FILES ----- dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase-objects.png dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase-wires1.png [NEW] dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase-wires2.png dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase.dungeon dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase.png interface\ai\givebeamaxe.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxeliquid1.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxepower1.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxepower2.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxepower3.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxepower4.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxesize1.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxesize2.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxesize3.aicommand [NEW] interface\ai\upgradebeamaxesize4.aicommand interface\ai\upgradeship2.aicommand items\tools\miningtools\beamaxe.beamaxe monsters\boss\missile\behavior.lua monsters\boss\missile\missile.monstertype objects\human\prisonfloodlight\prisonfloodlight.object objects\ship\apexshiplight\apexshiplightbroken.object DIFFS ----- dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase.dungeon 183a184,195 > > { > "value" : [217, 206, 180, 255], > "comment" : "background gravel block", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "gravel" ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [140, 133, 116, 255], > "comment" : "foreground gravel block", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "back", "gravel" ], [ "front", "gravel" ] ] > }, 1441c1453 < "value" : [106, 229, 23, 255], --- > "value" : [35, 77, 8, 255], 1447c1459 < "value" : [100, 217, 22, 255], --- > "value" : [28, 64, 6, 255], 1453,1454c1465,1466 < "value" : [35, 77, 8, 255], < "comment" : "lunarbaseconsole facing left", --- > "value" : [106, 229, 23, 255], > "comment" : "lunarbaseconsole facing left - on state", 1459,1460c1471,1472 < "value" : [28, 64, 6, 255], < "comment" : "lunarbaseconsole facing right", --- > "value" : [100, 217, 22, 255], > "comment" : "lunarbaseconsole facing right - on state", 1620a1633,1638 > "value" : [71, 77, 8, 255], > "comment" : "prisonfloodlight - off state", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlight", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ] > }, > > { 1693c1711 < "def" : [ "image", [ "lunarbase.png", "lunarbase-objects.png", "lunarbase-wires1.png" ] ] --- > "def" : [ "image", [ "lunarbase.png", "lunarbase-objects.png", "lunarbase-wires1.png", "lunarbase-wires2.png" ] ] interface\ai\givebeamaxe.aicommand 23a24,27 > }, > { > "action" : "EnableCommand", > "command" : "upgradeBeamaxeSize1" interface\ai\upgradeship2.aicommand 7,8c7,8 < "itemsRequired" : [ ["corefragmentore", 20] ], < "moneyRequired" : 500, --- > "itemsRequired" : [ ["corefragmentore", 20] ], > "moneyRequired" : 500, 35c35 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 59c59 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 83c83 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 107c107 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 131c131 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 155c155 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", 179c179 < "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", --- > "text" : "I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need 1000 pixels and 20 core fragments from the planet below.", items\tools\miningtools\beamaxe.beamaxe 13c13 < "blockRadius" : 2, --- > "blockRadius" : 1, 14a15,17 > "tileDamage" : 1.0, > "harvestLevel" : 7, > "canCollectLiquid" : false, monsters\boss\missile\behavior.lua 25,26c25,29 < --get relative target position < local tarDelta = world.distance(world.entityPosition(, entity.position()) --- > if not world.entityExists( then > = 0 > else > --get relative target position > local tarDelta = world.distance(world.entityPosition(, entity.position()) 28,29c31,32 < --calculate angle and angular distance to target < local tarAngle = util.wrapAngle(math.atan2(tarDelta[2], tarDelta[1])) --- > --calculate angle and angular distance to target > local tarAngle = util.wrapAngle(math.atan2(tarDelta[2], tarDelta[1])) 31,33c34,36 < local angleDelta = tarAngle - self.angle < if angleDelta > math.pi then angleDelta = angleDelta - 2 * math.pi end < if angleDelta < -math.pi then angleDelta = angleDelta + 2 * math.pi end --- > local angleDelta = tarAngle - self.angle > if angleDelta > math.pi then angleDelta = angleDelta - 2 * math.pi end > if angleDelta < -math.pi then angleDelta = angleDelta + 2 * math.pi end 35,37c38,40 < --rotate toward target as much as rotateSpeed allows < local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -self.rotateSpeed, self.rotateSpeed) < self.angle = util.wrapAngle(self.angle + rotateAmount) --- > --rotate toward target as much as rotateSpeed allows > local rotateAmount = util.clamp(angleDelta, -self.rotateSpeed, self.rotateSpeed) > self.angle = util.wrapAngle(self.angle + rotateAmount) 39,40c42,43 < --match visual rotation to velocity < entity.rotateGroup("body", self.angle) --- > --match visual rotation to velocity > entity.rotateGroup("body", self.angle) 42,44c45,48 < --explode in proximity < if world.magnitude(tarDelta) <= 2 then < detonate() --- > --explode in proximity > if world.magnitude(tarDelta) <= 2 then > detonate() > end monsters\boss\missile\missile.monstertype 14c14 < "/monsters/unique/missile/behavior.lua", --- > "/monsters/boss/missile/behavior.lua", objects\human\prisonfloodlight\prisonfloodlight.object 46c46 < "anchors" : [ "top" ], --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, 1] ], 103c103 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, -1] ], objects\ship\apexshiplight\apexshiplightbroken.object 6,8c6,12 < "flickerDistance" : 1.0, < "flickerStrength" : 1.0, < "flickerTiming" : 2, --- > > "flickerPeriod" : 0.2, > "flickerMinIntensity" : -1, > "flickerMaxIntensity" : 0.4, > "flickerPeriodVariance" : 0.2, > "flickerIntensityVariance" : 0.5, > 12c16 < "shortdescription" : "Ship Light (Broken)", --- > "shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light",