Posted on 19-07-06, 21:02 in New Realtek website... where are the audio drivers!?? (revision 1)
Post: #1 of 2
Since: 07-06-19

Last post: 1985 days
Last view: 1985 days
Posted by Nicholas Steel
I have a feeling the instability was caused by updates to Windows 10 rendering the O/S incompatible with the version of MSI Afterburner I was using (v4.6 Beta 10), I've now updated it to 4.6 beta 15 and also configured it to use the safer Kernel mode (since it's only being used to manage the fans and not monitor anything it shouldn't be costly to use kernel mode).

I just now also noticed Microsoft's implemented a hard block for the version of AIDA64 I've got installed (hardware monitoring software) lending some credibility to the old version of MSI Afterburner being a culprit (another hardware monitoring utility).

Edit: Or not, I'm locked out of a lot of my HDD partitions with this error: the error stopped after a reboot and my copy of AIDA64 now works >.>

maybe it's time to use an LTSB or LTSC version of Win10, Nicholas Steel, which only get security updates and not the big feature updates. I have Win10 LTSC 2019 installed on my old HP computer and using a more recent Realtek HDA audio driver in the 8700s than R2.82 (v6.0.1.8186).

also your ASUS P6T board is not supported by Win10 - ASUS did not test that board for compatibility with Win10 and did not provide updated drivers for it (your mobo is barely a decade old; time to get a new board that uses newer CPU & RAM chips).

and if you need recent Realtek HDA (nonUAD) drivers, you can find some at this github page.
Posted on 19-07-06, 21:06 in Snes9x
Post: #2 of 2
Since: 07-06-19

Last post: 1985 days
Last view: 1985 days
Snes9x 1.60 released in late April 2019 on github

see the release notes there
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