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    Posted on 19-05-21, 13:59
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #311 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1783 days
    Last view: 1781 days
    Posted by tomman
    Even if we go back to magstripes (which is yet another bag of hurt: no ATM reads magstripes since The Big Switchover, and the very last magstripe-only cards issue over here were barely magnetized, which often involved a lot of cursing with endless card reader errors), said cards still have to be imported.

    Wait, what? Just how scarce on resources are you?
    Magstripe cards do not exactly have strict tolerances. You could probably achieve something barely passing with VHS tape and cardboard, or just re-use old cards - I assume the banks at least have their embossing machines left.

    Completely unironically, why can't they just use phones? It works even in Africa.

    Not that we're going to need banks for the next year anyway... in the country where food sellers at the streets ("bachaqueros") not only no longer take anything but hard currency, they even REJECT anything under $10 banknotes! ONLY IN VENEZUELA™, people: the only country where not every greenback is welcome!

    Huh, what's the story on this?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-21, 18:27

    Post: #343 of 1318
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 16 days
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    Posted by sureanem
    Posted by tomman
    Even if we go back to magstripes (which is yet another bag of hurt: no ATM reads magstripes since The Big Switchover, and the very last magstripe-only cards issue over here were barely magnetized, which often involved a lot of cursing with endless card reader errors), said cards still have to be imported.

    Wait, what? Just how scarce on resources are you?
    Magstripe cards do not exactly have strict tolerances. You could probably achieve something barely passing with VHS tape and cardboard, or just re-use old cards - I assume the banks at least have their embossing machines left.

    Completely unironically, why can't they just use phones? It works even in Africa.

    <DiabloInmortal>DO YOU EVEN HAVE PHONES?!</DiabloInmortal>
    Not if a SIM card costs way more than a kilo of beef (just asked today: a SIM card costs VES 35000, a kilo of meat, ~25000. Minimum wage starts at 40000, and ATMs only give VES 3000 daily, when they work). Also, Can You Hear Me Now?™ is our standard of mobile service. Mobile payments ARE a thing, when they work they do beautifully (be it over mobile pay apps for smartdevices, or if you're lucky, your bank will allow you to pay via SMS. At least on this one, we're miles ahead of USA... but so are nearly every other country in the world where banks and OEMs don't rule the show, but the public interest). But that's not on the banks but on our fragile mobile networks, victims of neglect and frequent vandalism.

    Posted by sureanem

    Not that we're going to need banks for the next year anyway... in the country where food sellers at the streets ("bachaqueros") not only no longer take anything but hard currency, they even REJECT anything under $10 banknotes! ONLY IN VENEZUELA™, people: the only country where not every greenback is welcome!

    Huh, what's the story on this?

    It's called "total and complete anarchy", the terminal phase of your average communist regime.
    Read it up online and weep.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-21, 22:10
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #313 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1783 days
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    Wait, what? That's over $6/SIM according to dolartoday (are they trustworthy?). I don't think they cost as much here in the first world, even after factoring in all the certifications and stuff. Bulk price from China is $0.10 a piece, for reference.

    Anecdote: my cell provider had to send me a few of them because I fat-fingered their website, and didn't charge for it. It seems like they at least would have some kind of "confirm" dialog if it costs them that much.

    I would ask what the hell is going on in your country, but I have a feeling I already know your answer to that question. But how can you have smartphones without affording SIM cards? What?


    Even over shitty 2G GSM, you could key in a few numbers and hang up. Without internet, a locally computed QR code on your end and a camera on theirs would work fine.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-22, 23:48

    Post: #12 of 13
    Since: 04-30-19

    Last post: 1967 days
    Last view: 1967 days
    Heres my shit:

    man, the blackouts, i literally had a 3 day miniblackout for the lulz of the energy provider (the next street to my house had electricity, the whole time, not even timed blackout anymore)

    ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art.
    Posted on 19-06-12, 22:31

    Post: #393 of 1318
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 16 days
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    (and that's assuming armored trucks can actually deliver, given the current mass fuel shortages and rationing. No, sadly people is not rioting because Venezuelans are sadomasochist to the extreme)

    Suddenly the bunch of VES 500 banknotes I have on my bag are worth shit. I guess I'll need a bigger box for my collection....

