Posted on 19-02-27, 22:21 in What would the perfect emudev language have?
Post: #1 of 4
Since: 12-27-18

Last post: 2012 days
Last view: 1791 days
Hey! I'm currently trying to design a DSL for emudev in Common Lisp, and I was wondering what features you guys think would be useful. Common Lisp already has arbitrary-size integers, at least, so...
Post: #2 of 4
Since: 12-27-18

Last post: 2012 days
Last view: 1791 days
These drivers include the video driver XShm, and the audio drivers libao and OSS. The video driver XVideo also shows corrupted video, but does not crash.

I'm on Arch Linux, on a Core i3-3217U processor, integrated graphics, and 8 GB of RAM.
Post: #3 of 4
Since: 12-27-18

Last post: 2012 days
Last view: 1791 days
Damn tomman, that's pretty late to be getting prepaid dial-up. I live in the US, and I had 10mbps broadband cable internet in 2003ish. It was also a business line lol.
Posted on 19-06-02, 00:18 in Super Everdrive v1 problem (revision 1)
Post: #4 of 4
Since: 12-27-18

Last post: 2012 days
Last view: 1791 days
Okay, so I tried running one of krom's test ROMs to see if it worked on my Super Everdrive v1, and i keep getting a ROM header 3 error. I can't find a SINGLE trace of the manual for this version of the flashcart, and it's really pissing me off, since I can't figure out WTF is wrong with this stupid thing.
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