mech\humanmech\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", tech\morphball\ 3c3 < "type" : "body", --- > "type" : "head", 34c34 < "energyCostPerSecond" : 35, --- > "energyCostPerSecond" : 65, tech\multijump\ 10,11c10 < "energyUsage" : 35, < "sound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_doublejump.wav" --- > "energyUsage" : 0 tech\multijump\multijump.animation 34a35,38 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "multiJumpSound" : ["/sfx/tech/tech_doublejump.wav"] tech\multijump\multijump.lua 24c24 < tech.playImmediateSound(tech.parameter("sound")) --- > tech.playSound("multiJumpSound") tech\superjump\rocketjump.animation 43a44,47 > }, > > "sounds" : { > "jumpSound" : ["/sfx/tech/tech_superjump.wav"] tech\superjump\ 12,13c12 < "superjumpTime" : 0.1, < "superjumpSound" : "/sfx/tech/tech_superjump.wav" --- > "superjumpTime" : 0.1 tech\superjump\superjump.lua 18d17 < local superjumpSound = tech.parameter("superjumpSound") 23c22 < tech.playImmediateSound(superjumpSound) --- > tech.playSound("jumpSound") treasure\biome.treasurepools 116a117,144 > "snowChestTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.5, "pool" : "snowTreasure"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 1], > [0.7, 2], > [0.2, 3] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > "snowTreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : ["snowball", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowgun"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "survivalgearback"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowinfantryhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowinfantrychest"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "snowinfantrypants"} > ] > }] > ], > 375c403 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "survivalgearback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "frostcrownhead"} treasure\default.treasurechests 61a62,69 > "snowChest" : [ > { > "containers" : [ "chestavian2" ], > "treasurePool" : "snowChestTreasure", > "minimumLevel" : 1 > } > ], >