    (that's "how not to control a hyperinflation FOR DUMMIES" grade material)

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-06-12, 23:07
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #385 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1783 days
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    What in tarnation?

    The website is HTTP-only. If you go there with HTTPS, it uses a self-signed cert and then redirects you to the HTTP site anyway.

    What's going on here anyway? In particular, why are they randomly double-spacing their press releases? Why do they call it the Monetary Cone? Why are they using WhatsApp to transmit their official press photos?


    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-06-12, 23:30
    Has been working on the railroad

    Post: #266 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 215 days
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    Because there clearly was a point where they should have stopped, but they missed it and they mistakenly believe another point is coming up.

    It's not. It's idiocy all the way to the gorge.
    Posted on 19-06-16, 19:36
    Post: #5 of 17
    Since: 06-02-19

    Last post: 1711 days
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    Argentina and Uruguay scramble to restore power after massive outage
    Still better than Venezula, though. (outage getting fixed promptly)
    Posted on 19-07-03, 00:00

    Post: #419 of 1318
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 16 days
    Last view: 9 hours
    So here I am, one week without DSL access AT ALL because my phone line is now dead as a dissident. All I have at hand right now is a bunch of useless Movistar 3G phones ("CHOOSE OUTAGES" is their new motto, replacing their former "CHOOSE IT ALL"), and a loaned Movilnet 3G stick that is barely useable, and since its owner don't even want to tell me what data plan they hired for this, I'm effectively confined to like 10 minutes or 10MB of data PER DAY (that is: fetch email, logon on bank to check balances, maybe pay something if for whatever chance there is money, disconnect. And that's with adblockers!)

    No job ("eventual jobs" that are paid "someday" don't count in hyperinflation), no money in the bank (and the banknotes on my wallet are literally evaporating in value, while retailers are even "devastating" the allmighty dollar!), hard to sell all of my remaining computer junk (as electronics are not edible, and people only buy food with whatever they can get in their hands), every appliance on this house is leaking/seizing/freezing/refusing to work at all, and of course, the usual "what we're going to eat this week?!". With people leaving the country in hordes like rats leaving a sinking ship, and commies gonna commie while LOLoppositors still wait for their useless "peaceful" exits, nothing is improving. Looks like my mental health is actually getting eroded at a increasingly fast pace, in the middle of this madness, as I can't find solutions. Fuck, I can't even order the ideas on my mind to compose this post.

    But hey, keep listening to the shit spoken by the League of Stern Words People, aka the UN, OAS, EU (why would they even care about a non-European country in first place?!). They don't really care, and/or they're absolutely powerless to do anything. The only ones that could do are too busy giving cheap discourses on "please stop being commies, pretty please" (USA and friends), or running away without figthing the war for freedom (every single Venezuelan that has left the country, usually to end moping floors, washing cars, or pick-pocketing, which are the most usual "jobs" for most of those that have left). In fact, I'm fucking glad that some countries have started closing its doors to the massive influx of Venezuelan defectors (YES, I AM CALLING THEM THAT WAY, if you don't want to defend your fucking country, the one where you came to life, the one that gave you EVERYTHING you are, you don't deserve to live anywhere else then), as that's the only way to convince people to go back and think. But I guess we're so fucking retarded (and cowards), so we're letting Maduro and pals destroy whatever is left from this shithole.

    Keep spouting that "the only possible exit must be a peaceful one" shit, you MORONS. Because that has worked so well for Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Syria...

    ...and in the meanwhile I'm enjoying the joys of an all-digital gaming life, with a Steam client whose offline mode is simply not working, and with whatever few games I have on GOG/Humble Bundle inaccessible despite being "mine" simply because I can't download them without a working connection. Anyway, not that gaming matters anymore at this stage of my life, where I'm literally struggling for staying sane. Nobody cares anyway.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-07-03, 09:45
    A very very naughty boy!

    Post: #289 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 215 days
    Last view: 2 hours
    Posted by tomman
    Nobody cares anyway.
    I care. I just don't know what to say, since I can't actually do anything.
    Posted on 19-07-03, 11:41
    Full mod

    Post: #293 of 443
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 1121 days
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    ^-- what he said.

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 19-07-03, 11:52
    Custom title here

    Post: #548 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 83 days
    Last view: 3 hours
    ^-- what he said.

    Seriously, man. I worry about you.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-07-03, 13:03
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #461 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1783 days
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    Posted by Kawa
    Posted by tomman
    Nobody cares anyway.
    I care. I just don't know what to say, since I can't actually do anything.


    On a more practical note: for your browsing, have you tried blocking images, or even going by elinks+SSH? It should save a lot of data, while keeping sites relatively intact.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-07-23, 00:05

    Post: #448 of 1318
    Since: 10-30-18

    Last post: 16 days
    Last view: 9 hours
    HERE WE FUCKING GO AGAIN https://netblocks.org/reports/venezuela-knocked-offline-after-nationwide-power-outage-3AnwjoB2 Posting this from my fucking phone, on they barely working Movistar LTE (Movilnet is a goner since they start) Communism wins. AGAIN.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-07-23, 09:42

    Post: #155 of 210
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 1896 days
    Last view: 1868 days
    Wait, SSH would increase the amount of data used...wha?
    Posted on 19-07-23, 15:24
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #534 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1783 days
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    Posted by Kakashi
    Wait, SSH would increase the amount of data used...wha?

    No. He would only need to download the visible portion of the page as rendered by elinks, not the actual page in itself. Since those are usually pretty big (e.g. a few hundred k), it's a net gain.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-07-23, 17:37
    Not Richard Pryor

    Post: #306 of 599
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 215 days
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    I'm posting this through elinks right now and did you know it can handle table-based layouts? "The visible portion" may very well include bits from the very end of the file. The big savings come from the lack of images and (in my case at least) Javascript support.
    Posted on 19-07-23, 23:02

    Post: #13 of 13
    Since: 04-30-19

    Last post: 1967 days
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    the best pàrt of this its that the government explanation can be summed to: "HURRHURR ELECTROMAGNESTATIC MANGASTOmPER ATTACK FROM THE DARK EMPIRE HUR"

    there are mini blackouts every twenty-thirty minutes right now, and i dont know howlong it going to resist it before another massive blackout happens again.

    the capital suffered it this time too

    On the brighter news
    https://www.ammoland.com/2019/03/venezuela-blackouts/#axzz5uXsq6iKt far right jokes are inbound.

    And yes, memezuela is oficcially the country were hydropower, with bout 80% of the country grid is served by it, so we are a lot more ecologic friendly than most of the first world?

    ------------------------------------------------- Porn makes everything better, even art.
    Posted on 19-07-24, 04:33

    Post: #156 of 210
    Since: 10-29-18

    Last post: 1896 days
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    Posted by sureanem
    Posted by Kakashi
    Wait, SSH would increase the amount of data used...wha?

    No. He would only need to download the visible portion of the page as rendered by elinks, not the actual page in itself. Since those are usually pretty big (e.g. a few hundred k), it's a net gain.

    Yeah, that's from elinks. I don't get how using SSH fits in, here.
    Posted on 19-07-24, 04:48
    Post: #63 of 202
    Since: 11-01-18

    Last post: 680 days
    Last view: 35 days
    maybe firewall bypassing? but blackouts are pretty hard firewalls to poke thru.
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      This does not actually go there and I regret nothing.